[2.5a] Rengar Guide - Rengar Build 1 (1v9 OTP Assassin Jungle)
Rengar Build 1 (1v9 OTP Assassin Jungle)
- Good ganks
- High dmg
- Oneshot everything (if you're fed)
- Janna
- If you fall early, hard to come back
- Kiting machines
- Janna
- This build is good for snowballing and only good to oneshot mages and marksman
- This build is good for snowballing and is weak against tanks and fighters but can handle if you're fed early
Rengar Build
Best Build Guide for Rengar

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword
- it's obvious, for attacks, abilities gives you more ad.
First Back
Serrated Dirk
- best item early, gives you lethality, you're building dusk.
Core Items
-You can go blue smite or red smite, it's personal preference.
Duskblade of Draktharr
- okay it's obvious this is the core item for every assassin build, it gives you dmg and lethality, the bonus dmg from nightstalker+
Thrill Of The Hunt
is insane.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- the best boots, ability haste no need to go defensive.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
- the attack speed you get is really good for
, nightstalker+ [rengar"ult] +as passive, insanely op.
Mortal Reminder
- this is the only last whisper item in this game, the only armor penetration item, build this every gamee.
Situational Items (In Order but really situational)
-There's no items for
really and you can already win with your core items if you end the game early, but if the game is still going you can buy this items.
Umbral Glaive
- stats are great, idk about the passive but it's still useful, you can also build this after your core items if you want lethality ;D , really good if you're ahead.
Phantom Dancer
- synergizes well with
Infinity Edge
Death's Dance
, lifeline item, good if you're avoiding burst dmg
Infinity Edge
- synergizes well with
Phantom Dancer
, high ad item
Black Cleaver
- good if you're dealing with a lot of tanks
Lifesteal Items
-not really important but if you want then you must buy this last ;D
Death's Dance
- lifesteal item against burst, synergizes well with
Phantom Dancer
Blade of the Ruined King
- good against tanky opponents or idk it's good
- high ad lifesteal item which is goood
- i don't really know, i never use enchants until full build while using
1. [stasis enchant] - avoid burst, can change game.
Quicksilver Enchant
- avoid hard cc but you can just use charged [rengar:2]
Rengar Runes
Best Runes for Rengar

Conqueror - it's the best because it gives you bonus dmg, the best of the best, bonus will always be the best. |||
Triumph - I mean you oneshot everybody, 3% more dmg is small but it really can secure your oneshot, this is the best rune to goo, don't change it seriously. |||
Conditioning - this rune gives you armor and mr but you can swap to hunter titan if you think you need tenacity but I like conditioning you can also go spirit walker for slow resistance
Mastermind - more dmg to jungle monsters, more dmg to turrets you're Rengar ;D , you can go hunter if you want ability haste lol

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Rengar Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
you beat him early and once he gets his ult you can't really beat him unless you're really fed, if he jumps into you first you're dead and if you jump first he's dead unless you both know how to counter each other ;D

1. Janna - high ad plus disengage ult, enchanters are really op...