[2.2c] Miss Fortune Guide
- High Burst
- Mana Sustain
- Armor Penetration
- Low Attack Speed
- No Crit
Miss Fortune Build
Best Build Guide for Miss Fortune

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
In the Full Build, you can change Youmuu's and Black Cleaver for of the Situational Items
Miss Fortune Runes
Best Runes for Miss Fortune

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This combo is used for stealing objectives or if you're in a good position in a clash

This is mostly used in the Laning Phase when trading against the enemy. Maximize your Auto Attack when using your skill, and resetting Love Tap to minions before hitting the Enemy is also recommended for a little extra Damage
Miss Fortune Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
In the Early, try to be aggressive by poking Ezreal with her First Skill and zone Ezreal when last hitting Minions
In the Last game when Dueling with Ezreal, try to save your Ultimate and wait for Ezreal's Third Skill before using your Ultimate (Make sure you have Flash if he Flashes too)
In Clashes, always try to take advantage of Miss Fortune's Second Skill Passive and avoid Ezreal's Skill shots. I recommend you using your skills and then side step
(Most of these Tactics can be also used against Kai'sa but be careful when Kai'sa Ults to you and make sure you Dodge her Second Skill)

Dragon Lane
When against a high dps enemy champion, always try to deny them minions by harassing them and making them back out in your minion range. If you are the one being harassed, just tower hug and let them shove the wave and also try to hit them with your First Skill while Last Hitting
In the late game and clashes, of course positioning is always important, and as much as possible try not to get hit so you can have that extra movement speed and just be attentive in the enemy timer (that includes their skills, summoners, and active items)

Youmuu's Ghostblade - When you're ahead and roam the map around much
Black Cleaver or Blade of the Ruined King - If they have a lot of Health and Armor
Maw of Malmortious - If Enemy team composition is full of Mages
Duskblade of Draktharr - When Enemy team composition is Squishy
Death's Dance or Phantom Dancer - When against a High Burst Enemies