[2.2] In-depth Camille Guide (Rift Academy #3)
In-depth Camille Guide (Rift Academy #3)
- Amazing Splitpusher
- High Mobility
- Flexible Pick, Consistentt
- Great Teamfight Presence
- Heavily relies on Gold/XP
- Highly Mechanical
- Hook shot is short compared to PCt
Camille Build
Best Build Guide for Camille

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Items : You always Start with
Long Sword
since the other starting items just doesn't make sense to purchase obviously.
Mid Tier Items :
is a must have on camille, Increases your Damage output by 2x and can potentially outrade everyone in toplane except Jax which I'll explain later.
Core Items :
Trinity Force
, [Deaths dance] are a must have items fo camille.
Trinity Force
just doubles your [Camille:1] damage by 1.5x since the
proc can be converted into true damage. [Deaths's dance] is the Core Defensive/Offensive item, Really good for sustain and prevents you from getting bursted and the stats help camille in general (
Sterak's Gage
can be replaced by
Maw of Malmortius
against AP heavy team)
Situational Items :
- A good late game item if you are hard carrying and don't want to buy defensive items, the whopping 65 AD is a huge spike for camille's damage.
Frozen Heart
- Cheap, Great stats / effect, what could you ask more? A relatively effective item against auto attack based enemies and since
doesn't provide mana anymore frozen heart let's you stay in combat longer in late game that answers your mana problems
- Better alternative than
Mortal Reminder
since the Pen you get from that item is wasted.
Force of Nature
- Textbook staple item for
amazing stats with a godly effect. This item easily tops
Maw of Malmortius
Camille Runes
Best Runes for Camille

You take if you can easily proc it. only time you swap out to conquer is when against Hard matchups where you can't properly proc grasp. You don't necessarily need conquerer since you already deal true damage with precision protocol and extra stats is much better than extra damage on a Champion thay already does well in that department.

Against Range/Hard matchups. You take triumph instead of hunter Vampirism because Camille's
Precision Protocol
Deals True damage and Physical vamp only heals off of physical damages, Not true damage.

My new Favorite Keystone Playstyle for Camille. The moment speed and sustain makes you more annoying and powerful that pairs really well with the hit and run Mechanic. Can be used all the time from different matchup if you want to have a safe Early game.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

A standard engage tool whenever you are Flanking or simply engaging Against an enemy or group of them.
Tactical Sweep
will hit it's slow first so
stun is guranteed, Simply hitting your
Tactical Sweep
is already a huge CC for you to manuever around the targets.

Your very standard short-trade combo. It's very important to cancel the animation of your auto attack with
Precision Protocol
to minimize the time window while keeping the DPS in check, I recommend starting to pull this combo when you have
since it's a bit risky to be Aggressive early Against certain Champions in the early levels. But if Against easy Matchups don't be afraid to bully the enemy laner.
Note that each Hit of
Precision Protocol
Provides movement speed so hitting the outer edge of
will be easy.

A good surprise combo to pull of an all in when you want to attempt an outplay or tower dive.
+ Flash +
unfortunately doesn't work compared to her PC counter part.
Note that
doesn't have a huge hitbox grapple compared to PC so make sure it always hits the wall or else you'll be wasting it.

Bread and butter full combo, Engage with
and start with Auto attack cancel into
Precision Protocol
Animation cancel your
Tactical Sweep
The Hextech Ultimatum
and you can still apply the Damage/slow even though you're invulnerable during your
The Hextech Ultimatum
And by the time you after you
The Hextech Ultimatum
your second part of
Precision Protocol
will be ready and finish of the target with Auto attack +
Precision Protocol

Fast Combo, Great for teamfights and want to isolate the AD Carry. You use
Precision Protocol
to get bonus MS and engage immediately with
Tactical Sweep
mid air. Immediately press
The Hextech Ultimatum
when you've closed the gap Against the enemy ADC. This will result for them to flash away while you've already used
The Hextech Ultimatum
to trap them this will usually kill any ADC if your team manage to follow up.
Camille Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
A free win basically and against tanks in general, 2 of your abilities deal HP Based damage
Tactical Sweep
The Hextech Ultimatum
Precision Protocol
deals true damage. Him stacking HP is basically suicide for him.

Camille obviously has mechanics too.
Trinity Force
proc For
Precision Protocol
Precision Protocol
has a 1.5 second Window before you can recast the true damage.
Trinity Force
has a 1.5 cooldown as well. Go to practice tool and Practice Auto attack into prefect Timing precision protocol. Note that there's an Audio cue before you can recast precision protocol and it takes an auto attack + any ability to take up that Exact 1.5 second window (practice this until it's a muscle memory)
Adaptive Defenses
Shield. Your shield isn't based on the damage type of the enemy, your passive is based on WHICH type of damage being dealt to you more. You can get an AP shield from an AD Champion if they use their AP based abilities more than their AD based attacks. Good example is lee sin, His
Tempest / Cripple
does AP damage. If that's the damage you get hit first by him then you get an AP shield instead of AD even though lee sin is an AD Champion.
Always remember that
Adaptive Defenses
can absorb turret damage if its the Physical Damage shield. Don't be afraid to poke the enemy under tower.

Final Words
Thank You for read until the very end of this Guide, took me 2 hours to write everything down in mobile. Apologies if this guide was a little late off schedule.

Camille is definitely an interesting and fun Champion to use. Her complexity as a Champion and how rewarding she can be is what makes her Worthy to learn.this is what a camille 1v9 looks like with a heavy team. Perfect Macro can win impossible games.

Updates to Patch 2.1
- Kennen and Darius Matchup Added.
- Rest Remains the same.
- New viable situational Items.