- Excellent team fighting
- High damage magic
- Good synergy with jungle
- Easy map movement with his ultimate.
- Good against mages champion and magic skills
- Suffers against AD melee champs
- need an ally
- weak in going front in battle
- Weak against pure tank
Galio Build
Best Build Guide for Galio

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
You start out with Amplifying Tomb to give good magic damage to your WINDS OF WAR and can spam your WINDS OF WAR to the enemies so they're health would decrease a little by little. When you have enough money you would prioritize to buy the Catalyst of Aeons and boots if you still have and extra boots. IF you got enough money, you should buy first R.O.A./Rod of Ages because it grants you health, mana and ability power in longer time. It is also one of the best items in the game as it has a low price and gives high value. You can pick on which you want to finish building your item if it is luden echo it can give a great magic damage to your WINDS OF WAR and if you pick hour glass it can give great chance to survive in diving clashes in dragon or in mid lane. If your enemy team has a regeneration, life steal and revamp you need to get the Morellomicon and then finish it with Rabadon's Deathcap. The time is limited in wild rift map so you need to strategically prepare your self in battle. Also, if you wanted high magic damage buy Void Staff and then finish it with Rabadon's Deathcap so that your magic damage can be multiplied more stronger. The emergency item are just for extra situational lane up or in situational gank in your lane. You can buy lich bane if your rich enough to buy it. Infinity Orb is great a pair for Luden's Echo because when the discord reach 100 and you used your WINDS OF WAR against the enemy it would explode to the enemy and give your WINDS OF WAR critical magic damage. Rylai and Liandry's are great pair for slowing and damaging your enemies.
Galio Runes
Best Runes for Galio

The electrocute are good in your combos and the regeneration. manaflow band are good for spamming skills
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Surprise combo
this combo is good in crowd control if the the enemy haven't vision in your team use this combo and I asure you that it will give good assist and kill in your team. Also, this good in chase by surprising them by flash and taunt them so that they are immobilize in few seconds.

Engage combo
This combo is used in engaging your enemies on battle. You should know in how many enemies and how many allies are there battle before you dive in to battle. Also, don't dive if you have only one ally in fighting against 3 enemies and the surrounding area has less vision. You can also use these combo to save you're strongest allies in battle but make sure you have flash, heal, exhaust and hourglass.

Close combat combo
when the enemy jump or dive in your team and the clash started use this combo to ensure your teammates security. In what if situation when an assasin jungler gank your lane and targeted your adc use this combo to protect your adc but prioritize your adc safety while running back to your tower and if must sacrifice yourself if you and your adc has a chance to fight back.
Galio Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Early game
Galio can give a lot of magic damage and spamming the enemies adc. Don't be so greedy to kill a champion you need only to decrease their health bar and the killing will the adc do the rest. Be active in putting wards in dragon lane bushes. When you got the ULT upgrade you can choose 1st skill or the ULT it is only situational if you're lane has less attention in ganking by you're teammates don't waste your ULT in them just max 1st skill and upgrade your ULT if you're jungler is ready to take the dragon.

Mid-Late GAME
when you reach Mid-Late game you're damage are great now and you should be always in clash also don't go in front because your teammates will surely trashtalk you with their toxic efforts, don't die frequently and try to save yourself in thick situation clashes. If youre team will go ONLY MID make sure put vision in the blind spot in mid. Distant yourself or hide near your allies to surprise them with surprise combo.