by Twilight

[2.0.0] Annie Guide - Bear-tastic! Learn Pyromancy with Annie Mid

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.0.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

Bear-tastic! Learn Pyromancy with Annie Mid

An extensive guide to playing Annie, the Dark Child, in the mid lane. Covering matchups, item builds, abilities, gameplan, and tips and tricks on everything Annie!

Annie Build

Best Build Guide for Annie

Starting Items
Amplifying Tome
Boots of Speed
Ruby Crystal
Core Items
Rod of Ages
Rabadon's Deathcap
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Oblivion Orb
Boot Enchantments
Locket Enchant
Stasis Enchant
Protobelt Enchant
Shadows Enchant
Situational Items
Infinity Orb
Liandry's Torment
Void Staff
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Awakened Soulstealer

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items


Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome

→ Most often-bought first item for AP champions, gives 20 AP. Perfectly fine starting item.

Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed

→ Buy Boots for avoiding skillshot-based matchups (Ahri, Zed, Ziggs, Lux). Preferable if you're fine with losing some damage for maneuverability.

Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal

→ Buy in losing matchups where you can't trade back at all. This builds into Catalyst of Aeons, a helpful Tier 2 item that builds into Rod of Ages. More on that in the Items section.


Rod of AgesRod of Ages

→ After 5 minutes, grants a total value of 400 bonus health, 300 bonus mana, and 120 AP. The only item besides Deathcap that grants more than 100 AP. Speaking of which...

Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap

→ 130 AP and a passive that grants +40% bonus AP. Terrifying powerspike, a fully stacked RoA and Deathcap grants about 350 AP at 8-10 minutes.

Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity

→ Grants +15 Ability Haste and 15% Summoner Spell cooldown reduction. Great for a mage like Annie.

Oblivion OrbOblivion Orb

→ Tier 2 item that builds into Morellonomicon or Infinity Orb; choose one of them. More on this in the Situational Items section.


[Locket Enchant]

→ Grants a team-wide shield, perfect for teamfights and complimenting Annie's Molten Shield. My preference.

[Stasis Enchant]

→ Purchase this against assassins that are able to pose a threat and kill you (Zed, Fizz)

Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant

→ Buy this for an additional mobilty-engage option when Flash is down.

Shadows EnchantShadows Enchant

→ Good for finding unsuspecting enemies and chasing escaping ones, making them easier to stun.



→ One of two choices with Oblivion Orb. I prefer this for the raw stats it provides (300 health, 70 AP). Better if they have a healing support like Nami or Soraka or a champion like Dr. Mundo to reduce their effective healing with Grievous Wounds.

Infinity OrbInfinity Orb

→ One of two choices with Oblivion Orb. Buy this if your team is ahead and wants to eliminate squishies faster.

Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment

→ Good stats with damage-ramping and burn passives. My other preerred item after building core items to capitalize enemies that build health.

Void StaffVoid Staff

→ Good item that provides 40% magic penetration. Stacks with Brutal's 2% magic penetration, but needs more items to make the percent magic pen do its work.

Rylai's Crystal ScepterRylai's Crystal Scepter

→ Nice option for more health and a slow passive that works with Annie's ability casting.

Awakened SoulstealerAwakened Soulstealer

→ Good item because it allows for more casting and stunning, but it should be bought before Deathcap to allow time for stacking.

Annie Runes

Best Runes for Annie

Second Wind
Second Wind
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band
The basic rune set for any mana-based mage.

• Electrocute
→ Burst damage to complement Annie's playstyle. The best rune for Annie mid. (Same reason for other rune sets.)

• Brutal
→ 14 AP and 2% magic penetration in the early game is powerful; do not underestimate that 2%.

• Revitalize
→ Boosts your health/mana regen. Synergizes really well with Manaflow Band and Sweet Tooth.

• Manaflow Band
→ Increases your mana pool. Mana is crucial for any mana-based mage, and more mana = more spells!
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius
My current rune set. Helps with teamfights and becoming a slightly tanky menace.

• Weakness
→ Marks an enemy that Annie stuns. Hitting a marked enemy increases you and your allies' damage against the target.

• Hunter Titan
→ When stacked, grants a total value of 120 max health and 20% tenacity. Tenacity is great for escaping crowd control faster than normal, and can be the difference between life and death.

• Hunter Genius
→ When stacked, grants a total value of 15 Ability Haste. Great value.
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth
Other rune options for specific situations.

• Gathering Storm
→ Synergizes with Rod of Ages and Rabadon's Deathcap. This surpasses Brutal in granted AP by 8 minutes. Ideal for long games.

• Spirit Walker
→ 50 bonus health and 20% slow resistance is nothing to scoff at. The slow resist can help in escaping despite enemy slows.

