[2.2c] Your last wish - Orianna Guide by Levi ft. Vejos
Your last wish - Orianna Guide by Levi ft. Vejos
Orianna Build
Best Build Guide for Orianna

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Core Items
Seraph's Embrace : One of the most important items on orianna. Grants a huge mana pool, mana regen, ability haste and bonus ability power which scales with your mana pool. It also provides a huge shield once you drop low wich can turn many 1 on 1s to your favour.
Liandry's Torment : The most important offensive and overall a pretty broken item on almost every mage and especially on orianna. Provides great stats, buffs yourself in extended fights and grants a burn effect which's passives synergizes well with your kit.
Rabadon's Deathcap : Pretty standart on every mage. Provides and insane amount of ability power to strenghen your spells.
Last Item choices
Morellonomicon : Common last item on most of the mages. Grants you all the stats you want and helps to deal high survivability champions such as
Olaf or
Gragas .
Harmonic Echo : Fits more to a supportive playstyle, for example if you want to protect a hard carry such as
Jinx or [kaisa]. Better option over
Ardent Censer since it provides ability power and works better on yourself than censer.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter With +350hp and +70 ability power it provides nice stats but most importantly it does slow the enemy by 20% whenever an ability hits the enemy. Helps you to punish your enemy even more if he does mistakes and keeps them in your space.
Boot Enchantment
- [stasis enchant] : Standart enchantment. Creating you some space to survive burst and your team some time to catch up.
Quicksilver Enchant : Cleanses yourself from every kind of cc (except knock ups/backs) creating space for aggressive plays and provides some saftyness against champions like
Ahri .
Orianna Runes
Best Runes for Orianna

The more safe and scaling rune set.
- Best possible keystone since you proc it pretty easily with your basic combo. Synergizes well with your extended trading style and grants you insane teamfight and 1 on 1 pressure
Gathering Storm
- Synergizes pretty well with your scaling
- Helps you in surviving early game where you don't have
Seraph's Embrace
Hunter: Genius
- Same as with gathering storm

The more aggressive and fast-forward rune set.
- Best possible keystone since you proc it pretty easily with your basic combo. Synergizes well with your extended trading style and grants you insane teamfight and 1 on 1 pressure
- Provides you great fight potential in early game
- Helps you in surviving early game where you don't have
Seraph's Embrace
Sweet Tooth
- Helps you to sruvive the early game + grants you free gold which helps you in getting your items more early
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Orianna Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Pretty easy since you outrange her. Her only counter to you is her all in which is pretty easy to avoid. Poke her from safe range and enjoy your free scaling.

How to play your champion
Since I feel like nobody really bothers to read this whole thing + since this section always takes the most time, i'm taking this short from now on and skip basic stuff.
- Abuse your range advantage
- Decide early if you want to impact the game early on or if you want to scale
Examples: AgainstCorki ,
Kennen or
Fizz you have to play pretty aggressive in the early stage of the game since you have constant kill pressure
AgainstZed ,
Ahri or
Aurelion Sol you just want to survive and scale so that you can do stuff at mid-late game
- Use
Command: Dissonance to buff your allys movement speed
- Use
Command: Shockwave while you
Command: Protect engage champions like
Malphite or
- Zone your enemys with
Command: Attack
- Check bushes with
Command: Attack before entering them
- Basic:
Command: Attack +
Command: Dissonance +
Command: Protect - Hit your enemy with s1 + s2 and pull your ball with s3 back again
- Extended:
Command: Attack +
Command: Dissonance + AA +
Command: Protect + AA - Slow your enemy with s1 + s2 and chase him while auto attacking, use your shield to prevent yourself from taking damage and keep auto attacking
- All-in:
Command: Attack +
Command: Dissonance +
Command: Shockwave - Slow your enemy with s1 + s2 to make sure that your shockwave hits. Afterwards shield yourself and keep auto attacking.
- Ally engage:
Command: Protect on ally +
Command: Dissonance +
Command: Shockwave - Shield your ally, boost his movement speed and ult once he stands into crowded enemys
- Flash All-in:
Command: Protect +
Command: Shockwave - As with every channeled ult, you can flash while your ulti casts. This way you can use yourself as suicide-bomber to guarantee a safe hit
Once you've hitten your first two core items
Seraph's Embrace
Liandry's Torment
you will most likely spam your basic combo.
If you are ahead or if you play a favored matchup you'll look for Extended trades.
Flash All-ins only take use-of if you lack of engage so that you HAVE to be the one OR if you have kill pressure during laning phase and want to surprise your enemy.
Also Important
- Don't waste
Command: Protect - You'll know what I mean when you need it
- Watch your movement - Keep moving while trading to dodge stuff
- Don't panic - Do not panic if you fall behind or something, you have incredible scaling and you will neve be useless
- Use your
Command: Dissonance -
Liandry's Torment s burn damage gets doubled if you slow or immobilize your enemy, so always combine your s1 with s2
- Keep auto attacking - Your auto attacks deal additional damage after the first one, making you not that reliable from your spells

credibility of this guide
This time assisted by NOVA Vejos, former Proplayer for Alliance, new Midlaner for Nova Esports and current Challenger (peak #5, 06.Feb) in Wild Rift.
Check out his socials if you want to learn something:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vejos2
Trovo: https://trovo.live/vejos
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vejos1
DIscord: Vejos#7549

Thanks for reading this guide.
But who am I to think I can speak like a coach?
I'm Levi, ingame known as ζξζ ι ζξζ . (like the streamer ratirl)
4 years League (peaking Master 117lp)
3 years Arena of Valor (peak EU #21)
This time assisted by Vejos, former Arena Of Valor Pro and #1 | Wild Rift Top 5 player and the current Midlaner for Nova Esports. Check his streams and videos out!
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/vejos1
Trovo: https://trovo.live/vejos
Twitter https://twitter.com/vejos2
Currently partnering with the Wild Rift section of Singularity Esports. https://teamsingularity.com/
Analyst for Hexis Esports. https://www.hexis-esports.de/
Community Coach on the official Wild Rift Discord Server. https://discord.gg/DEJhYPXa
Former Head/Coach of Andy PvPHD.
(2nd Place Wild Rift Competetive Monthly https://liquipedia.net/wildrift/Wild_Rift_Competitive/Monthly/EUNA/1 / 2nd Place JGDIFF Tournament)
If you liked this guide, have something to critizice or if you want more, leave a like and comment down below.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUtciToL9vNdoZGIZs8r2g
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/levi_rb7
Discord: Levi || ζξζ ι ζξζ #1113
Community Server: https://discord.gg/WjGEmSw
Content Server: https://discord.gg/DEJhYPXa