[2.2] Ahri Guide (easy to platinum)
Ahri Guide (easy to platinum)
- higher mobility
- failed skillshots won't matter so much
- ability to charm multiple targets in one fight
- less dps
- less sidelane-kill-pressure
Ahri Build
Best Build Guide for Ahri

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
The combination of Ludens Echo and Awakenend Soulstealer gives you a huge powerspike in terms of damage and mobilty, and let's you roam very effectively. Apart from that, because of the low cooldowns you are able to re-engage within seconds, and chase to secure kills that otherwise would have been a close escape.
Ahri Runes
Best Runes for Ahri

Electrocute for the burst damage, and because you can easily force it with Q + AA.
Brutal for early trades - ahri is a very good snowballer, even more with this build. If you stomp your lane, you can roam and help them win. And because your cooldowns are so low, your a) fast and b) deadly.
Spirit Walker - same arguments as with brutal. You don't want to scale, you wan't to win early and snowball.
Hunter Genius - fits the idea of focusing on ability haste. With HG and a fully stacked Soulstealer you reduce your ult cooldown from around 50 seconds to around 30 seconds - even with armor or magic resist boots.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Throw your Q on the enemy while he tries to last hit minions, follow up with an auto attack. This will also trigger electrocute, and because you can cast everything through minions you don't have to expose yourself.

typical "enemy got caught by charme" rotation. But remember, your charme is an important self-peel-tool to avoid ganks, so only cast it if you're sure it'll hit.

typical all in if you catch someone of guard. In the later stages of the game your Orb will be nearly off cooldown at the end, which lets you start another rotation.

sneaky little way to hide your charm.
but a) you need to have fast fingers and b) you need to run towards your opponent, otherqise it is hard to hit with mobile controls
Ahri Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Ahris Strengths
Ahri is a champ with mediocre burst, mediocre cc, mediocre range and at least high mobility. This doesn't sound extraordinary, but it makes here very versatile.
With this build you'll boost your mobilty and your cc, because you can use your spells bearl double the amount than with other builds (because of nearly 50% reduced cooldowns).
Because of that, your able to solo-carry lategame teamfights. You don't need to jump in the backline, oneshot the adc and (worst case) get killed trying to escape. You instead are able to spam your charme, hitting multiple targets in one teamfight. You normally won't be able to instantly 100 to 0 somebody, but your spells are up so fast that you can cast two rotations before they are able to run away.

Annotation skill order
-> always skill your charme at lvl 2.
not only does it help you to punish ur enemys mistakes, but also it prevents you from early ganks.
-> maximize your Orb (first skill), afterwards your fox-fire (second skill)
Those are your damage abilities, and your charm should be hold anyways in the early game. (Always keep your charme to escape from ganks or punish enemys blunders. Never just throw it around, unless your soulstealer is full, stacked and the cooldown is low)