[2.4] Graves guide
Graves Build
Best Build Guide for Graves

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Start item:
You start with an Long Sword so you have the fastes jungle clear possipl
This Items gives you more movement speet and a littel bit damage which is super nice because you don' neet to rush boots.
With this Item you gain more crit range and atack speet. It also gives ykou a littel shild and 5& more movementspeet.
This item gives you realy importent armor penetration and more damage.
On the second status of boots you can run literally everithing which you want. I like running wit h the life steal because you don't neet to go back so often.
This items find use if you want to run ignite ore you just want better positinig.
If you have a lot of cc in your enemy team this item can safe your life.I almost always tun this item because it gives you more movement speet aswel.
If you realy want to go deep in the back line ore you neet to engage this item can find yousage.
Bruiser graves:
You start with the core Items which i already explaint. Then you go with the .
After you have finnisht you 4. Item you have the choice. If you are a head i run with so you have more burst damage. If i you are behind i go with
as 5. Item.
And as last item you just buy what remains.
Alterniv items:
If you want to run lifesteal you can run to be more tanky ore you can run
so you wont be burstet.
If you run against realy squishi team's you can go with crit graves.For more atack speet and crit chance you can built.This items give you some magic damage and more movement speet.For crit you coult also go with. With this item your crits will deal more damage
If you run against a lot of tanks in the enemy team you coult built do have more armor penetration.
Graves Runes
Best Runes for Graves

Your want to go with Conquer and Brutal to have more damage and Mastermind to have a better jungle clear. You can also go with Triumph.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Graves Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
He normaly just can't kill you. You have a better jungle clear and can 1 vs 1 him.

I don't have anythink more to say ifmyou want to know 1. clear ore combos watch the guide from Passionth.

Important thinks
Against all meeli champion you realy neet to play around your bigger range. Try to always position yourself so that you play arout the outer sicle of your range.
Try to use your s 3 realy well against meele champion.