[2.2c] Jax Guide - Jax, the hybrid with 3 fingers~ (an unusual guide)
Jax, the hybrid with 3 fingers~ (an unusual guide)
- Many different play style
- Pushes towers quick
- Good during mid-late game
- Can't deal with high mobility champions
- No AOE
- Short range
Jax Build
Best Build Guide for Jax

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Since there are a lot of different builds, I will talk about them separately here. Look for the build you want and you can just read that I guess.
Tank build
The tank build revolves around being very tanky and consume the heck out of your opponents. There isn't much damage in this build, but it can gross out your opponent.
this is a very good item for Jax because it builds up ar for him very quickly. Plus, this item is pretty cheap and does a good job of annoying your enemy so it is nearly perfect for this build XD.
Frozen Mallet
this is an item that increases both durability and power for Jax. The passive of this item is good for not letting the enemy getting away from you.
Sterak's Gage
another very good item that helps Jax a lot. Just like the frozen mallet, this is a good item that buffs bother durability and power, but this time with an even better passive. Lifeline, a SUPER good passive because it literally can save you from the brink of death, and with that time you can run away or fight the enemy. This is probably the best item for nearly all fighters and tanks. (in my opinion)
Force of Nature
this is a good magic resistance item in general and it offers mobility for Jax, and it's especially good for chasing mages as they might attack you while they run.
Blade of the Ruined King
this is the only physical item I put into the tank build, and some people might not know why. Isn't
Trinity Force
more important than this? But as a matter of fact, in this build, it actually isn't that important. Since this is a tank build, we want to get in shape as soon as possible in order to take as much damage as possible. But trinity force is way too expensive to get and will make us late in time to get the last item and be completely ready for team fights. So, we should get this instead (plus, this has physical vamp)
All out AD build
The purpose of this build is to stick to your opponents and make them dead. This build requires more money to make, but once it is complete, the damage is REALLY op.
Blade of the Ruined King
this is an item that we should get in this build first because its passive helps us getting minions quicker, which is important because we NEED money real bad in this build. Also, this item can be pretty useful because it provides extra damage and gains extra movement speed for us when we hit people.
Sterak's Gage
not much to say, this is a really important thing for Jax because it provides what he needs, especially when we go look for monsters in the jungle when we have free time.
Black Cleaver
this is an item that helps SO much when we start having fights, the armor penetration is really important when we fight tanks and other champians in general. Without this, we wouldn't have very much damage.
Trinity Force
not much to say about this as well, the PERFECT item for Jax. The passive of this is so good, and it also provides durability so that we won't die too easily.
Death's Dance
this is the final item for this build, and it just adds the cherry to the ice cream. It provides durability from its hp and passive, while also adding physical vamp (so that we don't die) and ad.
Tank/AD build
This build is basically the normal build for Jax, and you can pretty much see the guide to this. So I'm not going to talk a lot about this (another reason I'm not doing this is because I'm lazy XD) and if you want to know more about it, you can just go check out other guides.
Onepunch build
This build focuses on W and tries to get the most out of it.
Sterak's Gage
this is the only defense item so we want to get this out as soon as possible or else we are probably going to get smacked in the early game.
Infinity Edge
since we want to get the most out of the attack, we have to play crit. This item is a bit expensive, so we have to make sure we get the most out of our minions and some of the jungle.
Statikk Shiv
this is the other crit item we are talking about, and this adds a lot of damage to our punch because it literally bounces the damage to the other enemies AND IT CAN CRIT. That is just so good if we want the most damage we can.
Trinity Force
must-have for this build, not much to say. 200%ad, that is some god-like damage there.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
this item adds damage to our hit because of its ad and its passive. also, it adds the armor penetration that we need in order to take the damage to tanks.
Other items
Randuin's Omen
this is an extra option if the enemy's ADC is too strong in the late game.
Jax Runes
Best Runes for Jax

Use runes based on what build you are using.
Tank = The example
AD =
Tank/AD =
[spirit walker]
Sweet Tooth
Onepunch =
Fleet Footwork
Hunter Titan
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

A normal combo for team fights and continuing damage.

