[1.1.0] Spider-Woman Camille Guide (Baron Lane)
Spider-Woman Camille Guide (Baron Lane)
Camille Build
Best Build Guide for Camille

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Buy any of these two items. personally, I prefer Sapphire Crystal as it lets me spam 1st Skill.
For Core Items:
Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi for Boots. I usually use Ninja Tabi since I mostly target ADCs during teamfights. You can choose whatever Enchant you like, based on the match's situation. Trinity Force is also a must-buy item for Camille. It lets her deal more damage with its Extra Damage and Attack Speed. To further utilize Trinity Force's Extra Damage, buy Sterak's Gage which gives Extra Base AD which is used for Trinity Force's passive and also gives extra HP and Extra Shield. Buy Randuin's Omen to get some extra Tankiness against ADCs and decrease their Attack Speed which helps a whole lot during team fights.
Camille Runes
Best Runes for Camille

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Camille Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Some Tips for Newbies.
Camille is seen by many as a "weak" champion so try to utilize that knowledge. Let them get cocky so you can show 'em who's Boss!
So, here's the tips you're here for. Camille's 1st Skill has 2 Phases. The first one deals extra Damage, while the 2nd one also deals extra Damage. But guess what? It deals TRUE DAMAGE!!! But you have to wait for a second before it deals true damage, so wait for that time. How can you deal damage during that second you ask? Easy! Camille's 3rd Skill INCREASES HER ATTACK SPEED if she bumps an enemy using it. So try to bump enemies with it to stun them for a second, enough to get your True Damage ready, and to deal some damage using the extra attack speed.
So that's all in this guide. It might not help a lot for experienced players but I do hope that this Guide helped most of you, even if it's a small help. Keep Wild, Enjoy the Rift. Let us all have fun in the Wild Rift!