[2.1] Full in depth alistar guide
Full in depth alistar guide
Alistar Build
Best Build Guide for Alistar

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
For starting item, I would go for either a
Cloth Armor
or a
Null-Magic Mantle
first depending on your match up. If you are against a Braum/blitz or supports that are usually weak in lane like Soraka, I would go for a cloth armour to tank up damage against the ADCs. However, if you are playing with supports like lux, Seraphine, Sona or even an aggressive Janna, it's smarter to go for magic resist to tank up some of their pokes as you are very weak at lvl 1-3 when they can easily poke you down. As opposed to some supports that will rush boots first, I won't recommend it as Alistar is a sitting duck at lvl 1-3 and any additional pokes/damage to him will actually cause him to fall behind if he get zoned out of the exp range. Also, sometimes your adc or you might get into a really sticky situation when either of you get caught out at level 1-2, so it is always safer to buy some defensive gear to bail out from those fights and prevent them from getting first blood. By getting some raw defensive stats, most of the time you can tank up some messy engage which could prevent an early back and stay in lane longer to hit your power spike at 3 or 5.
Always rush your T3 boots first, and in my opinion,
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
is the best T2 boots on Alistar. Rarely i will rely on
Mercury's Treads
or [Ninja Tabi] simply because the CDR is too good on Alistar. As boots is your first item to rush, CDR can be a game changer to a certain extend in laning phase because of how often you could engage more. Besides, with how strong the damage reduction is on alistar ult, most of the time you could easily soak up the damage by using his [alistar:ult]. Having more CDR also helps you to use your ulti and skills more often which is honestly something that alistar needs as he is very skill reliant.
Why not tabi or treads? Tabi is very strong when its a full AD team comp but with how most item you build has armor in it, the additional bits of tankiness from boots does not aid you that much, especially when you have your ultimate active. Treads is strong against AP reliant but what most people are looking out in it is its Tenacity, which imo alistar does not need it. Alistar has a in build cc cleanse when he proc his ult so timing when to use it is actually very important. When you master this, you realised that the bits of tenacity that Merc treads give is marginal.
After building both items, build
Zeke's Convergence
Protector's Vow
respectively. Zeke is actually a huge power spike due to the cdr it gives and also the ability to stick on the enemy. By having your adc near you, you could not only stick against your enemy, but also allow your adc to deal extra burn damage. This is a very strong item which spike your whole laning phase so always get this 2nd. Protector vow is strong simply because it gives more shield and protection to your ad when you are diving backline and they might be unprotected.
After that most item can be situational.
Dead Man's Plate
is a very strong item for catching people who are out of position while
Randuin's Omen
is a strong counter to ADC and champion who rely on Auto attacks. One thing I would like to note to all player is that while I choose
Adaptive Helm
Spirit Visage
, this is because most champions that are dominating the rift right now is Kennen, eve and most of the assasins. By building this, you can actually tank up more as opposed to spirit visage as you take less damage from their engage. Also, most mages will build
to deny your healing so spirit visage heal will not be useful. While Visage is good against conventional mage like Ahri or maybe seraphine, it isn't useful against asssasins champions (eve, fizz, kennen) or poke champions (Ori,ziggs) who are constantly using skills.
Alistar Runes
Best Runes for Alistar

As for runes, Alistar benefits alot from aftershock after you use your combo. It helps you to tank up while also dealing a small amount of damage to your opponent. This helps you to trade more favourably as you are less likely to take damage while also dealing more damage. Weakness is strong simply because you are a crowd control monster and the additional damage marked is useful for your other teammates. The other two runes are simply useful as Alistar shines with a team and those 2 runes are one of the best ones that is used with a team.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Alistar Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Soraka is one of the easiest to deal with simply because she does not have strong disengaging tools against Alistar.

Combo and advices.
Generally most combo is
but never be too fidget with your skills. You can easily disengage a player with you
and sometimes that might be the key to winning game. For example, if a kennen started using
Lightning Rush
into your team, its smarter to headbutt him away and that will actually lead to a way better teamfight outcome for you. In laning phase, if someone starts to overextend, you can also use you
then knock him backwards towards your turret and you will always come out on top of the trade. Sometimes even using flash then
to push them back can turn an unfavourable outcome to a favourable one because of how painful turret damage is at early games.
As an alistar, always find the opportunity to engage first. When engaging, look for key skills that were being used and if a Crowd control was randomly used by the opponent, the fight will be more favourable for you because you can stick on to your enemies more. Engaging first is key to winning for alistar because the pressure is on you and you could tank up easily with your ultimate. When diving backlines, the most favourable outcome is when your adc and mage is not taking damage and have alot space to kite and deal damage but that's not usually the case. Sometimes, enemies might dive your backline in retaliation and its up to you to think what is the best outcome for you. If you believe that your carries can sufficiently hold the divers, then help your brusiers and continue to be a nuisance to the backlines. If not, turn back and help your carries. You have already used your combo and its way better to help them kite by using your
to stun those that are hitting your backline. Remember, you are a support. Not a tank, not a bruiser. You cannot excel without your team and its always better to keep your teammates alive. So never overchase a low hp for your KDA or for securing kill. By protecting your carries while also messing up their team composition that is how you roll as an alistar, or should I say.. Moooove as alistar.