[2.6a] Kha'Zix Guide - Khazix Build 1 (1v9 OTP Assassin Jungle)
Khazix Build 1 (1v9 OTP Assassin Jungle)
- oneshot everybody
- good ganks
- easy outplays
- many tanks
- kiting machines
Kha'Zix Build
Best Build Guide for Kha'Zix

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword
- it gives you ad, more dmg for your attacks and abilities
First Back
Serrated Dirk
- always rush dmg for khazix, you can buy tier 1 boots if you want but you won't really need upgrading boots into enchants or tier 2 unless you really need them so much lol.
Duskblade of Draktharr
- the best item for him, a real core, more dmg synergizes well with your ult.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
- 2nd best item for khazix, flat armor penetration, good attackspeed passive
Last Whisper
- armor penetration
-always go blue smite okay okay
Plated Steelcaps
- enemy has many ad
Mercury's Treads
- enemy has many ap or cc
- I don't like ionian boots on khazix, it's better to get armor or mr than haste.
1. [stasis enchant] - game changing enchant, best to avoid burst
Quicksilver Enchant
- avoid hard cc
Last Whisper Items (Pick one) (Upgrade it if you don't need situational items before this items)
Mortal Reminder
- upgrade your last whisper to this item after your core if you need anti heal.
Serylda's Grudge
- upgrade your last whisper item to this for ability haste, you don't really need the passive tho i prefer mortal over this.
Situational Items
Death's Dance
- buy this after core if you think you really need sustain because enemy team is full of burst, otherwise build it after last whisper item.
Umbral Glaive
- buy this after core for more lethality, if you're using warding totem and for clearing wards.
Black Cleaver
- good if you're dealing with a lot of tanks, also good as 2nd core item if enemy has 4-5 tanks, 2 tanks is playable without cleaver because this item really deals no dmg so dont rush lol
Very Situational
Maw of Malmortius
- buy if they have like 4-5 ap that's killing you and you can't even play the game
Trinity Force
- we all know that this item is better than the
Black Cleaver
but this item costs too much you will delay dusk+ghostblade powerspike lol but still you can buy this if you're super fed.
Kha'Zix Runes
Best Runes for Kha'Zix

Aery - it's the most consistent keystone for kha'zix if 3 enemies are squishy
Gathering Storm - more ad, more damage
Conditioning - stacking mr and amor is good if you want to 1v9
Mastermind - bonus dmg to monsters, turrets, bonus gold and bonus exp... he needs this to get items early and level powerspike + fast clears

Conq - it's the most consistent keystone for kha'zix if 3 enemies are tanky
Gathering Storm - more ad, more damage
Conditioning - stacking mr and amor is good if you want to 1v9
Mastermind - bonus dmg to monsters, turrets, bonus gold and bonus exp... he needs this to get items early and level powerspike + fast clears
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Kha'Zix Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Just buy last whisper and you win, there's nothing much you can do but dodge his first ability try making him use his ult then jump or use your ult to get away, if his ult is done you can just go back by jumping or using your ult then kill him

1. Janna - high ad shield, disengage healing, really op

Standard evolution
Taste Their Fear
Void Spike
Void Assault
Void Spike
Void Assault