Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.4
August 02, 2021 09:46


Pantheon is a strong early game jungler but falls off in the late game. His real strength lies in ganking using his second ability to stun, 3rd ability to soak damage and 1st ability to execute low health enemies.pantheon can not 1v1 any enemy jungler.

Pantheon Build

Best Build Guide for Pantheon

Starting Items
Long Sword
Assassin Fighter
Blade of the Ruined King
Black Cleaver
Protobelt Enchant
Guardian Angel
Sterak's Gage
Situational/last item
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Mortal Reminder
Frozen Heart

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

PLEASE NOTE: this build requires extreme micro management of your Mortal WillMortal Will . Always use Shield VaultShield Vault as an empowered ability when you have full stacks of Mortal WillMortal Will . This will proc Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King , Black CleaverBlack Cleaver passives and  the Conquerer rune to deal a huge amount of damage. 

Please see the combos page for more info

Starting item:

§ Long SwordLong Sword you need the extra AD to help clear camps. Your camp clearing is weak. 

Full Assassin Fighter Build:

§ Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King bonus damage and attack speed and it synergies perfectly with Shield VaultShield Vault when it is empowered. It procs both passives and is excellent for executing low health enemies with a simple combo 1.

§ Black CleaverBlack Cleaver nice health boost, damage and ability haste. This item combined with Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King again makes empowered Shield VaultShield Vault very strong in both ganks and team fights. 

§ Boot Choices: depending on enemy team comp. Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps or Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads . For the final upgrade I recommend Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant to catch someone with Shield VaultShield Vault or If you are going extremely aggressive you can try Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant

§ Guardian AngelGuardian Angel more damage and basically an extra life. You can take more risks in team fights or even bait our the enemy team during objectives. 

§ Sterak's GageSterak's Gage makes you very tanky and helps with damage which you lack in the late game. Also provides a nice shield when you get below 35% health. Makes you really hard to kill in teamfights combined with Guardian AngelGuardian Angel  

Situational/Last items:

§ Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade can be taken instead of Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King . Provides lots of early damage and movement speed. 

§ Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder good item combined with Black CleaverBlack Cleaver if going into heavy enemy tank composition. Will help you and your team shred through tank Armor. 

§ Frozen HeartFrozen Heart a good tank item when going into multiple ADC's (jhin dragon lane, vayne solo, kaisa mid) reduces thier attack speed making it easier for your team to take them down with little damage done. 

Pantheon Runes

Best Runes for Pantheon

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan

Conquerer: synergises perfectly with Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King and Black CleaverBlack Cleaver when used correctly with Mortal WillMortal Will and Shield VaultShield Vault .

Triumph: extra damage to low health targets + health regen upon takedown. This is extremely useful late game to stay alive as the team meat shield. 

Hunter Titan: more health + tenacity. As a team utility jungler you need to soak damage as much as possible while providing stuns. 

Mastermind or pathfinder: mastermind because you really need that extra damage VS objectives like dragon or rift herald. Path finder if you want that extra move speed in jungle to gank faster

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Mortal Will
Mortal Will - Passive
Comet Spear
Comet Spear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Shield Vault
Shield Vault
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Aegis Assault
Aegis Assault
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Grand Starfall
Grand Starfall
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Standard for junglers


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Mortal Will
Shield Vault
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Comet Spear
Aegis Assault

Standard lvl 3 gank/poke. Make sure you always use Shield VaultShield Vault with Mortal WillMortal Will as this will instantly give you 3 stacks more of Mortal WillMortal Will . Auto x 2 and you will get an empowered Comet SpearComet Spear to execute low health enemies(usually below 20% health) you can then back off with Aegis AssaultAegis Assault if you need your teammates to finish them off. 

Grand Starfall
Shield Vault
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Comet Spear
Aegis Assault

Team fight combo. This is used engage from a distance. Ult in to deal damage to everyone within the blast area. Shield VaultShield Vault onto the highest priority target. Try to finish then yourself or let your team do the rest. 

Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Comet Spear
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Aegis Assault

MEAT SHIELD: This is used to bait the enemy into attacking you. Then use Aegis AssaultAegis Assault to soak all the incoming damage while your team runs them down. You get a movement speed boost at the end of Aegis AssaultAegis Assault to "tactically retreat"

Pantheon Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo
Jarvan Iv
Jarvan Iv
Lee Sin
Lee Sin
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao

Can easily stun you will Bandage TossBandage Toss leaving you vulnerable to being cut down by the enemy team. Try to avoid his Curse Of The Sad MummyCurse Of The Sad Mummy then come in to help and stun. 

