[2.2c] Leona Guide - Leona Essential Guide - The Underrated Tank
Leona Essential Guide - The Underrated Tank
- Great Engage Potential
- Amazing Utility with the S1 and S4
- Great Mid and Late Game
- Amazing Sustain from 3 items
- Quite weak early game
- Highly dependent on 3rd skill to engage
- Not as easy to play as other tanks
Leona Build
Best Build Guide for Leona

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Leona's build are pretty situational and really depends on the other team composition. Here are my suggestions
- If you go againt AP carry (Varus, Ezreal), AP Support, and either the Top or Jungle is AP, go with the Build vs Heavy AP.
- If you go against AD Carry, and the Top and Jungle are AD (Darius and Lee Sin for example), go with the Build vs Heavy AD
- If you go against a more balanced composition (AP Mid, AP Support, AD Carry, AD Jungle), go with the Standard Build.
In terms of Boots, again it is very situational. If you go against a Rengar, Evelynn or Khazix, take the Shadow Enchant to detect them. If you go against a heavy AD comp, take the Locket Enchant. In any other case, take Redeeming Enchant.
Leona Runes
Best Runes for Leona

I usually go with this set as Aftershock is a great bonus when using the first skill.

You can use this rune set if your ADC is a more aggressive ADC and you know he is going to follow. Works especially well with Kaisa.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Standard Level 2 combo. Do not engage unless you're jungle is ganking or the ADC you're engaging into his low health.

standard Level 3 combo. Activate your shield, wait a bit before using your 3rd+1st skills combo so that when you land your engage your shield explodes.

Same as the Level 3 combo, but adding the ultimate. Activate your shield, wait just a bit, land the ultimate, hook, stun, and in theory the shield explodes as well. Very useful for teamfights especially when fighting for Dragon or Baron.
Leona Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Even if he hooks you, you can use you first skill to stun him or the ADC.

Why you should pick Leona
For me Leona is one of the best support in the game right now, and one of the most satisfying to play as well. Her engage potential is amazing, she has a really strong late game, and pairing her with a Kaisa, Tristana, or Vayne can be deadly. It does take some time to really pay her well, especially to understand when to engage or not. But if you like to engage, decide teamfights, and protect your ADC at all cost, she is for you.