[2.2c] What once sailed free - Xin Zhao Guide by Levi
What once sailed free - Xin Zhao Guide by Levi
Xin Zhao Build
Best Build Guide for Xin Zhao

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Trinity Force - Pretty expensive but includes every stat corki wants. Synergizes well with his scaling playstyle and provides him some utility and damage in early game. Also pretty easy to procc since you pretty much spam your abilitys the whole game.
Sterak's Gage - Your role as Xin is to engage on carrys and split them from their team. Steraks is great for such champions + its passive does synergize well with Xin Zhaos high base attack damage.
Guardian Angel - Since you most likely have to be the engage, the chance is pretty high to pull the whole enemys attention. With
Guardian Angel you have an extra life which makes you less punishable and gives you the ability to sacrifice yourself for the engage.
Randuin's Omen - Does counter with
Yasuo and
Corki most meta midlaner and does generally well vs. crit based champions or melee carrys.
Thornmail - Does synergize well with your engage heavy playstyle and spreads antiheal pretty fast once you did engage.
Spirit Visage - The best magic resist item on you since you benefit from the healing buff with your
Determination + its ability haste does very well.
Redeeming Enchant - Pretty underrated and already standart on some jungler in competitive. Good sustain during objectives or general teamfights + it does 10(!)% max health as true damage on enemys.
Glorious Enchant - Common on most engage champions. Gives you movement speed and does slow the enemy once you arrive.
Teleport Enchant - I always get this when i have to backport while an objectives spawns or when I'm the only one who can splitpush.
Xin Zhao Runes
Best Runes for Xin Zhao

Uncontested the best rune on him. Great fighting potential throughout the whole game. Pretty easy to stack.
Triumph vs Champion
Triumph | Champion |
- does not fall off - great throughout the whole game - keeps you alive in long fights - rewards good targeting | - only buffs early game - high risk high reward - does not synergize with your playstyle - will most likely be gone after 10 minutes |
Hunter Titan
Also uncontested. Gives health and tenacity plus it scales.
As standart as Smite on every jungler.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Basic AA-Reset Combo
Dash in - auto attack - instantly use Q to cancel auto attack animations

Basic Gank Combo
Dash in - auto attack - Q to cancel auto attack animations - W after your first
Three Talon Strike
auto attack to slow the enemy

All-In Combo
Dash in - press W during dash animation - Ult - auto attack - Q to cancel auto attack animation
You mostly want to use this combo on carrys. With your ultimate
Crescent Guard
you knock the enemys back from your target so that it will remain alone.

Saving Combo
Sometimes when my team gets chased down from the enemy I use my ult defensively to knock the enemys back from my team.
Note: This can also be used to steal drakes by knocking the enemy jungler away so that he can't smite.

Surprising Engage
Use Q - auto attack 2x on minions - dash in - do the third Q-auto attack and knock your enemy up
Your enemy won't know that you can instantly knock him up.

Advanced All-In Combo
Activate your Q - Flash in - Ult the enemy away - auto attack during fly animation - dash when he landed - auto attack - slow with W - auto attack knock up
I always use this when i want to hard-force a kill on a hypercarry (
) since here I do apply kind of a cc-chain + I don't only knock the enemys away but I de-position the carry aswell. If perfectly executed you also will be able to quickly charge your
Three Talon Strike
Xin Zhao Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
- go aggressive early game
- try to fight with him at 1st crab
- countergank (gank when he tries to gank to create a 2v2 / 3v3)
Crescent Guard can cancel dashed such as
Bandage Toss and knock him away
this way you can secure drakes / barons

Credibility of this Guide

How to play your Champion
Since I feel like nobody really bothers to read this whole thing + since this section always takes the most time, i'm taking this short from now on and skip basic stuff.
- Abuse your early game
- Lv3 only
Olaf and
Lee Sin are able to match your early game
- Use
Three Talon Strike to cancel your auto animation
- Keep in mind that every
Three Talon Strike strike reduces to cd of your other basic abilitys
Crescent Guard only negates damage FOR YOURSELF
Crescent Guard knocks every enemy you did not attack with auto attacks or
Audacious Charge away
- You have a pretty healthy jungle clear
- Level
Audacious Charge - Early smite the red buff
- Why? Between 1:15 - 1:20 you will have 2 smites up again - Level
Wind Becomes Lightning - insta combo both abilitys
- Between 1:10 - 1:15 you should level up - Level
Three Talon Strike
- You don't need to smite, only if you get pressured or if you wanna be full life
- Now you can either gank top and get 1-2 flashes, sometimes even dive top or you can gank mid
- if nothing is available you can just invade the enemy chickens and place a deep ward
- If the enemy jungler started on his red he should most likely invade your krugs right now. If not, he will gank mid
Imagine you just ganked top. Meanwhile the enemy jungler did not show himself. Did he contest top crap ?
- No? > He most likely did the botside crab and looks for a gank mid / bot
- Yes? > He should be somewhere around topside to counter gank
Imagine you did invade him and you full cleared the chickens. Did he show himself yet ?
- No? > He is doing your krugs and will gank bot soon
- Yes? Try to track him down. Counter gank where he is about to gank
This should be enough for the first. I might do an actual video about him on my youtube channel. Make sure to subscribe to me there.

Thanks for reading this guide.
But who am I to think I can speak like a coach?
I'm Levi, ingame known as ζξζ ι ζξζ . (like the streamer ratirl)
4 years League (peaking Master 117lp)
3 years Arena of Valor (peak EU #21)
Currently partnering with the Wild Rift section of Singularity Esports. https://teamsingularity.com/
Coach for Hexis Esports. https://www.hexis-esports.de/
Community Coach on the official Wild Rift Discord Server. https://discord.gg/DEJhYPXa
Former Head/Coach of Andy PvPHD.
(2nd Place Wild Rift Competetive Monthly https://liquipedia.net/wildrift/Wild_Rift_Competitive/Monthly/EUNA/1 / 2nd Place JGDIFF Tournament)
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUtciToL9vNdoZGIZs8r2g
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/levi_rb7
Discord: Levi || ζξζ ι ζξζ #1113
Community Server: https://discord.gg/WjGEmSw
Content Server: https://discord.gg/DEJhYPXa