[2.4] Miss Fortune Guide - Miss Fortune's CRIT AINT LYING.
Miss Fortune's CRIT AINT LYING.
- Annoying lane bully.
- Scale well into mid-late game.
- Able to push fast with juggling her passive.
- Mana issue.
- Minimum mobility if caught.
- Hard to juggling her passive.
Miss Fortune Build
Best Build Guide for Miss Fortune

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
ADC build will revolve on keeping hitting with AD power and crit power. this is one of classic ADC build. we going to use
Essence Reaver
to enhance your
Double Up
with the crit chance plus all the items are bumping your crit chance.
APC build will revolve on how we use AP power, however not recommended as ADC but instead we gonna use this build as Support
Miss Fortune
instead. we gonna use
Luden's Echo
as another poke item with usage of
Double Up
. and then we gonna make it even more painful with
Liandry's Torment
Lethality build will revolve on
Double Up
and if you familiar with
lethality build, then i don't need to explain it for you. however, if you don't, this build is poking MF using
Double Up
plus extra damage from
and full lethality items
Miss Fortune Runes
Best Runes for Miss Fortune

This is for our APC / Support build

This is for our Lethality build
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Miss Fortune Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
oh, the perfect champion that Riot makes in this beautiful game.
recent nerfs already kick his potential early-game damage out from good to bad. and the
Guardian Angel
nerf too? hell yeah, no more GA abuser in early game (spoiler alert : it doesn't stop them.)
you can make his early living hell with your
Double Up
and abuse it, and if, and IF he's trying to trade early game, well... good news for ya, he will lose.

Early game
"You've got dangerous eyes... I like that."
Well summoners, you picked Miss Fortune? Congrats, you are in control of one of the OP ADC in the game. this is where you're can be lane bully for your enemy's bot lane.
Double Up
is still broken due the crit damage that it deal to second person, 150% damage? really? but.. here's the kicker, it is a skill shot and the second person are unreliable too. so use it for last hitting, or poke their botlane.
play safe, get farm until 0300 and reset, prepare for drake fight, you will need those. if you think it's losing decision, just go farm next, get your items as soon as possible.

Mid + Late game
"Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself respawning at home!"
Well.. you got every core items? good. their bot lane turret is destroyed? awesome. now you can join your teammates to skirmishes and team fight. one of the decision maker for success or failed team fight is you.
Bullet Time
is one of the best ultimate available in the game due how big the AoE (Area of Effect) and able to critical damage too? hell yeah!
be aware of your positioning, as Miss Fortune is fragile as paper, unless you're ahead and want to flex to your enemies.

Wait... YOU ABLE TO DO APC (Ability Power Carry) OR SUPPORT USING MF?
the answer is yes! you can do APC or Support using MF (i prefer using her as support if ADC has been taken by other trash ADC player). her
Make It Rain
slow is fucking great, and also the AP ratio in every skills in MF is good. however this is only happening in PARTY RANKED, not in SOLO QUEUE RANKED.
Where's this coming from?
The support MF actually coming from Worlds 2016, from SKT vs ROX Game 2 Semifinal. it is my favorite idea that happened in Worlds 2016.

Sarah Fortune, in game known as Miss Fortune is one of the best ADC in the game, can be flexible as Support and ADC. she's one of easier ADC to grab and use if you're new to ADC position too! so if you want to learn ADC, use her too.
Thank you for the time summoner. and please, for the love of MANKIND, GET YOUR LANING PHASE SKILL GOOD.