[2.1] Miss Fortune Guide - Fortune Doesn't Favor FOOLS!
Miss Fortune Build
Best Build Guide for Miss Fortune

Item Build Description
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Like to start with Brawlers as having a crit chance is better then not but since your double up second hit is always a crit a long sword most of the time as first item. first b) Haunting Guise if leveling make it rain for AP harassment from a range.
Once you get Liandry's the Shadows enchant on boots can be real useful as liandy's ticks for double damage if target is slow, the ghost can also find enemys out of position for your ult to mow em down and also make it rain slows for max burn and to stay in combat longer to get 10% damage increase. Finish your IE as soon as you can you cant go wrong buying Infinity Edge, it gives you everything you need. I've tested against dummies' for DPS and 4 IE plus Mortal Reminder gives MF's ult the highest damage with 4 IE and Landry's being a close second. So Mortal Reminder is actually a good damage item for how gold efficient it is even if you dont need the grievous wounds heal redux but it is nice to have with your ult. Black Cleaver is also a good optional item if your team has other high AD champs then your ult will shred the the enemy teams armor in a flash also upping your DPS to finish off any survivors.
You should always get a second crit item even if its just a Agility Cloak wanting to aim for 45% to 50% crit, skipping ether the Black Cleaver if your team is AP heavy or the Liandry's if you max Double Shot for a 3rd IE will give 75% crit or Statikk Shiv is also amazing item if you dont want to depend on your ultimate SS can proc off Double shot can the effect can Crit as well.
infinity orb is good in theory as it will add crit to make it rain and your ult on low health enemies but the DPS vs other items in testing on target dummies proves IE is better as your ult can already Crit so just get 100% Crit to ACE the enemy team with one Ult
Lastly get hourglass/stasis over shadows if enemy assassins after your booty and especially if you dont get Liandrys or if your team/support has a slow. its just to good and will save you if your Ult goes wrong somehow..
Miss Fortune Runes
Best Runes for Miss Fortune

For Major I like Klepto for early game or turning a fight in your favor.
Next Rune Hunter: Vampirism as the only life steal is from boots so it will make up for it.
Last 2 Runes I'm running will always be Regeneration as make it rain and leave you low on mana.. and Hunter: Genius for ability haste to spam your abilites.

For Major Electrocute is easy to proc and gives burst in a trade.
Next Rune can go Brutal for the adaptive pen for poke damage
Last 2 Runes I'm running will always be Regeneration as make it rain and leave you low on mana.. and Hunter: Genius for ability haste to spam your abilites.

For Major Conqueror probably is gonna be best over all for after lane phase, pair it with Liandy's for 20% damage buff in long fights and your Ult damage will be INSANE.
Next Rune Triumph is best of both worlds as you get 3% more damage to low HP enemies and heal on takedowns.
Last 2 Runes I'm running will always be Regeneration as make it rain and leave you low on mana.. and Hunter: Genius for ability haste to spam your abilites.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Miss Fortune Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Poke and debuff
Take double up first as is more cost efficient and can get free crits with the bounce. Then take Make it Rain and prioritize leveling it if get the Liandy's early for constant damage to bully your lane. Strut is good 3rd and will help take down towers and get back to lane fast. The Utility side of this build is where your Ultimate is going to shine providing burn damage, shedding armor applying heal debuff and doing tons of damage, learning how to position and wait for the right moment to use it can wipe the entire enemy team off the Rift! try playing with Champs that have hard CC or can keep the enemy's in 1 sport for big combo plays