[2.1] Alistar Guide - Mess with the Bull, get the Horns!
Alistar Build
Best Build Guide for Alistar

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Start with boots for some cheesy engage and to headbutt the enemy into towers.
Protectors gives you want you want to get away with harassing the enemy, Zekes enhances your Ultimate, deadmans for big engages, Ice born is good as a sheen item works well with your combo and abyssal for MR
Alistar Runes
Best Runes for Alistar

Just want to point out how good pathfinder is here. you keep the bonus move speed after exiting a bush or river for a few seconds so abuse this to get behind an enemy and headbutt them, this is also why boots first item is good. its all about the lvl 1 cheese!
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Alistar Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

cheesy combo
yes everyone knows the headbutt pulverize combo but how about the super fast cow to headbutt from unexpected angles! just make sure you dont knock a tank into your ADC, throw something squish at them to kill first.