[2.3] Orianna Guide - HOW TO ORIANNA FOR 2.3
- Great playmaking ability
- Make your enemy lane hell by poking
- Scales really well into late game
- Almost no hard match up
- Squishy
- Hard to master the ball
- Can't burst early
- Not a good ganker in early game
Orianna Build
Best Build Guide for Orianna

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Depends on your matchup you can go buy amplifying tome first to make it into Liandry's Torment first item or Rod of Ages.
Or you can go Sapphire Crystal into Archangel staff so you can start spamming your abilities from early.
Let's talk about standard build first,
Standard build is already strong because you dont have mana issue with building archangel staff and you scale really hard with this build. Going into Liandry's is when you can start to burst the enemies and make your presence known, after you got rabadon's deathcap your damage is really high and you can one shot enemy squishes like ADC.
Now we're talking about my build. My build depends on honey fruit for early mana, it will give you the huge damage from early but probably gonna have mana issue in early game, and it will scales really well into late game just like how orianna supposed to be. If you think you're still lacking mana, changed it to Manaflow band.
The item order for my build is:
- Haunting guise
- Brown boots
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Tear of goddess
- Depends on what you need, if the enemy have a lot of tanks finish your liandry's and archangel first, if the enemy got lot of squshies build into luden echo to one shot them.
- Morellonomicon if the enemy got lots of heal, Infinity Orb if you need more damage
- Void Staff or Lich Bane (depends what your team need, your enemies build, and in which state of the game are you in. if the enemy build a lot of magic resist item you go void staff, if your team need more damage you go lich bane and you can easily push turrets easily with lich bane
Boots choice:
- Ability haste is your best friend and definitely the best boots for Orianna.
- Mercury threads if you're fighting against heavy cc comp and a lot of magic dealer.
- Go tabi when there's a fat zed on the enemy team and rush zhonya.
- Boots of swiftness is actually pretty decent to go around the map and you should consider it if your team fight a lot.
Orianna Runes
Best Runes for Orianna

- Easier to chase enemy
- Easy kiting
- You dont need the damage from the runes with gathering storm get a huge buff
- Huge cover for her weakness
- Gathering storm for the huge AP gain.
- Adaptive carapace to help if you're getting targeted or ganked.
- Sweet tooth for your mana and overall survivability.

Going for manaflow band is good as well cause you can get some mana before you got your tear.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This combo in late game win you team fight almost every time.
But playing orianna is not about the combo but how well you can use your ulti to set up your teammates and yourself.
You can easily one shot ADC if you have 3 items with this combo.
Orianna Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
easily poked, you just need to be careful of his ultimate

Early game
Okay early game is really easy for orianna because she have a good damage early for poking and you can easily deny your opponent farm by playing safely and keep poking with your (1)->(2) you can clear minions faster than most champion with (1)->(3)->(1).
Your passive make your AA stronger in early game too. but dont over estimate your damage early because she can't burst enemy without any item.
You can try for the kill if:
- the enemy hp is lower than 40% and he all in you with his/her abilities (except if you got hit by fizz ulti)
- the enemy jump on you while you're ahead in level and item
- the enemy don't have any spells left
- you can outplayed the enemy key abilities
Keep farming and poking in midlane, and gank when there's an objectives coming up, the enemy is over extending, or your jungler is contesting for scuttler.
Most of the time i would go (1)-(2)-(AA) to proc phase rush and keep poking the enemy while keeping safe distances.
Don't forget to eat fruit in river in 03:00

Mid game
This is where you try to push turrets with your teammate and fighting for the objectives.
Try to farm as much as possible too if you're behind in gold.

Late Game
This is where you shine your ball is a god in late game, try to have as many teamfight as possible because that's where orianna really shine.

Tips & Tricks for ball
(1) ability
You never auto aim with the ball except:
- the enemy is running to you
- the enemy is hard cc'ed (stunned, charmed, etc)
- the enemy is diving tower
Because auto aim as Orianna suck, the ball will stop in their initial position, which can be easily dodged if the enemy is running away or walking sideway. The ball travel speed get longer the more it travel because it doesn't have a fixed travel speed. Your first ability is your hardest skill to hit and the most important one because it's for the positioning of her other skill.
(2) ability
This is your poking ability and your cc for ganking. Great positioning of this ability and (1) can win you early skirmishes because it buff allies movement speed while debuff enemies.
Try to spam this all the time if you have archangel staff or use it while keeping your mana in check because it have the highest mana cost from all of your basic abilites.
You spam this ability because it gives you movement speed buff and make you faster to go gank, going back to lane from a recall, runaway from your enemies etc.
(3) ability
This ability is great for defensive play and if you have a good engage ally for example: Malphite or Rakan to combo with your (2) and (4). it can save life quite literally.
(4) ability
now this is what make Orianna a strong champion to pick up in any match because a well placed ultimate can win you the game. your ultimate damage is no joke and here's my tip for her ultimate
- Use it to engage when the enemy is sticking together and you can get 2+ enemies. often happen when the enemy is trying to go to objectives.
- Place your (1) in the middle of the enemy before you use your (4) if your ball positioning suck don't use your ulti yet and hold it until the enemies stick together close to your ball or you reposition the ball to a better placement.
- Remember the radius of your ultimate and the range of your (1).
- It's okay to use it to 1 enemy IF it will give you a free kill especially in early game.
- It's okay to use your ultimate while the ball still not thrown yet IF the enemy is on you and already close to you. And if that's the case go with (4)->(1)->(3)->(2) combo.