[2.6a] Kha'Zix Guide - Isolation
- Excels in dueling due to isolation damage.
- Adaptable evolution path.
- Caters to various playstyles.
- Strong jungler assassin pick.
- Punishes people who roam aimlessly.
- Healthy clear.
- Suffers against tanks.
- Tricky to pull off a fight against grouped up enemy champions.
- Requires tactical and careful planning when playing to maximize Kha’zix’s full potential.
- Feast or famine type of champion.
- Currently limited in playstyle optimization due to lack of keystones in WildRift.
- Only form of CC is evolved W.
Kha'Zix Build
Best Build Guide for Kha'Zix

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
While Kha’zix’s main feature is being an adaptable assassin through various evolution paths we will first discuss his builds before moving on to a different build.
Your core items will consist of:
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Duskblade of Draktharr
because those two items synergize with your kit to roam and secure kills respectively.
Boot Options:
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Pick your boots according to enemy composition or go
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
if ahead.
Enchantment Options: [stasis enchant] or
Quicksilver Enchant
against CC heavy targets. You may also opt to utilize
Protobelt Enchant
once ahead for aggressive and defensive purposes.
Fourth Item:
Umbral Glaive
to deny vision and assist in ease of dewarding enemy jungle. It is also an ideal asset in invading the enemy jungle to identify if someone is planning to guard their buffs.
Fifth Item:
Black Cleaver
to deal with bruiser-type champions such as
, etc. You may also opt in to purchase
Serylda's Grudge
if you are going against a 3-tank team composition to negate their armor.
Sixth Item:
Death's Dance
will assist you in being an annoying assassin that cannot be bursted easily and it also has an added value of 10% Physical Vamp which can be useful in certain duel situations against bruisers or assassins. Another alternative item is
Maw of Malmortius
against AP-type champions that can burst you down and give you survivability against their magic damage onslaught.
Optional Items:
is another decent item if you are evolving W and going for a poke-based combat approach against the enemy team. Be sure to buy a tear at your first back
Kha'Zix Runes
Best Runes for Kha'Zix

is only the best keystone in Wildrift that synergizes with his burst assassin playstyle. For domination rune, you may choose any of the three but I personally go with
for the additional AD and armor penetration. Moving on, for the Resolve rune you may pick
Hunter Titan
if the enemy team comp has a lot of cc to lock you down, and alternatively, you may pick [spirit walker] against champions that can slow you down like Nasus. Lastly, for the inspiration rune, I take
for ease of split pushing and taking objectives although you can go for
Hunter Genius
if you feel that you want to capitalize on crafting Kha’zix runes that synergize with his AH items.

Rationale: You usually go for
keystone if you know the enemy team is going for a team composition that is tanky and you will fare better in extensive fights when compared to
keystone. Moreover, for the Domination rune, you have two ideal choices to pick like
if you want the additional AD and Armor Penetration and the second choice is the
Hunter Vampirism
if you want to opt for a physical vamp build synergy. Personally, I think additional 10 Armor or MR from [backbone] is better for Kha’zix as you will most likely face up against common AD bruiser picks such as
and the additional 10 armor is better than having 8 armor coming from the
rune. For the inspiration rune, I will personally pick
for the same reason as I have mentioned in the aforementioned rune page although you may choose to go for [hunter-genius] if it fits your playstyle.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Classic combo used for Kha'zix and it's easy to learn. Use your auto attack first to proc passive, followed by a
Taste Their Fear
Void Spike
to heal up the damage you received.

Another combo useful for ambushing or flanking the enemy adc from behind. That being said, this combo works best with evolved
Taste Their Fear
and if done correctly, you may execute Kha'zix's double jump method. I put
Void Assault
for the sole reason of acting as a trump card in case things go awry and your
is still under cool down.

