[2.4b] Amumu Guide - Amumu Tank is just so op [In-Depth]
Amumu Tank is just so op [In-Depth]
Amumu Build
Best Build Guide for Amumu

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Item
Ruby Crystal is the first item to take with Amumu because it's used to build the
Bami's Cinder .
Early Items
Bami's Cinder is really great to have a better jungle clear. It also evolve into a
Sunfire Aegis .
Boots of Speed to have a better ganking power and can evolve in many ways.
Core Items
Sunfire Aegis is insanely good for tank bruisers, it gives you damage over time so it helps you in the jungle and teamfights or long trades.
Mercury's Treads helps a lot because it gives you tenacity which means the CC you'll take will last less.
Thornmail since it passive reflect damages you receive. Amumu will have his powerspike at this time, he will be insanely strong.
Flexing Items
Randuin's Omen is builded when there are a lot of crit, it can be con ADC but also champions like
Yasuo or
Master Yi .
Spirit Visage is good for the lifesteal and the bonus heal, also build it if there are heavy or snowballing AP. (e.g.
Malphite AP.)
Warmog's Armor is just so great if you wanna full tank, if there are too many teamfights his passive will not be super effective.
Abyssal Mask is really nice if you struggle with mana. It also grant you to deals more damage, you can build it with a
Rabadon's Deathcap .
Frozen Heart is hella good if you often gank or teamfights. This item is really good versus ADC or champions who have a lot of attack speed.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter slows the ennemies but not his attack speed. It's good if you have a lot of fast ennemies. (e.g.
Camille .)
Rabadon's Deathcap to have a lot of magic damage so your gank will be more powerful.
Umbral Glaive can fit very well if you want to be sneaky when you are ganking. I do not recommend it because you'll lose one space in your build and you can simply use a dewarder.
Boots & Enchants
Amumu can chosse between 3 different boots :
Mercury's Treads is the best since it grants you tenacity and magic resistance.
- [plated steelcap] is also great if you want some armor if the ennemy team haven't a lot of CC.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity is taken when you don't need both of the other one.
He can also take a lot of enchants :
Glorious Enchant is super strong if you want to catch up an adversary then use your [amumu:1] and kill him.
- [locket enchant] to have better teamfights but it is often taken by the support so you can replace it by a...
Redeeming Enchant . This one also deals damage to ennemies.
Protobelt Enchant can be used to gank quickly or to run away.
- [stasis enchant] isn't really useful since you are mega tanky but can helps you versus assassins.
The build given is only an example ! This one will be good con critical and squishy champions.
Amumu Runes
Best Runes for Amumu

This is the main rune set for Amumu Tank.
- Conqueror
You'll take Conqueror for the Keystone Rune. It will stack AP up to 5 times, so every combos will grant you 20-60 + 10% magic damage during 8 seconds so your
will be insanely good !
- Triumph
For the Domination Rune you may take Triumph so you'll do even more damage to ennemies below 35% health when you are ganking while the laners and your succesful gank will be rewarded by restore you 10% of your missing health.
- Hunter Titan
I take Hunter Titan on the Resolve Rune especially for the tenacity it gives you and become more and more tanky as always.
- Mastermind
The Insperation's rune Mastermind will never change, every junglers should have it. It gives you extra gold/exp and deal more damage to epic monsters (Drakes, Herald, Nashor).

But you also can replace some runes.
- Aftershock
Aftershock is really good against squishy champions.
- Weakness
Weakness for the exact same thing. You'll deal more damage but will not gives you missing health.
- Conditioning
Conditioning will gives you more armor but not a great tenacity so it's even better to take this rune is there isn't a lot of CC in the ennemy team.
You can combine these runes with the other set, e.g. take Conqueror / Triumph / Conditioning / Mastermind if the ennemies haven't a lot of CCs.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

To gank Q your target, cast W mid air then AA E AA.

Versus melee range, W AA then instantly E Q followed by an AA.

To catch out the enemy team with an AoE engage, Q then R mid air. Instantly W E once you land.

When you are ganking post-5, Q and cast W mid air. AA E R instantly one after the other once you land followed by some AA's.

Extend the range of your R by using it, then mid animation Flash and instantly W Q followed by E AA.

When at short range Q E instantly then W AA once you land.

For a long range full engage Q then Flash mid animation. Quickly W R once you land and AA E AA afterwards.

