[2.5a] Kai'sa Guide - Kaisa Build 1 (1v9 OTP Hybrid Bottom)
Kaisa Build 1 (1v9 OTP Hybrid Bottom)
- Evolve all 3 abilities
Kai'sa Build
Best Build Guide for Kai'sa

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword
- the best starting item, gives you ad for your attacks and your abilities
-My build is hybrid [kaisa] and I don't like building crits on her, this will evolve all of your 3 abilities, build this in order
- this will be your core ad item for her, gives you mana and haste too
Blade of the Ruined King
- this will be your core ad item with attack speed, gives you vamp too
Nashor's Tooth
- this will be your core ap item with attack speed, gives you haste and bonus dmg too
Crystalline Reflector
- armor ap item
Rabadon's Deathcap
- this will be your core ap item, it increases your ap by 40% too
-I always build boots after
Gluttonous Greaves
- buy this 90% of my games, sustain boots, good for ap and ad vamp
Plated Steelcaps
- buy this 5% of my games, full ad enemy team comps or hard ad carries or auto attackers
Mercury's Treads
- buy this 5% of my games, hard crowd control team comp idk the magic resist is too low but you can buy this for mr i guess
-I always buy enchants after
Nashor's Tooth
1. [stasis enchant] - i buy this enchant 90% of my games, avoid burst and etc
Quicksilver Enchant
- I buy this enchant 10% of my games, avoid hard cc except knockups
Kai'sa Runes
Best Runes for Kai'sa

Conqueror - bonus damage is really good always, this rune is op
Vampirism - sustain rune, it gives you ad/ap too
Conditioning - this is my fav rune in this tree, you can go what rune you like for [kaisa] on this tree
Manaflow Band - I always use this rune for my build because extra mana = extra damage
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Kai'sa Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
He beats you in lane obviously but you outscale, you can't 1v1 him most of the time unless you're super ahead, just scale by farming and kill other enemies in his team, try getting a
or a chain cc support, wait for mistakes then capitalize on that mistake to win lane, be aware of his
Stand Aside
because it can disturb your [kaisa:ult] .


1. Her passive deals bonus magic damage which scales ap
2. Her first ability [kaisa:1] deals 50 physical damage (50 + 35% bonus ad + 25% ap)
3. Her second ability [kaisa:2] deals 106 magic damage (30 + 130% ad + 70% ap)
4. Her ult [kaisa:ult] gives you shield that absorbs 133 damage (75 + 100% ad + 75% ap) for 2 seconds