- Low skill ceiling
- High damage when built correctly
- Good mobility with a built in escape
- Excellent for teamfights
- Good gap closing abilities
- Excellent for setting up ganks
- Somewhat squishy
- Low jungle clear speed
- Needs first item to really do damage
- Slow objective taking compared to other junglers
- Highly susceptible to CC
Wukong Build
Best Build Guide for Wukong

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
¤ First purchase
Long Sword
the only good first item. You need the bonus AD for clearing camps.
¤ First Recall
I prefer purchasing
as my first purchases for the extra health, AD and bonus magic damage. However you can try
if you don't like
¤ Core items
Trinity Force
is a very balanced first item. Provides a range of Stat boosts but the most notable is the 40% attack speed boost as well as the passives that synergises perfectly with wukong. Spellblade procs perfectly with wukong combos and the extra movement speed when chasing enemies is perfect when paired with
Nimbus Strike
Black Cleaver
+350 health making you tanker. +30 AD and +25 ability haste for faster kills. attacking an enemy champion reduces their Armour by 4% for 6 seconds. Stacking up to 24%. This is huge for dealing with tanks especially in team fights. Your team can burst enemies faster in ganks and team fights. Attacking also increases move speed by 20 and killing an enemy increases move speed by 60. Increasing your chances of catching other enemies for that sweet double or triple kill.
Quicksilver Enchant
increase move speed by 50% and removes cc(not knock ups) great for getting out of sticky situations. You can also use [stasis enchant] if you aren't worried about cc but they have lots of burst damage(zed, Annie, miss fortune)
§ Tier 2 boot choices: [ninja tabi] for high physical damage enemy compositions.
Mercury's Treads
for high magic damage enemy compositions. Or
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
for ability haste since Wukong needs to spam his abilities. You can also use
Boots of Swiftness
if you are ahead and need to chase down enemies
§ [death's dance] big Health, AD and ability haste boost. the 10% physical vamp paired with [wukong:1] is excellent for sustain during fights.
Guardian Angel
+45 damage and +40 Armour. Great increase of base stats. Also providing resurrection upon death with 50% health. Great chance for your teammates to save you or to get back up in team fights and do more damage.
Sterak's Gage
huge late game damage spike.+400 health, +50% damage. As well as a 75% health shield that decays over 3 seconds when your health goes below 35%. This item makes you the perfect killing machine. Paired with
Black Cleaver
Guardian Angel
Makes you an (almost) unkillable tank assassin. Massive outplay potential.
Full Assassin Bulid:
The only changes are the first 2 items. This build is dedicated to killing enemies as fast as possible but you are very squishy.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
early powerspike with increased AD. It's passive is excellent for wukong as you are permanently moving to gank. Bonus damage and attack speed at full stacks which isn't hard to get.
Duskblade of Draktharr
Youmuu's Ghostblade
provides a big AD boost. the passive synergises well with your
Warrior Trickster
which will increase your damage output when executing combos.
¤ Situational last item
Mortal Reminder
increased Armour Penetration if you are against 2 tanks or more. Perfect tank demolisher.
Maw of Malmortius
highly underrated item. Perfect for high magic damage enemy compositions.
Umbral Glaive
can be taken instead of youmuu's ghostblade]. Very useful for ganks because of its passive.
Wukong Runes
Best Runes for Wukong

CONQUERER: overall is better than electrocute since you can proc it very easily with combos and auto attacks.
TRIUMPH : excellent sustain for teamfights and dealing more damage to low health enemies.
HUNTER - TITAN: more health and the extra tenacity is amazing.
makes for easy takedowns.
during a team fight will hit all enemy champs, giving you a takedown for every kill. The ability haste means more
and everyone knows: More cc = More GG
For blue you can also try pathfinder for faster jungle move speed or mastermind for the extra 10% damage to Objectives as well as bonus gold and XP
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Defensive poke:
Staple for Wukong. This will proc electrocute. This is a hit and run attack.
You use
Warrior Trickster
to escape.

Offenseive poke/ low health takedown:
This is a semi all in attack. By using
Warrior Trickster
on your opponent, both you and your clone will hit them with
Golden Staff
. Lots of damage because of wukong passive
Crushing Blows

All in team fight or gank:
Nimbus Strike
into enemies,
Warrior Trickster
behind them then
, early game you will just use
however in the late game you will be able to use
Warrior Trickster
again for a Quadra knock up.
By using
Warrior Trickster
you will get a massive
knock up allowing your teammates to kill enemies more easily.
Wukong Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Master yi can dodge
Nimbus Strike
Alpha Strike
. Unless you're ahead on gold don't try to 1v1.he can burst faster than you especially if he's fed. Use your
while in the middle of a team fight to burst him down with your teammates.
However you are stronger early and mid game so it's a good idea to be more aggressive.