• Sweet Tooth
→ Gains more healing value the lower your health is. Take this in losing matchups to not fall behind in lane.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Pyromania - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Molten Shield
Molten Shield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Summon: Tibbers
Summon: Tibbers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Flash is for Annie's engage and disengage. One of Annie's famous combos is a long-range engage with Flash > Tibbers + Stun. NEVER FORGET TO TAKE FLASH.
Ignite helps in closing out kills in the early and mid game. Drop this in the last part of your kill combo before they get out of range.
Ghost can be useful in chasing and escaping. Take this if you want to close gaps without Flash, and if taking Ignite is not your deal.
Take Exhaust against assassin matchups (Zed, Fizz). Use it at the moment of their combo start to reduce as much damage as possible.
I would not advise taking Barrier, but you can use it to bait unaware enemies into engaging you as you pop this and combo them into regretting their decisions.

Annie Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate
Akali is the most vulnerable melee assassin in the mid lane pre-level 5. Abuse your range advantage by poking her whenever she goes for a minion lasthit. Farm normally and stay alert of any jungle ganks.


Who am I?

I am Twilight, a 9-year League of Legends player and now playing Wild Rift in the SEA server. Currently, I am Emerald 1, and I am part of the Top 100 Annie players in the server leaderboards. I mainly play mid lane with Annie and Twisted Fate as my two-trick champions.

My Overview page!

My Most Played page! Ignore the Akali winrate >:[

Welcome to my Annie guide for Wild Rift, Patch 1.1!

Note: This is an extensive guide, and I mean walls-of-text kind of extensive. If you just want the gist of things, I have summarized as concise as possible all the necessary information above. Read on for the tips and tricks, game plan, and further explanation on some sections above.


Pros and Cons


  • Easy to learn and play, with a decent skill ceiling for mastery
  • Not a contested pick because of better mid laners like Orianna, Zed, and Seraphine
  • High damage and good stun duration (1.75s PyromaniaPyromania stun duration at Level 11)
  • Can teach the fundamentals of mid lane gameplay
  • Cute and cheap skins!
  • Free champion given in the first 10 levels


  • An honest character; is very predictable
  • Gets harder to cheese with at higher levels of play
  • Short effective range compared to other mages
  • Immobile champion; relies heavily on Flash

Champion Identity

Who is Annie, exactly?

  • In-game, Annie is a burst mage. As a burst mage, her role is to deal as much damage as possible while setting up opportunities for her team to follow up.
  • She is a weak champion in the first few minutes of the game, so your job is to scale into the mid and late game with items, gold, and experience.
  • You should play the game with a calculated mind. Know your damage, powerspikes, and remember to farm well. Plan all your movements and decisions. You will be a terrifying force in the midgame if the enemy team is not careful.
  • She has no mobility besides Flash, so knowing the best time to use and not to use Flash is crucial to her gameplay and not feeding.
  • Compared to the rest of the mid cast, she has weak waveclear. Make sure to get items to support her waveclear later in the game.

Early, Mid, and Late Game

Early Game

  • First 3 minutes of the game should be focused on getting your first core item. Do not miss a single last hit, and only leave the lane to help your jungler if he is fighting someone in the river or jungle.
  • Place your first ward either on the enemy blue buff, red buff, or on the Raptor camp (birds camp, nearest to the river) at 10 seconds in-game timer. It doesn't have to be at the brush, it just needs to be able to see the actual blue/red buff monster.
  • Check your map every few seconds. One helpful trick in developing this habit is to look after every other minion kill/death.
  • If there's a skirmish, help your team. Early game leads in Wild Rift are devastating and can snowball immensely.

Mid Game

  • I consider the mid game to occur between 5 minutes to 10 minutes of the game, and it is presumed that you already have your Rod of AgesRod of Ages and at least a Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed . Start looking for kills against your matchup if it's not a difficult one.
  • Keep an eye out for roaming opportunities after pushing the lane. They usually come in the form of the enemy team going farther from the safety of their lane's outer tower.
  • Help your jungler in ganking other lanes. Play with your team, help them get gold and experience to capitalize your lead.

Late Game

  • I consider late game as any point in time after 10 minutes, because you should have your core items done at this point in time.
  • At this point, if your team does not have a Sweeping Lens (red trinket) or only has one Lens, get one. Use it to clear enemy wards with your team, as well as finding a good spot to surprise enemies with a full combo.
  • Always keep your  PyromaniaPyromania up. An Annie without her stun is a vulnerable one.
  • Start looking for big stuns with either IncinerateIncinerate or Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers . Stun as much enemies as possible, focusing on their ADCs/marksmen/mages.
  • During teamfights, do not stay in front. Allow a beefy fighter/tank to charge in the front lines, while you fight from front to back and go for their squishies like ADCs.


Some Notes before Reading:

Note that in this section, Long SwordLong Sword stands for auto attack, which is done by pressing the Attack button.

Use Molten ShieldMolten Shield during combos in one of two situations:

  • after every combo to gain a shield before they recover and retaliate from your stun, or;
  • before your 4th PyromaniaPyromania stack to prepare a stun and gain a shield as you approach your target.