When outside melee range W E together then instantly Flash Q followed by an AA

For a tricky engage W Q at the same time towards your first target, then mid air quickly R Flash to hit your other targets. E AA your first target.

To engage on an entire team Q your first target and hit W mid air. As your reach your first target hit R and instantly F to hit as many people as possible.
Amumu Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
is highly vulnerable to CC so your
Bandage Toss
Curse Of The Sad Mummy
will crush him. He is also unable to sustain since you have a
. On top of that he is poor for short trades and have a bad early so try to have more exp than him and you'll be good.

Pros and cons
- Pros
+ Is super tanky and have a lot of tenacity.
+ Have a lot of CC, can grab, stun and slow.
+ Have a really good power gank after 5.
+ He his really good at objectives.
+ His powerspike is mid game so you'll always win if you have a good early.
+ Good in long trades and teamfights.
+ Great in soloQ.
- Cons
- Have a bad early clear.
- Will be often invaded.
- Champions who hit a percentage of his max health or resist to CC will be stronger.

- 1st clear
There is 2 different paths possible at the start, mainly depending on your preference. The first one will be :
- Raptors, use your E to finish faster.
- Red Buff, smite him and try to not lose a lot of health.
- Krugs will be fast.
- Scuttler, also smite him.
- You'll be level 4, you can either gank or back.
This one is the fastest and the safest. But you will not have a lot of mana at the end of the clear. You can also do :
- Blue buff, smite him.
- Wolves, use your E to clear faster.
- Scuttler will spawn, kill it
- Gank or Gromp.
You will have full mana and can do a basic gank maybe kill and take the advantage but if you are against a strong 1v1 champion (such as
) he can contest your Blue Buff and even kills you.
- Other Clear
Try to do a full clear, at least take buffs, raptors and wolves sinces multi-target are faster to kill.
- Invading
You can try to gank early if you are sure that the ennemy jungler will not contest it. Also, take his buff when he's dead or before doing an epic monster :)
- Objectives
is really good for taking objectives such as Dragons, the Herald and the Nashor. Remember to always put a ward behind the objectives and in bushes to not be surprise by contesting.
The first drake spawns at 4:00, go back to your base 30 seconds earlier, buy some items and ping your allies to go with you. Killing some opponent will be better to do the objectives.
Same thing for the Herald which spawns at 6:00 but time time you can go alone or with your mid or top (or both).
You can fight the Baron at level 10 but it will be hard. The best moment to do it is at level 12. Nashor spawns at 10:00.
- Ganking
You can gank or contest at level 3 since you have your basic combo but it will be better from level 5.
Try to not be spotted by a ward, take another path than the river unless the enemy champion(s) push. Ganking should be easy since you only have to CC the opponent and finsh your combo.
See above all the combos.
You might gank early on when :
- Your laner(s) have CC.
- Enemy champion(s) has no flash (or is on cooldown).
- Enemy champion(s) will push the lane early.
- The matchup is 'snowbally', if one kill decide the lane. eg.
Katarina .
- You anticipate that the ennemy jungler will gank that lane early too, so we want to counter-gank.
Ganking on a losing lane is difficult, the opponent will be stronger than you.
- Smite
Take the Red Smite to engage and fight champions to secure kills for yourself.
Take the Blue Smite if you prefer to play a more supportive role for the team.
I recommend you to take the Blue one since it's Amumu Tank so you'll be in the front of the ennemies to slows the opponent and help your teammate to kill them.
- Synergie
fit the most with
because he can stun and CC and Oria,na will deal a lot of damage to the ennemies.

tips and tricks
You can use your
Bandage Toss
on a minion or a monster to get closer to an ennemy and then ult
Curse Of The Sad Mummy
is really useful in multiple camp and when we attack you because the CD will decrease at every attack you take.
Manage your
to not lose a lot of mana.
- Laning against him
Amumu have a very weak early game and is susceptible to invade. If you're a strong 1v1 champion, try and invade him early to set him behind and delay his level 5 power spike.
Amumu's team fight presence is very strong. Do not group too closely as this will allow him to get multiperson entangle with his
Curse Of The Sad Mummy
. Do not fight inside the jungle either for the same reason.
You'll need to either invest in armor pen if you're an AD champion, or magic pen if you're en AP champion.