by Tael

[2.3] Soraka Guide - Goat Mom's Babysitting Guide

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
This is not a player guide, you need to improve at the game in general before doing good with goat mom.
Patch 2.3
July 17, 2021 19:44

Goat Mom's Babysitting Guide

Soraka is a very unpopular support champion due to her overall performance in solo queue, competitive, and due to her competitors being overall better buffed. This guide will go over how I play her, and a few general tips and tricks to not suck at Soraka.


  • Best healing with her ult and heal.
  • Decent CC with Starcall and Equinox


  • Squishy
  • Hard to master
  • Easy to counter

Soraka Build

Best Build Guide for Soraka

Starting Items
Boots of Speed
Amplifying Tome
First Back
Blasting Wand
Lost Chapter
Boots of Swiftness
Core Items
Redeeming Enchant
Harmonic Echo
Ardent Censer
Example Build
Redeeming Enchant
Harmonic Echo
Ardent Censer
Athene's Unholy Grail
Dead Man's Plate
Spirit Visage
Redeeming Enchant
Harmonic Echo
Ardent Censer
Athene's Unholy Grail
Dead Man's Plate
Archangel's Staff
Rod of Ages
Protector's Vow
Winter's Approach
Archangel's Staff

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed if you're crazy speed SorakaSoraka
Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome for normal SorakaSoraka ;
Always buy Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo ;  go Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant if you need an early advantage for objective fights; full build is situational, so is the item order, applies to both ambulance and normal SorakaSoraka .
  Rod of AgesRod of Ages is good but only when you need more mana and tankiness than something more direct like armor and magic resist, if you find yourself being targeted feel free to rush the tank options in the guide ( Dead Man's PlateDead Man's Plate , Protector's VowProtector's Vow or Spirit VisageSpirit Visage ) you being a target makes it easy for the enemies to walk into your baits, your EquinoxEquinox and potentially getting aced by your team for targeting you.
 If you're struggling with your  team staying alive go Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo first, if your team is barely killing the enemy or there are many tanks, go Ardent CenserArdent Censer .
 [stasis enchant] is only good if you're being extremely targeted and can't stay alive ever. Go Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess if you're running out of mana too often if you don't have Manaflow BandManaflow Band this is usually my go-to, you can either go tank with Winter's ApproachWinter's Approach or Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff for damage, I've never built any of these options as Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess is already a good option, so feel free to build something else after you got Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess

Soraka Runes

Best Runes for Soraka

Font of Life
Font of Life
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Second Wind
Second Wind
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

Gathering StormGathering Storm  for scaling ap, WeaknessWeakness  vs teams with a lot of tanks; You can use either Manaflow BandManaflow Band Pack HunterPack Hunter or [sweet  tooth] if you feel like you'll be bullied in lane; Manaflow BandManaflow Band depends if you struggle with mana. You can use Second WindSecond Wind vs pokey lanes (like LuxLux or LuluLulu ) this keeps you full hp no matter what as long as you hit your Starcall, and you can use Bone PlatingBone Plating vs burst lanes ( PantheonPantheon , BlitzcrankBlitzcrank , LeonaLeona , etc)

Font of Life
Font of Life
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Second Wind
Second Wind

Speed SorakaSoraka runes, use either Gathering StormGathering Storm or WeaknessWeakness if they have many tanks.
PathfinderPathfinder is essential. You can use Second WindSecond Wind vs pokey lanes (like LuxLux or LuluLulu ) this keeps you full hp no matter what as long as you hit your Starcall, and you can use Bone PlatingBone Plating vs burst lanes ( PantheonPantheon , BlitzcrankBlitzcrank , LeonaLeona , etc)

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Salvation - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Astral Infusion
Astral Infusion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always use this, good for escapes, chases, anything.
For average survivability.
If you're speed soraka


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Astral Infusion

Grants juvenation to ally, which gives them regeneration together with the heal, good for early game.


If you need to ult first, use your expanded starcall to slow people and force them to get snared into your equinox

Redeeming Enchant

Your starcall has expanded range after you heal allies 3 times, this also applies to items and  your ult, so you can do this quick combo to get 2 expanded starcalls in, assuming you hit the redemption in 3 allies.


Equinox snares are hard to master but guarantee a starcall hit.

Soraka Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Don't trade early game, if he uses his Comet SpearComet Spear and combo, heal your adc and engage, he'll most likely lose the fight and you'll have an advantage for the rest of the game, his Grand StarfallGrand Starfall is very predictable and you can EquinoxEquinox him if you time it right.


