[2.1a] Alistar Guide - PH Alistar Main
PH Alistar Main
Alistar Build
Best Build Guide for Alistar

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
HOW I BUILD ALISTAR EVERY MATCHESClick this for my Alistar Game Highlights
Alistar Runes
Best Runes for Alistar

AFTERSHOCK will grant your tanky stats, if you gonna play as a tank support, WEAKNESS the 5% is great damage booster and it's increases the boost when it's late game, because allies skills and attack will be stronger. LOYALTY for early game advantage, to help your duo lane on there armor and magic resistant stats. PACKHUNTER additonal movespeed will help you to initiate engage skill better and more gold equals more power! to you and your ally in every takedown.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

My goal is to play Alistar the whole season in the wild rift and have fun.
My tip for playing him or any champion you are enjoying is to play smart.
Alistar has a strong engage when it is level 2, followed by your duo lane attack and skills. A good initiator harras that almost makes opponet hp half.
At level 3 with addtional stun after the headbutt and pulverize, and cast a ignite almost a gurantee win in your duo lane.
If you see yourself having a disadvantage by poking you a lot, play safe and smart. Just make your HP healthy and gain level experience and gold while your Duo is getting creep score. And when your jungler comes to help your lane you can have confident to engage because you stay healthy, if jungler still have some priorities, it's fine don't be upset and focus playing safe and once you have enough gold to purchase Locket Enchant reset and chances players is now level 5. you are now confident engaginng because your Ulimate can make you stay longer while auto attacking (even tower dive plays) and can activate the Locket Enchant to grant you and your teamates shield.
At mid game, ping focus on objectives, group, retreat, ping dragon timer. I see this very helpful most of the time when I'm playing solo or random duo, so pinging is very useful to make your teamates focus and turn the victory in your favor.
Thank you I hope my guide helps you play him properly, I'll keep you posted on my journey in Wild Rift by playing Alistar only main.
Last season 0 I hit Gold, now I'm currently Platinum 2 and working to hit Emerald before the season 1 ends.
I will appriciate if you can follow my facebook page LoQi - Loqistar, watch me live and check all my Alistar match highlights.
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