[2.4] Malphite Guide - The Unstoppable Soloq Force
The Unstoppable Soloq Force
- Good vs heavy AD Teams (3 or more AD Champions)
- Easy engage with ultimate
- Useful even if you fall behind
- Good at soaking up damage in teamfights
- No sustain in lane
- Lacks damage later in the game (tank and also AP)
- Weak against splitpushers
Malphite Build
Best Build Guide for Malphite

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
I start to think about what I want to build during champ select, or during the loading screen.
If I want to go the tank route, then I want to be a beefy frontline, that can tank damage and survive a long fight.
If I want to build for an AP Mage, then I start with Amp Tome. I then try to play a more burst reliant style. This route fits well into a team that wants to play a fast fight, burst someone, or multiple people, and get out.
I listed Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis as starting items because I think they are really good items to rush if you are struggling during laning phase versus heavy auto attackers.
Tank Build:
This Build gives me a lot of armor early to fight an AD lane opponent. With Iceborn Gauntlet and Sunfire, I can survive extended fights and also do a lot of damage because I can stick to people with the Gauntlet slow.
The boots are optional. Versus 3 auto-attacking champions, I like to go Ninja Tabis, and versus heavy CC (for example TF, Annie, Lux, Seraphine, Sona) Mercury Treads are really good. The CC reduction of Mercury's doesn't work for knock-ups, so I personally don't like to build them for the MR stats only.
After the tank items, I usually build a Liandry's. It's an extremely good item because it lets you one-shot squishy carries while also tanking damage from other champions.
My last item is usually a Randuins Omen or an Adaptive Helm. This depends on the enemy champions' playstyle, and also who is the most fed. Jinh and Yasuo are really good champs to build Randuins against.
Again, your goal here is to survive long enough for your team to do enough damage. But also you don't want to fully depend on your team. The Sunfire and Gauntlet give you enough damage in the early to mid-game, and the Liandry's rounds it up to the late-game.
AP Burst Build:
If my goal is to burst enemies and then leave the fight I usually tend to build the 2 builds listed. I decided to put up 2 options because I think both builds are viable.
The first one - AP BURST BUILD - is a build that lets you get the most damage on the current patch. Rabadons is absolutely broken right now. Try to build it after RoA so you can get the maximum AP amount. After that go for magic penetration. Void staff suprisingly gives roughly the same magic pen, when the enemies build no magic resist, as the flat magicpen items. If they build MR then it is way better. After that you just want to get more damage and items for burst potential.
After that, I build Infinity Orb, which is a really good item on Malphite. The crits on low HP targets are what sometimes lets you kill enemies where you never had a chance without the item. Additionally, I build an Oblivian Orb. I would not recommend upgrading it to a Morellonomicon. Morello doesn't give you additional Magic-penetration, and also no additional AP. The only useful stat it gives is the Grievous Wounds. But you are better off with your teammates buying other GW items.
After I finished my Rabadons Deathcap I sell my Oblivion Orb and buy a Voidstaff instead. This way I can snowball with the raw Magic-penetration, and switch to percentage MPen when I need it more.
The second build - AP BURST 2 - is a good build when you have 2 more magic damage sources on your team, or don't feel confident with trying to snowball the game.
The items focus on doing damage but also surviving some time. This build is really good if your team doesn't rely on you for the only AP damage.
The Rod of Ages lets you play more safely during the laning phase, while also giving you damage.
The problem with both AP builds is that your impact in the game tends to fall off the longer the game continues. That's why I like to build Rabadons Deathcap so that I have enough damage to kill the carries even later in the game.
But with both AP builds you dont want the game to continue very long, because it gets harder for you to do damage.
Malphite Runes
Best Runes for Malphite

Grasp: Very good for trading during laning phase. Brutal: In my opinion better than Gathering storm because it gives you more strength during the early levels in lane. Conditioning: Really good rune. Backbone and Hunter Titan are also optional if you want a more safer laneing phase. Sweet Tooth: One of my favourite runes. It allows me to trade evenly during the first two waves and then heal up more than my enemy. Also in combination with the passive shield really good to get ahead.

- AP Runes - Electrocute: Good for short traded against melees during laning. Q -> AA -> E Brutal: Good for ealry damage. Gathering Storm is also a really good option here. Regeneration: Best choice here in my opinion, because you dont want fights where resistances are worth it. You want to spam your Q, or get in, do damage, and get out. Manaflow Band: Same as in Regeneration. Lets you spam your Q more effectively.

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Malphite Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
You can also try to quickly surprise him with Ultimate + 3rd Skill if he is low.

Laning phase
During the loading screen try to think about whats your goal during laning phase, and what the goal of the enemy champion. Does he want to go in and fight for a long time? Or does he want to poke you and try to avoid trades? This way you can counter their playstyle by avoiding trades or poking them down when they have their abilities on cooldown.
A typical trading pattern would be:
Seismic Shard
> Autoattack >
Ground Slam
> Autoattack >
> Autoattack
Against most champions you should win the trade if you run out after. When you have
Iceborn Gauntlet
you can take longer trades, and even chase them.
If you are level 5 or above, and they are at around half HP you can use
Unstoppable Force
and should kill every squishy champion. For the Bruiser Champions like Darius and Jax you want to poke them as low as possible while reserving your HP.

During team fights your job is to use your CC and tankyness and be a frontline for your team. Use your
Unstoppable Force
on at least 1 enemy carry champion. Wait for them to use their dashes or escape abilities. For example, You see an enemy Zedd use his [zedd:2] and you know that no other enemy champions are around? Try to ult him and do some damage. Even if you don't kill him, if you do this before a crucial teamfight, like for dragon or baron, you can force him to go back and win the objective.
If the enemy team has an immobile carry like Annie, Jinx, Jihn use your ultimate on them and try to stick on them with your slow from
Iceborn Gauntlet
Seismic Shard