[2.3] Leona Guide - Dr. Curvy's Guide to Leona Support [In-Depth]
Dr. Curvy's Guide to Leona Support [In-Depth]
- Tanky!
- Good initiation
- Easy to play!
- Can get poked
- Can get kited
- Needs items to actually make a difference
- You need your ADC to follow up, when you all-in
Leona Build
Best Build Guide for Leona

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Leona starting items could vary, depending on what the enemy bot-lane is bringing to the table.
- You would want to take
Cloth Armor when you think the ADC is a threat. For example, if the enemy ADC is a
Draven then you may want to mitigate his damage by buying this item first. It will branch out to the Armor items later on.
- You would want to take
Null-Magic Mantle when you are against an annoying poke mage like a
Lux . Engage supports like
Leona usually get countered by these types of champions due to their short range and needs to find the right timing when do an all-in.
As a support tank-engage champion, your job is to peel for the team and be a wall so the enemy team can't get to your team.
Protector's Vow is an item that could be your first or even second item. This is due to the passive, and it protects you and your nearby allies from a strong burst attack. It is really convenient to have it.
Dead Man's Plate is not only an item that gives you the armor and health that
Leona needs, but this is the go to all-in item. I would suggest starting this first, but it could vary on your matchups or preference.
Zeke's Convergence is a best all rounder item. Not only does it give you Armor and Magic Resistance, but it also gives you Ability Haste and Mana, what a value meal. The passive is also strong, it's a good buff for the team. If you are against mixed teams, this item is for you.
Adaptive Helm is the item when there is a lot of magic damage on the enemy team.
Akali and
Katarina are good examples of this.
Abyssal Mask is another Magic Resistance item, useful like the one mentioned before. But this is the aggressive version, so why not buy both?
- As for the sixth item, it honestly depends on what your team needs. Try and adapt to it.
There's only a few options when comes to boots.
Plated Steelcaps is for when you are against a heavy AD team, and it blocked the damage of attacks by 15%
Mercury's Treads is for when you are against a heavy AP team, and it reduces the duration of crowd control dealt to you.
As for enchants you only have two options.
- [Locket Enchant] is probably the best enchant at the moment for supports. In a teamfight it will bring a huge shield to everyone on your team, so take advantage of it.
Redeeming Enchant is the alternate version to the [locket enchant], not only it is cheaper but the AOE heal is pretty decent. Buy this, if you don't wanna wait for 300 gold.
Leona Runes
Best Runes for Leona

This is the go-to rune set for
, Aftershock is a very initiative rune to have. It gives you stats for when you try and immobilize a champion. If you are scared to initiate the enemy, this rune set will help with that issue.

Font of Life is the same as Aftershock, but immobilizing the champion will give a mark and if your allies hit that champion they get healed, which is honestly useful because they are getting sustained.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is her level 2 combo, this is usually will be unexpected to the enemy team.

Now that you have her
at level 3, which gives you magic and armor resistance, you don't need to feel scared going in. Just ping your ADC before going in.

This is your level 6 combo, same thing as Combo #2 but, make sure you land center of your ultimate for the stun. If their low, ignite for the kill.
Leona Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Ever since that width-hook nerf on
he has been decent or meh. If you do get grabbed, try to counter initiate, and pop your
to lessen damage dealt to you.

Leona is one of the most strongest engage champions, but she can get kited in the end. But her teamfigthing presence is really strong and you need to take advantage of it. I hope you guys liked this brief guide of
and I hope it helps you climb the rank ladder!

I hope you guys liked my
guide. This guide will be updated for each patch notes, so don't worry this guide won't get update (hopefully).
If you wanna know where to find me, I have a YouTube channel where I make Wild Rift videos & gameplays that are mostly based on supports! I am fairly new to YouTube so please go easy on me!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPILYOnq1lF1h0WQJqtLFAg (My channel is Dr. Curvy - Wild Rift)
Thank you guys so much for watching! I will see you in the next guide I make, bye! :)