[2.6a] Renekton Guide - How to play the crocco, Renekton! (Renekton>Nasus)
How to play the crocco, Renekton! (Renekton>Nasus)
- Really easy to play
- Good in most comps
- Can go full offensive or go tank depending on situation
- Strong early to midgame
- Very few hard matchups
- Has hard CC
- Falls off late-game
- Very bland and E has high CD for the first levels
- Ranged toplaners are a huge problem for you
- Flash reliant in teamfights
Renekton Build
Best Build Guide for Renekton

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
(all pictures are made by me)
First Item & 1st Recall
Long Sword It is basically the only option. I don't recommend boots as you most likely won't have trouble with escaping, hunting down or something in this early stage.
- For the first recall I just recommend getting the midtier items for you first item of choice. If you got still bit money to spare then (See next line ->)
Boots of Speed If you got a bit gold to spend. Just use it for boots, because why not. Being a bit more mobile is not a bad thing.
Core Items (Personal playstyle)
Black Cleaver is the best item to have on
Renekton . It synergises obnoxiously well with
Slice And Dice (with your fury bar being at least halfway full). Also, this is his massive powerspike here.
Sterak's Gage Ok, I will explain this as simple as possible. Renekton is a Bruiser and Bruisers use this item often as 2nd core or at least they use it in their builds. The reason for that is the first ability it grants. Lifeline and that tenacity boost are definitely nice too, but it isn't as important as the first one.
Teleport Enchant There is no other enchant to use. You are a toplaner it is a must-have on every single one of them. I can't wait until Tp will be a summoner spell just like on PC. Thanks, Rito with this decision, wasted gold for a thing that should have been for free.
Core Items (More popular playstyle)
Blade of the Ruined King It is great and is easy to proc via
Ruthless Predator . Deals great damage. I just like being a bit tankier that is why I don't build it.
Black Cleaver (Yes I copied and pasted the text. The reasons why to buy them are still the same) is the one of the item to have on
Renekton . It synergises obnoxiously well with
Slice And Dice (with your fury bar being at least halfway full).
Teleport Enchant There is no other enchant to use. You are a toplaner it is a must-have on every single one of them. I can't wait until Tp will be a summoner spell just like on PC. Thanks, Rito with this decision, wasted gold for a thing that should have been for free.
Sterak's Gage Ok, I will explain this as simple as possible. Renekton is a Bruiser and Bruisers use this item often. The reason for that is the first ability it grants. Lifeline and that tenacity boost are definitely nice too, but it isn't as important as the first one.
Last 2 Slots (ok this has a lot of items to talk about so I will try my best to keep it simple)
Death's Dance It is an amazing item and I will build it if I don't have to be the frontline.
Thornmail It is great if the enemy team has a lot of lifesteal or just heals fast in general and/or has 3 or more AD champs.
Randuin's Omen An allrounder. Defensive, decreases crit dmg against you, reduces AS. Never really a bad option to go for. Best used if there are multiple champs that rely on their AS.
Guardian Angel Good if either fed or going against multiples assassins that can burst you down quickly.
Spirit Visage Good when there are multiple AP champs on the enemy team. Also, increases heal from
Cull The Meek (Only when used with at least half of your fury bar)
Mercury's Treads Use this when the enemy has a lot of CC or is AP
Plated Steelcaps This is obviously used against AD matchups to prevent damage.
Renekton Runes
Best Runes for Renekton

This is your only keystone to use. NOTHING else! It is too good to waste it on him. Gives you a huge power in offense
This is my current rune to use here and I think it fits well for
since he is a lane bully.
Hunter Titan
/[backbone] (Hunter-titan) This looks for me as his best rune in this slot. CC kills your combo quite well so I believe this will be most useful on him. (Backbone) You could also argue that [backbone] is very viable on him, since he is most strong in early game and great mid-game. We'll see I will keep an eye on this. Now with
Bone Plating
added, it now adds another variety. It's good for fighting more burst champions.
Hunter Titan
is still my go to.
Sweet Tooth
Hunter Genius
(Sweet tooth) it is never a bad choice and
often is aggressive in lane so you might lose HP fast. (Hunter Genius) This sounds logical to me too, since [renekton:ult] is your hardcarry. I think if you want to be good in teamfights, then use
Hunter Genius
. If not then just go with
Sweet Tooth
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is a really flashy combo hehe (yeah Ik this was a bad joke). This is a nice all-in which does require bit of practice. Also it is nice for chasing down the enemy laner. Only used when you sure you can kill them.

This a fusion of both combos. Yeah he doesn't have many combos, does he? Anyway, this is a good one to use when you try to burst them down as qucikly as possible without having to chasing them down much. Also saves [flash] for more useful cases.

This for a level 2 engage. Really simple and is like combo#1 in a lot of ways.
Renekton Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
It should be an easy matchup for you. Bait
Five Point Strike
and you can go for a trade at level 1. Be aware of minion damage, because that can stack up very fast. She'll outscale you so I recommend to try to snowball and abuse your lane bully abilities. Also, if she does one simple mistake early to mid-game, she is dead.

Tips for Renekton
-Most of your combos will be better if your
Reign Of Anger
aka fury bar is at least half full.
-Abuse your early power. You beat tons of champions.
-Be adaptive in terms of itemization. If your team needs a frontline, then go defensive. If you have enough tanks, just go full offence.
-Putting many Auto attacks between abilities increases your damage by a ton. Though the time for the combo will be longer.
-Don't overextend or else you might get ganked and then your advantage vanishes.
-Dying once in early game is not so bad, just keep on going. Rarely will you lose the whole lane for just one death.
-You can use your dash/E
Slice And Dice
to go through walls. Also, you can only use E again if you hit an enemy with it. You can play around this mechanic quite well.

For more information!
There is a guy called "RTO". He is THE
one-trick and I used information from his guide. He has also a Channel for educational purposes and he also has a normal channel and there is gameplay of his games. Really good dude.

Wave management/Playstyle
Renekton is strong early so you will most of the time be the one leading the lane and you will also very likely slowpush the lane for more pressure. Last-hit the minions, you can pretend for going for the minion so that you can bait out the enemy for a free punishment. You may also Freeze the lane sometimes near your turret. It is rare to happen, but if used correctly you will beat the ass of your opponent. Go for trades when you are in advantage. Say your enemy wants to last hit the minion. Do a short combo and then back off so that if they want to hunt you down they'll get a lot of minion dmg which can be devastating. Don't be too predictable with renekton or else the enemy gets used to your playstyle and will read you like a book. Also you can deepward or smth if the jungler is in botlane. This is called a crossmap-play. Though don't just go in their jungle without shoving the wave first so the toplaner can't come or they'll lose a lot of CS.

Glossary of terms I used.
CC= Crowd Control
Early-game= Early stages basically
Mid-game= Mid stages of the game. Lot of games may already end there
Late-game= latest stage of the game and most ppl have their builds done or at least almost.
Q,W,E,R/ult= 1st ability, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. In that order.
CD= Cooldown
Cheater Recall= a recall that is used really early on and often used when lane is crashing into your enemy's turret.
AS= Attack Speed
AD= Attack Damage
AP= Ability Power