[2.1] Diamond EU Lulu Guide
Diamond EU Lulu Guide
Lulu Build
Best Build Guide for Lulu

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
The early core item of locket prior to ardent allows you to integrate yourself as a defensive necessity in early game objective fights - first dragon being an example of this, the standardized "buff your team" items of ardent and harmonic edge come as a usual core, then liandrys torment comes as an oddity, the overtime damage and increase combat damage allows for easy point and click burns in addition to your ability 1 slow to feel more interactive in the later game allowing for a more versatile hybrid approach to teamfights, this opposed to the regular.
Lulu Runes
Best Runes for Lulu

Ideally your dragon laner can punish the use of your slow in lane, due to weakness increasing the damage they take post-slow for 5 seconds - this should urge you to harass in lane to make your dragon laners job easier, mana flow allows you to use your abilities more freely.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners

Summative approach
The basis of playing Lulu is to be oppressive and poke with ability 3 and ability 1 in lane, utilizing the max range and saving ability 2 for ganks and engages from the enemy support, with considerations to moving to objectives quicker, moving out of base; helping your teammate dodge skill shots that you read are about to be throw, it's a great tool to utilize quicker rotations, chasing enemies down and other various reasons that are situational, idealistically you will be behind your team - i'd suggest commonly moving your camera around team fights whilst still taking into consideration your movement patterns whilst you read the team fight - does your engage need a shield or your ADC - situational depending on your adc, there's many questions that can't be directly answered.. but observation and calculating priority targets for each ability and the shift in momentum in team fights is key to winning.
I haven't mentioned the ultimate ability, as that's under the same circumstance as to who needs it, will your team benefit from you ult'ing the shyvana post enagage for example, providing an AOE knockup in the radius, or are you going to funnel the hyper carry jinx with all your will, heart, sweat, tears, personal belongings and paypal!