You cannot 1v1 any enemy jungler. They will easily cut you down. 


Jungle pathing

Always start blue buff. You struggle to clear camps and the health regen is a must. 

Blue Buff - > red Buff - > raptors - > scuttle - > gank

This is your standard clear path. There are no alternatives. 



Always make sure you have Mortal WillMortal Will at full stacks and refer to my combos page for maximum damage output and correct team fight maneuvering. 

Always try to gank low health enemies as your Comet SpearComet Spear can quickly execute low Health targets. 

However if you have strong teammates in that lane you can quickly use Shield VaultShield Vault to lock them down for your team. Wait for them to get low health and use Comet SpearComet Spear to finish them off. 


Game Guide

NOTE: You need to snowball hard early game to get ahead, make sure you are involved in most of, if not all kills/assists. You are a utility jungler

Early Game: focus on ganking as this is really your only purpose playing pantheon. Run in, stun, do damage/kill get out. Extended team fights are not recommended as you are very vulnerable early game. 

Mid Game: focus on farming, team fights and securing objectives. You need to be at every team fight stunning as much as possible and soaking damage. 

Late Game: any damage advantage you had is now firmly gone. You can still execute low health enemies but you cannot 1v1. You need to focus on ulting correctly. Stunning and soaking as much damage as possible. 


Pro's and Con's


§ Comet SpearComet Spear can execute low health targets

§ Aegis AssaultAegis Assault can soak all incoming damage from the direction you activate it in for 1.5 seconds. 

§ you have an almost global ultimate 


§ low health/squishy

§ no escape if you get caught out

§ you are extremely vulnerable to damage from behind during Aegis AssaultAegis Assault  

§ your Grand StarfallGrand Starfall can be canceled by the enemy with CC or knock ups. 


Tips and tricks

§ your empowered Shield VaultShield Vault automatically gives you 3 extra stacks of Mortal WillMortal Will 2 x auto attacks will give you an empowered Comet SpearComet Spear

§ you can use your Grand StarfallGrand Starfall to quickly teleport out of danger. I.E getting caught  out. Quickly activate your ult to a safe area. 9/10 times you will get out before the enemy can kill you. 

Remember your ult can be canceled by cc or knock ups. 



This takes practice and perfect timing however:

If you ult into the dragon or baron pit so you will arrive just as it can be smited, you will knock back all enemies then stun the enemy jungler with Shield VaultShield Vault . You can then smite the objective and steal it for your team. 

You will probably die of you don't have flash to get out. 


Wild Rift Glossary

A few league terms explained:

Item Synergy: how well an item works with your champion to maximize damage, ability power and roam potential. 

Champion synergy: how well champions complement each other's abilities. Example Malphite and Yasuo. Ashe and Braum or Lulu and Jinx. 

Obj: objectives AKA neutral objectives such as Dragons, rift herald or Baron Nasher

Gank: when you or one of your teammates goes to a lane and surprise engages the enemy using cc or pure attack damage to kill the enemy with your teammates. You can also let one of your teammates bait an enemy into following them then surprising them from a bush to kill them. 

Roam potential: how quickly you can move across the map to a specific area or lane. 

Map control: the ability to control fight outbreaks or enemy roams. Example: stopping the mid laner or jungler from roaming to your dragon laners to group attack them. 

Roaming: leaving your lane or jungle to team fight other lanes. Example: yasuo leaves mid and roams to baron to group on enemy baron laner to kill them. 

CC: Crowd control - the ability to stun or knock up multiple enemies. Example CycloneCyclone , Glacial FissureGlacial Fissure , Grand EntranceGrand Entrance or Light BindingLight Binding  

Remember more cc = more GG


Why Listen to Me?

My name is TG NV1S and I play for Tactical Gaming's Wild Rift division.

We have multiple competitive League of legends teams, all with highly experienced players and staff. 

I personally have 5 years of league experience peaking diamond. 

I work closely in conjunction with my [CO] XIERNAS and my [INSL] Berrymonkey to bring you the very best and up-to-date guides. 

My sources for these guides(besides our own knowledge and experience) are highly experienced and intuitive Wild Rift players, coaches and analysts. 

If you want to join Tactical Gaming or wish to support the organization please head over to for more information on to get in touch with us. 

If you have any questions regarding these guides please don't hesitate to dm me on discord at: TG NV1S#6883


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3 years ago
Can i use this guide for baon lane too ?