General Tips & Tricks

  1. Your StarcallStarcall  provides vision, if your good at targeting and you're on the non-mirrored side you can steal the enemy vision plant without needing to ward.
  2.  Position, Vision and Keeping you and your team alive are key, you gotta learn how to position yourself well to do well on SorakaSoraka , she's a squishy enchanter with big rewards and big risks.
  3. If you have a duo you do much better, follow ups on an aggressive SorakaSoraka can win lanes very quickly, not only in bottom lane but other lanes.
  4. Predicting people's movements with EquinoxEquinox is also important, when you master it, it's a snare not a silence, it's a game changer in objective fights, and nuisance for early game fights.
  5. Use  StarcallStarcall slow to your advantage, people underestimate SorakaSoraka 's cc potential, use that to your advantage.
  6. Pay attention to your map, vision is a support's priority, you have to learn how to periodically warn your team of possible threats with wards and pings.
  7. Pocket Heal the carry, See if someone is good or a possible carry, try to keep them alive as much as possible, these people win you games.
  8. Your Astral InfusionAstral Infusion prioritizes the lowest hp, just tap if you need to quick heal, if you need precise healing I recommend smart aiming it instead, tho this helps in hectic fights.
  9. Level according to the match, this guides uses my most used skill leveling path, but that's not what I go every match, if your lvl 1 Astral InfusionAstral Infusion is being enough, level StarcallStarcall if your team is dying too fast or your adc is carrying but takes too much damage, level Astral InfusionAstral Infusion first

Early Game

Try to outheal the enemy support with StarcallStarcall 's rejuvenation and Astral InfusionAstral Infusion or ruin the enemy adc's gold advantage by zoning them with StarcallStarcall and EquinoxEquinox , if your adc is good you can prioritize zoning them, pay attention to your mana at all times, if you're running out of mana too often, try buying Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess or and try to stay in lane before level 5 for your WishWish and gold advantage, ward when you can and if you see the enemy jungler in the other side of the map try to ward deeper, pay attention to the map so you can help your jungler if it's early game and try to get to that 1100 gold recall when you can for Lost ChapterLost Chapter and Blasting WandBlasting Wand . Once you get your WishWish , start paying attention to other lanes while micro managing yours, see the teams health bar and try to WishWish to save other laners IF YOU CAN SAVE THEM, do not waste your WishWish on bad players.


Mid Game

Roam between lanes while putting wards, this is risky but you want to keep your whole team alive while maintaining map advantage, if your team is winning you can prioritize pocket healing the carry with Astral InfusionAstral Infusion , if your jungler is good you can help him bully the enemy team, overall, Astral InfusionAstral Infusion , WishWish , Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant , repeat


Late Game

Assuming you got to this point, your team is either A: bad at taking turrets, B: Losing or C: in a stalemate.

  • if A, Try to keep them alive for sieges, someday you'll take the enemy nexus and win.
  • If B: Try to play safe in turrets, don't  follow  your team without vision, don't get picked off, try to keep them alive with Astral InfusionAstral Infusion while zoning the enemy away with EquinoxEquinox , look for a good  teamfight and win the game in a single fight. 
  • If C: Use Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant for every fight, try to WishWish when your team is half hp, watch out for grievious wounds and Astral InfusionAstral Infusion early if you need to, use EquinoxEquinox 's snare to it's full potential, if you catch 2 people out of position you can win the game.

Late game objectives: try to keep your team alive, baron kills you very fast, dragon is a bit safer, so don't go too close for it, and also try to keep enemy team zoned out with StarcallStarcall and EquinoxEquinox if they're still alive.


Ambulance Strat

  •  This is a full speed SorakaSoraka strat I came up with after a losing streak with average build, this build is to counter solo queue stupidity. Your early game is totally skipped, your priority is try to keep in between lanes with your adc, the river and jungle and mid if possible, you wanna roam as much as you can with Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness and [ghost] so you can heal your team and ruin 1x1s. If you wanna be a nuisance, go annoy the enemy jungler by StarcallStarcall and EquinoxEquinox him in scuttle or cancelling his buff fights by baiting it and StarcallStarcall out of the fight, this is a risky playstyle that I do not recommend.
  •  Mid game is pretty much the same as average with the exception you have double the speed of an average SorakaSoraka with Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness and [ghost], your priority is being annoying and heal your team in the process, if you notice you're getting targetted (which happens a lot in this strat), build Dead Man's PlateDead Man's Plate or Spirit VisageSpirit Visage and be tank SorakaSoraka , but you need to have Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant and Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo before this; Being tanky is good because you can be a nuisance and play aggressively while also being weirdly tanky if you get jumped on, this works specially well if the team has a big ad comp or ap comp, or just burst assassins like RengarRengar , Kha'ZixKha'Zix or EvelynnEvelynn
  • Late game, you're gonna be tanky, and fast, if your team is grouped, help them as usual, if they're not, keep warding and be that ambulance of your dreams, swapping between lanes at minimum 600 movement speed.

2.3 Notes

With the new update adding Font of LifeFont of Life , Summon AerySummon Aery has become a less effective option, your early game remains normal but you have to pay more attention to your mana now that regeneration is out of the picture, Mages and assassins have become more effective with the buff of Gathering StormGathering Storm but so did  you, you do more damage than before, but don't let that make you overextend and get bursted by new mage damage.

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