by brockit

[2.1] Ashe Guide - Support Ashe

Patch 2.1
March 14, 2021 22:28

Support Ashe

Support and Carry and same time

Ashe Build

Best Build Guide for Ashe

Starting Items
Brawler's Gloves
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Runaan's Hurricane
Ardent Censer
Athene's Unholy Grail
Locket Enchant
Nashor's Tooth
Protector's Vow
Awakened Soulstealer
Mortal Reminder
Shadows Enchant
ADC instead
Runaan's Hurricane
Blade of the Ruined King
Gluttonous Greaves
Mortal Reminder
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Umbral Glaive

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

I like to start with a Brawlers Glove as you want to poke with autos as much as possible and early surprise crits can lead to snowballing.

Font of Life Rune makes this build work, with out it dont build this.  Get Hurricane first to do damage and applying Ashes slow passive to multiple enemies and maximize font of life.  Ardent procs are good for Ashe also just make sure you are laning or grouping with team to proc the font of life heals, but Ardent can also proc from long range with ult.  Athenes is amazing on font of life Ashe, she might be the best user for the heal with font of life as long as you and an ally are attacking the same targets this item will heal none stop as there is no cooldown for it! note unlike ardent the athenes will not proc from long range ults but you will get stacks to use later.  get CDR boots for more Ults and enchant with locket for on demand shield with enhanced ardent/athenes.  Finally get Nashors to utilize the AP from the support items into auto attack on hit damage, this item also gives tons of attack speed and CDR, AP will make your Ult hit hard.  Last item is flexible, Protectors for more armor and shields, SoulStealer for more Ults, Mortal for heal redux, Harmonic could be an option too but Athenes gives you more then enough healing as long as your allies auto your targets to proc font of life. 

Quick note for shadow enchant boots if you have a tank that likes to engage these can be a good too as they work nice with Ashe's kit I often buy them when not support too. Combo with Hawk shot to scout out enemy jungler or to slow from afar to set up a ranged ult, with this build they also proc font of life from a far giving ardent buff at range to allies so is very useful here, but as support Locket is just better to apply Athenes on command and help team fight tankiness. 

Ashe Runes

Best Runes for Ashe

Font of Life
Font of Life
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

Font of Life is core for this build, see item description for how to abuse it with your passive. Weakness is also always in play with your passive, loyalty and pack hunter is good as you should always be with your team or fellow Dragon Laner.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Frost Shot
Frost Shot - Passive
Ranger's Focus
Ranger's Focus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners


Ashe Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Try to lane with champs that like to Auto Attack


Ashe Support

This build is centered around the rune Font of Life with Ashe's passive slow and abusing items like Athene's to constantly heal your ally and Hurricane to do the same in team fights with an auto attack heavy team enchanted with Ardent.

Font of Life Rune makes this build work, with out it dont build this.  Get Hurricane first to do damage and applying Ashes slow passive to multiple enemies and maximize font of life.  Ardent procs are good for Ashe also just make sure you are laning or grouping with team to proc the font of life heals, but it can proc from long range with ult.  Athenes is amazing on font of life Ashe, she might be the best user for the heal with font of life as long as you and an ally are attacking the same targets this item will heal none stop as there is no cooldown for it! note unlike ardent the athenes will not proc from long range ults but you will get stacks to use later.  get CDR boots for more Ults and enchant with locket for on demand shield with enhanced ardent/athenes.  Finally get Nashors to utilize the AP from the support items into auto attack on hit damage, this item also gives tons of attack speed and CDR, AP will make your Ult hit hard.  Last item is flexible, Protectors for more armor and shields, SoulStealer for more Ults, Mortal for heal redux, Harmonic could be an option too but Athenes gives you more then enough healing as long as your allies auto your targets to proc font of life.


Skill order

Max Volley normally as it is your Poke and that is what you do best in lane. Your first skill is good to get points in once you have Hurricane and also to take down towers faster. Don't ignore Hawk Shot, use it on cooldown to check enemy jungle and work with your jungler to control the map I would put more points in it if we could but always get this last and first point at lvl 3 normally or lvl 4 if you need more burst from another skill.

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