[2.5a] Tryndamere Guide - [JG/BaronLane] How to Dominate as Tryndamere
[JG/BaronLane] How to Dominate as Tryndamere
- Helps you 1v9 like a pro
- Low cooldown on all abilities
- Whacks really hard
- Big brain macro plays
- Might be hard for small brain team player
- Very squishy, requires insane timing on Ult if there's assassins
Tryndamere Build
Best Build Guide for Tryndamere

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
EDITED 18/12/2021 (Patch 2.5a):
Making some changes and updated the build to what I believe is now the best infinite spinning, insane damaging build.
Feel free to swap
Serylda's Grudge
Solari Chargeblade
if you want, main reason why I don't suggest it is because it gives excessive crit chance but if you want to play around spamming your
more often then look to build 100% crit chance changing your
Trinity Force
for another crit item such as
or even
Statikk Shiv
I have also added in a 100% crit chance build for those who don't know what to build exactly for it.
Thanks for checking the guide out!
After some experimentation and knowledge from PC League of Legends, it's safe to assume that this is the best build for Tryndamere.
I dislike the
Blade of the Ruined King
start but there's no Tiamat in the game so we have to compromise and go with
Blade of the Ruined King
. It gives sustain in lane and in the jungle, gives attackspeed, chase potential and %hp damage, so it's not the worst start. Plus with how fast Wild Rift laning phase goes and farming in the jungle, you'll have your first item completed real fast anyway.
Infinity Edge
is the obvious item, but many would think, "Why no
Phantom Dancer
? Why only 2 crit items?" The answer is obvious, YOU ONLY NEED 2 CRIT ITEMS TO REACH 100% CRIT CHANCE AND
Phantom Dancer
F*CKING SUCKS ON TRYNDAMERE. Why do I say this? It's because
Phantom Dancer
provides a shield when you're low hp. Now you're confused, the shielding is great. You're entitled to your own opinion and if you enjoy
Phantom Dancer
Statikk Shiv
or want
Phantom Dancer
as a 3rd crit item, by all means, go for it. The reason why I think it sucks is because the shielding can bait you hard when you're ulting. The shield could either be on cooldown and you think it isn't so you're waiting for the shield to proc and it never happens or you ult too early forgetting you have a shield. Other items that I believe are horrible and shouldn't be bought are
Death's Dance
Maw of Malmortius
Sterak's Gage
. One exception I'd give is
Death's Dance
. This should only be bought if you're against multiple assassins and you can't react fast enough to instantly ult the second they appear on your screen before they one shot you. Either that or you want more ability haste and life steal.
Now that my rant is over, I want you guys to know why I prefer
Trinity Force
Mortal Reminder
as my last two items. This is because
Trinity Force
gives you even more insane chase potential, gives you attackspeed, ability haste and the
effect which will empower your next auto attack and make you deal insane burst damage if you crit at the same time. As much as I'd love a build based off of ability haste and a lot of damage like Season 9 Tryndamere build on PC League of Legends, those items are not yet implemented into Wild Rift and might not be implemented ever, or in the exact same way. The main reason why I suggest these two items is because you're looking to kill as much people with your raw damage before and after you ult, not do some p*ssy sh*t and survive as long as possible before you ult while tickling your opponents. Oh and the main reason I suggest
Mortal Reminder
is because what champion doesn't heal nowadays? Plus armor pen :^)
For boots, I mainly go
Quicksilver Enchant
because what type of team doesn't have CC right? But if for some reason they have no CC or not enough CC that will lock you down in teamfights, I go for either [Stasis Enchant],
Protobelt Enchant
Shadows Enchant
. I find these enchantments fun and memey but also very practical. [Stasis Enchant] so you can bait out as much abilities before having to ult or giving yourself enough thinking time before you ult,
Protobelt Enchant
because a second dash is always great and handy, and
Shadows Enchant
so you can do pre-emptive scouting whilst split pushing and so you know when to back out or whether you have to. I don't go
Teleport Enchant
because Tryndamere is so mobile that you'd be at the opposite side of the map in an instant anyway. As for Tier 2 boots, I mainly go
Gluttonous Greaves
as there are no attackspeed runes nor boots, and there's no need for
Mercury's Treads
because I like to go tenacity rune only.
For those of you who remember this build back in 2018-19, this was a decent build, I disliked it though, to be honest, but it's a fun build to go for.
There's no Rageblade in Wild Rift so feel free to pick up anything you want as your final item.
Have fun trying out this build, I'm just trying to list old fun builds whenever I can remember them.
A funny tank build, take GRASP with this build and because Titanic Hydra doesn't exist, Steraks should do as your damage option.
Have fun!
Tryndamere Runes
Best Runes for Tryndamere