The combo you will use if you play the one-punch build, when you don't have flash, consider walking a little bit and then Q.

A poke combo when you are in the lane, if you take too much damage, consider flashing for life or using your R.

Just main whatever skill is that is important to the build you use. (I mained Q for the example but you don't have to do that)
Tank = E(3)
AD = Q(1)
Tank/AD = Q(1) or W(2)
Onepunch = W(2)
Jax Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
All you need is a
Force of Nature
Death's Dance
and you can dominate him.

Tank Play Guide
Early game - Since Jax isn't really good in the early game, and we are playing a tank, we should just try our best to clean the minions while looking to see if the opponent fighter is standing too far from his tower. If yes, we can try to poke him with combo 3. Also, remember to always check the mini-map to see where the enemy Jungler is in case he jumps out of nowhere and kills us.
Mid-game - In mid-game is where we begin to shine a little. After we get
Sterak's Gage
, we can start roaming a little beyond our lane and see if the enemy's jungle is still there, or helping mid, or just seeing if there are fights going on and attend to take damage. But remember not to roam too far from your lane before you have broken the first turret.
Late game - In late game is when we really shine. Always be ready for fights and you have to be on time for it because if your support isn't a tank, you are the one responsible for taking all the damage. And tanks are really important to late game team fights so you really have to be careful of where you stand and try to block as much damage from the enemy's ADC or mage. You can also consider flashing to your opponent and using
Counter Strike
on your them so that your ADC can do damage.

AD Play Guide
Early game - Even though we are an AD build, our first item is a
Sterak's Gage
because we don't want to die very quickly. Since we got that as our first item, we can be a bit more aggressive in the lane (but not too much). Try taking down the first turret as soon as possible because we got
and that is going to bring us a lot of gold, which is really important because we NEED gold really badly in this build. Also, remember to check the mini-map as often as possible, just to see where the enemy's jungler is or where their mage is. When you are done pushing the minions, don't waste too much time fighting the opponent fighter because we are an AD build, which means we do not have a lot of health to lose.
Mid-game - During mid-game, we can start to roam into the opponent's jungle and taking their monsters. If you got [smite] it would be quicker, but you don't need to. Also, try not to fight too much in mid-game before we get our
Trinity Force
. After we do, we can be more aggressive and start fights because at this point we are probably ahead of others in gold.
Late game - Late game is where we have to be most careful because we are pretty weak against all the AOEs and slows and stuff like that. we have to use our [flash] right in order to get in quick and kill the ADC or mage as soon as possible. Once you [flash] in, use [Jax: 3] to stun them, then open up
Grandmaster's Might
to absorb some damage. While your ult is up, you can start putting out damage.

Tank/AD Play guide
Early game - basically play like Tank
Mid game - basically play like AD
Late game - basically play like Tank

Onepunch Play Guide
Early game - The one punch build SUCKS in the early game, be sure to just stay inside the tower and get the last shot on every minion. Look to see where the opponent's mage is and try not to be caught.
Mid game - after we have [shaikk shiv], we can start trading hp with the opponent's fighter, but be sure not to go all-in because this build isn't good at extended fights. Also, try not to attend fights before we have
Trinity Force
and NEVER go in without [flash] (you only can go in without it in certain cases). Remember to take out the opponent's turret as fast as possible.
Late game - the late game is where we become the one punch man. Aim for the ADC, and once you see he has a mistake, go right in with your [jax:1] or [flash]. Try to punch as soon as possible and leave quickly after you do and wait for [jax: 1]'s CD. When CD is over, we can jump right in again. We do not have a lot of health, so we can open
Grandmaster's Might
to escape. Also, try communicating with your teammates so that they know when you are jumping in and they can do damage to cover you.