Possible choices: remember to watch out for enemy warding your jungle(they may invade or if VS olaf he can 1v1 and kill you)
Red buff - > raptors - > blue buff - > closest river scuttle
Or (my personal preference because blue buff provides health and mana regen for more health to contest scuttle)
Blue buff - > red buff - > raptors - > closest river scuttle
After that either gank or continue clearing camps.

NOTES: As the jungler you need to play responsible and have astute map awareness. You need to ward effectively so you know where the enemy is or if they are trying to take objectives. Tell your teammates to ward. Trust me they don't need to keep them. Practice your smiting, missing a smite or smiting too early can lead to getting important objectives stolen. Your teammates won't be happy.
EARLY GAME: follow a jungle path. Contest or Clear dragon scuttle. Try to gank and help your team however don't over push or feed lanes. Nothing worse than your jungler giving your enemies an early head start. Clear camps and rift heard scuttle to farm XP.
FIRST DRAGON : Try to gank dragon lane and atleast kill adc or force them to recall. Call your adc, support and mid to clear dragon faster. DO NOT attempt to solo clear dragon. Remember (especially against an olaf or evelynn) tell your support to guard rather than engage dragon(they should know this but tell them anyway). Practice your smiting so dragon doesn't get stolen.
If you think you can't win/contest dragon rather play time until rift herald spawns, let enemies go for dragon then take mid or baron laner and take rift herald. Can be worth more than first dragon especially if you can take a tower.
MID GAME: watch map constantly and see where you can effectively gank, by now all enemy T1 towers should be down(or atleast 2)Try to gank mid and baron to set up for rift herald(If you didn't already take it). Focus on taking mid lane towers or setting up a split push for one of your side lanes(ex 4-1 split push: 4 of you threatening mid while your baron laner pushes baron and takes towers)
LATE GAME: focus on objectives and team fights. Do not get baited into a team fight you cant win. Do not get caught out of position. If you are out for 40 seconds enemy team can take both dragon and baron nasher. Effectively ending the game. Focus on winning fights and taking towers once the important objectives are taken. Once you have the baron buff you should be looking to take inhibitor turrets(especially mid)
If you are losing and the enemy takes baron nasher. Defend base until buff is gone. You can then repush and attempt a comeback.
DON'T FF OR SURRENDER. that's for babies.

Tips and tricks
You are a team fight priority champion, while you can 1v1 most adcs or low health targets. Your real potential lies in using
effectively for your teammates to win team fights or steal/contest objectives.
is excellent when paired with [missfortune:ult] so take advantage of this pairing in games.
You can fake
Warrior Trickster
by standing in place(note: this is not guaranteed to work as most people will attack the clone just to be sure)
Warrior Trickster
will not move you through or over walls.
By using
Warrior Trickster
in a group of enemies you will get a doupbe knock up.
If you have
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
in your build. You will be able to use your
Warrior Trickster
again with your second
for even more knock up and damage.


A few league terms explained:
Item Synergy: how well an item works with your champion to maximize damage, ability power and roam potential.
Champion synergy: how well champions complement each other's abilities. Example Malphite and Yasuo. Ashe and Braum or Lulu and Jinx.
Obj: objectives AKA neutral objectives such as Dragons, rift herald or Baron Nasher
Gank: when you or one of your teammates goes to a lane and surprise engages the enemy using cc or pure attack damage to kill the enemy with your teammates. You can also let one of your teammates bait an enemy into following them then surprising them from a bush to kill them.
Roam potential: how quickly you can move across the map to a specific area or lane.
Map control: the ability to control fight outbreaks or enemy roams. Example: stopping the mid laner or jungler from roaming to your dragon laners to group attack them.
Roaming: leaving your lane or jungle to team fight other lanes. Example: yasuo leaves mid and roams to baron to group on enemy baron laner to kill them.
CC: Crowd control - the ability to stun or knock up multiple enemies. Example
Glacial Fissure
Grand Entrance
Light Binding
Remember more cc = more GG

Why listen to me?
My name is TG NV1S and I play for Tactical Gaming's Wild Rift division. https://tacticalgaming.net/
We have multiple competitive League of legends teams, all with highly experienced players and staff.
I personally have 5 years of league experience peaking diamond.
I work closely in conjunction with my [CO] XIERNAS and my [INSL] Berrymonkey to bring you the very best and up-to-date guides.
My sources for these guides(besides our own knowledge and experience) are highly experienced and intuitive Wild Rift players, coaches and analysts.
If you want to join Tactical Gaming or wish to support the organization please head over to https://tacticalgaming.net/ for more information on to get in touch with us.
If you have any questions regarding these guides please don't hesitate to dm me on discord at: TG NV1S#6883