The first rune set is the set I like to use the most, both in lane and Jungle. I suggest only using the second if you're vsing a ranged top laner or you're uncomfortable on how to survive laning phase relying on your
sustain only.
If you do go for the second set of runes then feel free to buy
Mercury's Treads
as you won't have any tenacity unless you're comfortable on using
Quicksilver Enchant
Fleet Footwork is mainly used if you want to play aggressively against the poke champions. If you don't want to play aggressively or you're confident you don't need as much sustain then take Rune Set 3.
The 3rd rune set is only if you want to scale harder against poke champions, but you don't want Fleet Footwork because you were planning on just farming.
As for why I go for Triumph instead of Brutal? That's because Triumph is insane at allowing you to continue fighting after your
Undying Rage
wears off. You get the heals and you get bonus damage against low hp targets.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Tryndamere Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Rune Set 1 - Flash + Ghost
Why's the cow in your lane? Just beat his head in omegalul. His abilities use too much mana and his sustain sucks compared to yours. Only thing you need to be careful of is him using
to knock you into his tower.

[baron lane] early game
Try to build up some
Battle Fury
at level 1 by walking up to the wave and autoing it, after you've built up enough
Battle Fury
or if the enemy decides to fight you, just trade back. You win level 1 hard if RNJESUS blesses you with crits beyond your wildest dreams, and if you took Ignite, even better.
There are 2 trading patterns you can look to do dependent on matchup:
1) Walk up, auto them and spin away. This trading pattern is hard to counter and is Tryndamere's way of doing short trades.
2) Use
Spinning Slash
onto your enemy and start autoing them. This is the extended trading pattern for Tryndamere and the one I do the most. It's better to do this one if you've got enough
Battle Fury
stacked up or else you won't deal as much damage due to having less crit chance.
The best thing about Tryndamere is that, while other champions require mana to sustain, you do not. The more
Battle Fury
you have, the more you'll heal of course, but it's not a requirement to have any to use your
If you manage to dominate your opponent then you are set to 1v9.
Usually, always, you want to look to play as aggressive as possible to nab the fattest lead.

[jungle] early game
Jungle Tryndamere is more of a farming Jungler. Tryndamere has 0 heavy crowd control and so he is unable to gank that well, but if you really want to gank, then gank only the lanes that have insane gank setup or gank a lane that's overextended and not caring about vision.
You usually want to gank after you finish
Blade of the Ruined King
as that will give you better stick potential.
Which Smite do you want and when should you take which?
How I decide on which Smite I want to take is dependent on who I'm versing. Is there 3 or more ranged champions on the enemy team? If yes, take Blue Smite. If no, take Red Smite.
When it comes to ganking, try and gank the lane where the most action happens as that'll be your one way ticket to snowballing like a m*ther f*cker.

mid/late game
Baron Lane:
Try to split push as much as possible, there are no champions that can deal with Tryndamere in the sidelane, besides Jax, and if they send anyone, they're going to send 2 or more.
If you don't keep an eye on the minimap, you'll be collapsed hard by multiple enemies, BUT you can take advantage of that. If you know it's only one or two coming to rotate and they're squishy/weak, then hide in the bottomside Jungle bush and look to catch any enemy coming to rotate, but if the enemies are too strong then just run away and hide for a bit until they show up back on the map. This way you're constantly drawing pressure away from Baron so your team can attempt it if you ping them enough.
If nothing's happening and you don't want to risk diving the defending enemy, just look to farm the jungle creeps. Always, whenever nothing is happening, look to farm. You want to be proactive, as much as possible. You need to extend your lead, you need to get full build and max level faster than anyone else or else you'll become mildly useless, and no one will send more than 1 person to deal with you.
Another tip after you draw pressure to your lane, is that you can rotate over to other lanes and flank the enemy team if your team is in the same lane or you can run your ass to Baron after dragging 2 or 3 down to Bot, and flank whoever is trying to contest the objective.
Just remember, you have a ton of mobility and can dart around the map super fast.
For jungle, you just want to look to farm your camps and push out Baron Lane whenever possible. If you pay attention to objective spawn timers enough, you can rotate and push that lane while preparing to take that objective. You may be Tryndamere and you may be itching for some split push action, but do remember, YOU'RE THE JUNGLER. YOU'RE THE ONE WITH SMITE. If the enemy team sees you at the opposite side of the map to the objective (baron/dragon), they will take it in a heartbeat.
I'm not too sure for what else there is to say about Jungle Tryndamere, as I don't play it often but this should be enough.

Match History
I don't play Wild Rift super often, but whenever I do, I dominate :^).
Here's proof:
Anyway, thank you for reading and this is my first ever in-depth guide, so I hoped you enjoyed it.
I was going to make an in-depth guide of Garen for PC League of Legends as someone who has played Garen for 7-8 seasons but then item changes happened and suddenly I've forgotten how to play Garen :^). This is also due to the fact that I don't fully one trick Garen and only played him in ranked soloq and played other champs when I wasn't soloqing. Even then, when I played soloq, I'd pick other champs :^) like Tryndamere, Shen, Sylas, etc.