[2.2c] Ahri Guide - How to build and play Ahri
How to build and play Ahri
- Strong late game
- Deals true damage
- Easy combo
- Easy to learn
- Not as strong as the current meta like Akali and Katarina.
- Mana hungry
- Squishy
- Dependent on items
Ahri Build
Best Build Guide for Ahri

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Always start off with Amplifying Tone for the aggressive early game. Otherwise, if you wanna play safe, go for Sapphire Crystal to stack up mana since Ahri is a very mana-hungry champion.
Because of the Liandry's and Infinity Orb nerf, it if better to get their Tier 2 items, to save more gold for the Rabadon's Deathcap. It is almost not worthy to buy Liandry's or Infinity Orb early game because it will delay your powerspike. Once the build is complete, you can upgrade both to Liandry's and infinity Orb.
I go for Rod of Ages not only for the stacking AP but also for the health, this is good for late game and burst champions like Zed, Fizz, Katarina, and Akali.
Ahri Runes
Best Runes for Ahri

For aggressive early game

If you wanna scale to late game.

If you want high damage. Warning: This is very risky. Once you lose the Champion Bonus, then your last choice is your items. So play safe if you go for Champion Rune.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Laning phase


Catching Enemies

Outplaying enemies like Zed, Akali, and Katarina.
Ahri Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Very squishy but be careful of her stuns.

Laning phase.
Ahri is honestly weak early game. So don't be that aggressive type to overextend and try killing a Zed. Just farm the minion wave and wait until you get to level 5. Once you get your ultimate, it's your choice to either kill your midlane opponent, roam to your dragon lane or help your jungler invade the enemy jungle. If you lost a lot of health, for example, because an Orianna pokes you a lot, then better to freeze lane and force he to overextend for the next minion wave. Freezing is when you stop attacking the enemy minions and let the enemy minion go under your turret. As a result, your minion wave will be under your turret, trying to clear the minions you put under your turret, which means the opponent has to overextend from their turret and risking their life to your jungler Evelynn or Lee Sin.

This is the part of the game where you should have full items. The current objectives here are Elder Dragon and Baron Nashor. Once the enemy jungler got killed, it is the time to get either of the objectives. Have your support zone out the enemies from your team taking the objectives. From this point on, you should be able to one shot the enemy ADC or Midlaner. In late game, you should start asking these, who is the enemy carry?, who in the enemy team has the most gold?, where is their jungler?. It is very important to prioritize their hypercarry, but this is not the case in a lot of games. Sometimes, you have to kill their support first so that they have a lower chance of winning in teamfights. If an enemy Jinx or Darius is on a killing spree, try killing them because it will give you a lot of gold, and having a high chance of winning or making a come back.