This is a combo I use to catch off enemy laners with a sliver of hp hiding beneath their towers. Personally, this combo works best with evolved
Void Assault
as you can cast it 3 times. Start off with
Void Assault
towards the low hp enemy champion followed by an auto-attack that procs passive and
Taste Their Fear
and lastly use your
Void Assault
to move towards a safe location.
Note: Only use this combo if you are CONFIDENT that you can finish the enemy under their own tower.
Kha'Zix Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Electrocute Kha or Conq Kha? Conq Kha
You can trash on Amumu early on, but that is something he won't mind because any decent Amumu knows that they can turn any disastrous teamfight to be favorable for their team. Beware of AP Amumu as if his
Bandage Toss
catches you and immediately casts
Curse Of The Sad Mummy
you better pray you have your
Void Assault
to bail you out.
Amumu's main task is to initiate and win teamfights for his team while you rely on picking them out one by one. That being said, wither down his hp with
Void Spike
or kill his badly positioned allies.

Jungle Pathing
Standard Pathing
Blue ---> Gromp *Smite when hp below 50%* ---> Wolves *kite if necessary* ---> Raptors *kite if necessary* ---> Red ---> Krugs *Smite the bigger Krug once hp below 50% and alternatively auto attack small krug and big krug* ---> Scuttle Crab
Invade Pathing
Blue ---> Gromp *Smite when hp below 50%* ---> Red ---> Path towards enemy blue or red *depending on champion matchup*
Note: Invading the enemy jungle is not something you should always do every game just because your dueling is good. Always see to it if your laners have lane priority, if they don’t have it is better not to invade at all as the enemy team might converge on your location and grab an easy kill.
Personal Jungle Path
Blue ---> Gromp *Smite when hp below 50%* ---> Wolves *kite if necessary* ---> Raptors *kite if necessary* ---> Red ---> Scuttle Crab

Proper Mindset
Playing Kha’zix and expecting you’d kill everyone easily because of your isolation damage is delusional. A true Kha’zix player is always looking for opportunities, quick decision-maker, smart, and patient. With that said, focus on a jungler’s objectives which are to farm, take objectives, create map pressure either by taking T1 or T2 turrets at mid or constantly invading enemy jungle.
In my opinion, the Voidreaver’s skills excel in farming faster if you evolve your first skill thus translating ease of taking jungle camps which would turn the game into a ‘war of attrition. Another topic worth mentioning is that Kha’zix is not a playmaker unlike some junglers but he excels in punishing bad positioning by flanking from behind or implementing ‘guerilla warfare’ tactics by doing hit-and-run to induce panic and anxiety for the squishies in the enemy team.
Lastly, do not be an impulsive Kha’zix player who instantly jumps on an isolated target. Always evaluate the situation, remember that patience brings rewards to those who value it. Who knows? You might get a kill or two just by patiently waiting on enemies to wander in the jungle one by one.

Adaption to Team Comp
Part of Kha'zix's kit is to adapt to the situation, and in this case, I am referring to evolving your skills efficiently to combat the enemy team composition or survive against burst-type skills. Your average Kha'zix player will usually evolve
Taste Their Fear
, and
Void Spike
in that manner not only because it is flashy but it could also be utilized to grab a kill and easily jump to a safe location. However, not all enemy team composition has 3 or more squishies as there will always be a bruiser or tank that will try their best to zone you or in worst cases, lock you down with hard cc until their glass cannon can burst you to shreds.
Another situation is when there is an assassin that is super fed and your team can't do anything as the assassin can just deward and expand their team's vision and map control. When presented with this situation, having an evolved
Void Spike
as second on your evolution priority list is ideal because not only does it provide an audio cue that someone got hit when you aim it a specific bush, but it also slows them which can allow your team to catch up, lock the assassin down with cc and get the shutdown gold.
Furthermore, if you feel that you need to be spam ganking a certain lane like mid or baron, most players will probably think 'evolving
Taste Their Fear
is ideal mate, nothing will go wrong' but in reality it is useless. In fact, evolving
Void Assault
is better as you have extended invisibility duration from 1.25s to 2s and you can recast it three times and reapplies
Unseen Threat
. This is what makes
a good assassin jungler, because you are given tools that are consistent but will work efficiently when you take the efficient and proper evolution path to maximize the potential of
. That being said, keep on changing, because change is good.

Evolution Paths
Personal Evolution Path:
Taste Their Fear
Void Assault
Void Spike
Kha’Smurf Evolution Path
Taste Their Fear
Void Spike
Void Assault
Kha’gank Evolution Path
Void Assault
Taste Their Fear
Void Spike
Utility Kha’zix Path
Void Assault
Void Spike
Taste Their Fear