[1.1.0] A-Z Tryndamere guide
A-Z Tryndamere guide
Tryndamere Build
Best Build Guide for Tryndamere

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Depending on the matchups that i will explain in depth later i build boots based on my laner since our main focus is to splitpush and you NEED to be able to beat the enemy laner to win.
We go infinity edge because it's the heart of all crit based champions, helps us immensely with damage and that's basically it,
Phantom dancer later on because even though it's passive doesn't exactly synergize with tryndamere's kit it raises our crit chance and due to how tryndamere's passive works in wild rift we need to have full fury to reach the 100% crit chance threshold and phantom dancer does quite the job for this, also the extra movement speed is very much needed, as for our last item it all becomes very situational because we might want to go for death dance, to mitigate some damage in 1v1 skirmishes or teamfights in order to come out on top or go for mortal reminder against healing champions such as fiora, nasus, soraka, we could also go for bloodthirster when you're against a champion that doesn't exactly pose a threat to you, helps with sustain tremendously and gives you a nice shield,
As for the enchantment in our boots i go for quicksilver most of the time with a teleport and a righteous glory in very specific situations, where i either need to surprise backdoor or run down some elusive champion.
Tryndamere Runes
Best Runes for Tryndamere

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Tryndamere Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

How to approach laning ph
You usually look to target your opponent and auto spin away from him, to deal some damage,usually no champions in the game can outtrade this trade pattern, after that focus on pushing the first wave and engage if you have the level advantage, following that you look to ward the tribush for incoming ganks, keep poking your enemy in either the passive approach (auto,e back) or the aggressive one (e in auto back) depending on the matchup, once you have a good health advantage you should go all in, keep in mind that for most of the fights to go in your favour you need full fury, and usually if things come close in an all in, heal up with your q so that you can survive another autoattack, you need every advantage you can get as tryndamere since his laning isn't the strongest now.
Never fight in their minion wave, minions deal a lot of damage and will spell your defeat in trades in the early game keep the fight in the middle or in your own ground to maximize your chances.
Once you have your first item onward you usually can be more aggressive, trynda scales extremely well with items and at the end game he becomes one of the strongest champions in the game.

Approaching mid&endgame
Usually whether or not you've won the lane you should look to splitpush while keeping an eye on the minimap, keep in mind that in wild rift everything is closer than you think, you should get away the moment you don't see an enemy champion, chances are you're gonna get beaten up by 3-4 champions at once,
If your team is weaker than the enemy team and they don't have too much cc you can look to flank (surprise enemy team from behind or by their side without them knowing) to fo us down their damage dealers,
If that is not the case it's best that you gain pressure so that the enemy team will either have to give up valuable towers or come and stop you which will give your team some breath to recover and get objectives themselves, a good tryndamere player while he's splitpushing goes out of vision to grab the enemy jungle to further enhance the difference between your junglers and your enemy laner.
Tryndamere is an extremely mobile champion when attacking enemies you should always use your E whenever it's available especially when you're fighting objectives/champions and what not that extra damage goes a long while and will give you the edge on the fights, remember that your champion isn't made to just kill other champions and win, you win by pressuring your opponent and grabbing every objective you can get.
I hope this guide has helped you at least a tiny bit and good luck on your upcoming matches