Basic Electrocute Proc (no stun)

Long SwordLong Sword IncinerateIncinerate Long SwordLong Sword  

This is useful in the early stages, where the enemy stands within your IncinerateIncinerate range for long enough.

Basic Combo with Electrocute Proc (stun)

IncinerateIncinerate PyromaniaPyromania DisintegrateDisintegrate Long SwordLong Sword  

Incinerate should use up the stun passive because it is instant in the cone that it hits. Reposition when needed, then throw a Disintegrate and an autoattack to proc Electrocute.

Full Combo

(Flash →) Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers PyromaniaPyromania DisintegrateDisintegrate IncinerateIncinerate Long SwordLong Sword (→ Ignite)

Flash at the start of the combo if you're engaging from the backlines and want to close the gap between you and their ADC/marksman.

Start off with Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers , because his circular AoE is effectively wider than IncinerateIncinerate . Alternatively, you can use IncinerateIncinerate as your stun if you prefer more consistency and ensure they won't have more time to escape.

You can exchange the sequence of DisintegrateDisintegrate and IncinerateIncinerate , as long as both will land on your target. There is the option to top the combo off with an Ignite to finish the enemy off as they run away.


Abilities Tips and Tricks


  • There is a visual indicator both on your character (white swirls around Annie) and below your health bar. The 4th bar goes purple instead of white, signaling that your passive is ready to stun enemies.
  • In the midgame, you can prepare your stun by liberally throwing out your abilities. DisintegrateDisintegrate is best for this because it has a short cooldown. You can include your Molten ShieldMolten Shield if you're in base, but not outside because of its long cooldown.
  • Pyromania stacks disappear on death.


  • DisintegrateDisintegrate will be your main lasthitting tool against minions, as it deals good damage and has a longer range than your autoattack.
  • DisintegrateDisintegrate has a small hitbox that can actually hit two targets at once, given that the space between them is very small, almost as if they're stuck together. Try this in Practice Mode and aim at two extremely close minions! It will allow you to kill two minions at once. (Note that this does not double the mana cost and cooldown refund.)
  • Never use DisintegrateDisintegrate as a stun proc. The projectile doesn't travel as quick as others, and consumes the Pyromania stack regardless if it lands. Only stun with  DisintegrateDisintegrate  in adequately close ranges without enemies bodyblocking for your target.


  • This will be one of two primary ways for you to proc your stun.
  • IncinerateIncinerate is NOT a projectile, meaning it can stun Yasuo and Braum even if they use their Wind WallWind Wall or UnbreakableUnbreakable ability in your face.
  • Early game, use IncinerateIncinerate to waveclear sparingly. You'll get more AP later to clear waves faster and have more time to roam.

Molten ShieldMolten Shield

  • This ability shields for a small amount, but the skill grants a stack for  PyromaniaPyromania . Get 3 stacks of PyromaniaPyromania , then if you want to get close for a surprise stun, pop a Molten ShieldMolten Shield and cast your Stun ability of choice: IncinerateIncinerate or Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers .
  • In skirmishes, give  Molten ShieldMolten Shield  to your engage support/tank or your marksman if you're not under attack to protect them from lethal damage. Sometimes the shield can save a sliver of health, on top of dealing damage against them with its reflect damage.

Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers

  • Tibbers can be controlled by tapping and holding the Ultimate button, then moving it towards a target, similar to how target lock works with your own Attack button.
  • Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers is not just an AoE damage/stun ultimate, but he is a solid body and an extension of Annie. Here are some uses:
  •     He can tank tower shots during a tower push/dive. Note that Tibbers dealing damage to an enemy champion in tower range will shift turret aggro on you, so run away from tower range and then allow Tibbers to tank the tower after you kill the enemy.
  •     He can tank minions and monsters. Make good use of him by doing so, and if you just killed your enemy laner after a combo, use him to push lane.
  •     One nice but unlikely thing that can happen against a Blitzcrank is if he Rocket GrabRocket Grab the Tibbers instead of you. Tibbers can bodyblock Rocket GrabRocket Grab if the stars align, because you cannot order Tibbers to move like Annie.


If you made it this far, thank you for reading my first guide for Wild Rift Guides!

What drove me to write this guide was not only so I can note down all my knowledge on Annie for further study, but also to introduce one of my all-time favorite League champions (that isn't Ekko) and how I had fun with her climbing from the lowlands of Bronze up to the borderline high-elo ranks of Emerald and Diamond.

I want Wild Rift to grow into the competitive game that it was set to be, distinguishing it from its mobile competitors, and writing guides for everyone is a step towards that. Rest assured, this won't be the last guide from me.

Hopefully this guide has taught you well, and best of luck on the Wild Rift!



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3 years ago
Great guide! Lots of useful information regarding playstyles, matchups and strengths and weaknessess. Might pick up Annie during this weekend with the help of this guide!
3 years ago
If you got questions, feel free to just comment or message me in the Discord! — Twilight / R.#1386.