[5.0] [In-Depth] Semi-Tank Vi Guide
[In-Depth] Semi-Tank Vi Guide
- Very tanky
- Does decent damage
- Allows you to survive teamfights more often
- Good in high-elo
- Relies on Vault Breaker for mobility
- Very costly build
- Falls behind late game
Vi Build
Best Build Guide for Vi

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword will be your starting item as it allows you to hit harder and deal more damage to jungle camps in early game. This item is also useful to build up to your first core item:
Divine Sunderer .
Divine Sunderer
Trinity Force
- While both
Divine Sunderer and
Trinity Force are great items, it's clear that one of them is better than the other. When it comes to shredding tanks and sustain,
Divine Sunderer is clearly superior. Not only that, you can pair it up with
Black Cleaver , increasing your damage even further. The reason you can't build
Black Cleaver with
Trinity Force is because of the
Phage passive since both items have it (item passives don't stack).
Trinity Force makes
Black Cleaver irrelevant given you only pick
Trinity Force if you aren't facing tanky opponents.
Why should I build
Black Cleaver
Divine Sunderer
- To put it simply,
Black Cleaver allows you and your teammates to shred off tanks because of it's passive; Sunder. For every hit, you reduce the enemy's armor by 4% stacking up to 6 times, up to 24%. This is good for
Vi because his passive (20% armor reduction) stacks with
Black Cleaver 's passive. Here's an example:
Let's say thatMalphite has 300 armor. If you hit him 6 times, his armor will be reduced by 24% and will drop down to 228 armor. Combine it with your passive
Denting Blows and that 228 armor will drop down to 182 armor, which is a 39% armor reduction in total.
"Wait, 39% armor reduction? Isn't it supposed to be 44%"
- Some stats in Wild Rift are multiplicative, not additive. When it comes to %damage reduction or %damage increase, it's multiplicative. Ability haste on the other hand, is additive.
Sterak's Gage will be your second item as it gives you health and +50% base damage. It's passive will help you against burst champs and keep you alive in teamfights.
Trinity Force is great if you aren't facing tanky or burst heavy teams. It has the same sheen passive but
Trinity Force won't heal you. This item also has
Phage as its component, making it easier to chase enemies. This item is a great alternative to
Divine Sunderer .
Guardian Angel gives you armor and attack damage which is very useful. This item is also good if you somehow die a lot and make a lot of mistakes.
Thornmail ,
Randuin's Omen ,
Death's Dance or
Frozen Heart can be useful against AD Heavy matchups. It's also useful when the enemy ADC is ahead and if you die a lot to AD champs, or when the enemy assassin is fed.
Spirit Visage and
Force of Nature can be used against AP champs like Evelynn or Orianna. These are the only magic resist items I buy considering the fact that
Abyssal Mask doesn't benefit
Vi at all besides the magic resist and ability haste.
Spirit Visage boosts healing and shielding while
Force of Nature acts as a statcheck against AP damage.
Wit's End is another great magic resist item for
Vi . It gives attack speed and healing when you're low which
Vi needs, and the magic resists is also helpful.
Amaranth Twinguard is a must for
Vi whether you're fighting against AD or AP heavy team comps. It increases both your armor and magic resist and it's passive increases your armor, magic resist and tenacity even further.
Mercury's Treads and
Plated Steelcaps are the only good options. Against CC heavy matchups, I use
Mercury's Treads instead. Otherwise, I go for
Plated Steelcaps .
Glorious Enchant is great for chasing enemies, but that's about it.
Gargoyle Enchant should be the best for
Vi especially when you're diving. It gives shield based on the amount of enemies nearby.
Vi Runes
Best Runes for Vi

This is a standard build for Junglers used in high-elo.
Hunter Titan
will help you handle CC more and give you extra health for every unique takedown.
will help you travel around jungle lanes faster.
will help you execute low HP enemies and allow you to heal after every kill or assist.

This is the Assassin rune set. Try at your own risk since your damage falls off harder and you are much squishier with this.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is your basic Vi skill combo.

This combo is very effective against unsuspecting opponents. Usually, I do this combo against squishy champions like ADCs.

Your usual trading pattern in Jungle. This is also good for clearing minion waves.
Vi Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Pros and Cons
1. Very good pick potential
2. Great CC
3. Good objective control (taking down turrets, etc.)
4. Very consistent
5. Good in high elo
1. Relies on her
Vault Breaker
to engage and escape
2. The CC on her
Assault And Battery
is only single target
3. Can easily be baited because of her ult
4. Less effective in late game (unless it's lethality build which makes her squishy)
5. Once she falls behind early, it's hard to make a come back

Favorite Matchups
Galio . This guy is just broken at the moment. Nothing more to say. His
Hero's Entrance is amazing in teamfights, especially when you're caught. His
Justice Punch and
Shield Of Durand combo is useful especially when you want to go for a pick and the on-hit damage from his
Winds Of War is so good.
Orianna . Even after the nerfs, she is still very strong. Her
Command: Shockwave is just as useful as
Galio 's ult in teamfights.
Orianna can also shield you meaning if your
Blast Shield is on cooldown, she can use it to you AND also use you as a guide to her ult.
Twisted Fate . His ult
Destiny combined with
Pick A Card is very useful for ganking and revealing hidden enemies.
Yasuo . Your
Vault Breaker and
Assault And Battery knock up enemies, which is useful for
Yasuo to steal--I mean, use his
Last Breath to keep the enemies knocked up and secure the kill.

Jungle Pathing
Scuttle Clear
- This is the clear I mostly use and it always works for most junglers I play, especially
Vi . It's the most consistent and safest clear to get the scuttle crab while having both buffs at the same time! Basically it goes like this: Red Brambleback ----------> Raptrors ----------> Blue Sentinel ----------> Scuttle Crab. Keep in mind that Scuttle Crab spawns at exactly 1:25 of the game.
Full Clear
- Full Clear is very good for
Vi as it gets her to lvl 5 very quickly. The downside however, is that you don't have as much influence if you go full clear compared to the scuttle clear. You are also prone into being invaded and/or getting killed. You also won't be able to take the scuttle crab meaning there's less vision for your team. I would only recommend this pathing if you want to win against
Olaf or
Graves , two of your hardest matchups.
Challenging Smite (Red Smite) or Chilling Smite (Blue Smite)?
- If you're more of a ganking jungler, then Chilling Smite is better for you. If you like to duel other junglers, it's best to go for Challenging Smite.
