[2.3] Shyvana Guide - Shyvana Jungel Guide 2.3
Shyvana Jungel Guide 2.3
- Shyvana is extremely strong at taking down Drakes. She is arguably one of the fastest Drake taker and the way she benefits from Drake takedowns makes her snowball extremely well even if there is not much success in early game ganks.
- High scaling damage against champions with her mix of physical, magic, and true damage. Q, Twin Bite also makes her a strong turret taker.
- Strong long-range, reliable nuker with Flame Breath.
- Shyvana is reliant on taking down the Drakes. The higher you go, the more people realize this and will group up on you and ward the Dragon lane heavily because of you. If you are denied your upgrades, you will not reach your full potential.
- Shyvana has little to no utility. The crowd control from her ultimate is unreliable for initiation.
- She is reliant on her Dragon Form. Teams playing around her ultimate will feel frustrating
Shyvana Build
Best Build Guide for Shyvana

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This is the standard build on Shyvana which plays her as a bruiser with items that makes her tankier but still be able to do damage, although not as much as the mage build. This is the appropriate build to do if you have an AP-type top laner who doesn’t have much peeling ability like Akali or Zed.
Trinity Force – This is a great all-around item for Bruisers which grants balanced stats for offense and defense. The Spellblade passive and increased attack speed brings a great deal of DPS for
Shyvana .
Mercury's Treads – This boots are a good counter to high AP and crowd control team compositions. If you are facing AD heavy compositions, use Plated Steelcaps instead. Upgrade with the
Glorious Enchant to run down opponents or upgrade with the
Gargoyle Enchant if your team relies on you for initiation so you’ll have extremely high HP when diving the enemy lines.
Sterak's Gage – Grants a high amount of damage and HP. The Lifeline passive allows you to play more aggressively as well.
Dead Man's Plate – Another item that is good for running down opponents. This item grants HP, armor, and passives that grants movement speed for
Shyvana and slows the enemy on the first attack with max Momentum stacks.
Spirit Visage – Increase your magic resist as well as all healing effects with the item. This is the standard item against AP users but
Force of Nature is also viable against mages with repetitive abilities like
Ahri or
Singed .
Randuin's Omen – This item is the go-to counter against AD carries because the Armored passive from this item reduces critical strike damage and the Cold Steel passive reduces the attacker’s attack speed at the same time.
Blade of the Ruined King
is becoming popular on
as a first or second item since its on-hit damage has been buffed from 6% current HP to 9% current HP. It means that with one
Twin Bite
, you can shave off 18% of your target’s current HP. That’s OP as heck. Build this item if you are snowballing hard or build it instead of
Trinity Force
if you are against two or more tanks.
This was the standard build for Shyvana which turns her into a mid to late-game nuker but it was nerfed hard making it less viable. Still, he has adequate DPS and burst damage thanks to the synergy between Nashor’s Tooth and Twin Bite but this build has scary burst damage because of her Dragon form E, Flame Breath. You can still use this item build if you have a tank Baron laner and tank support
Nashor's Tooth – This item greatly synergizes with
Twin Bite mechanic which applies on-hit effects twice and it scales with your AP which will deal amazing damage specially when combined with
Twin Bite .
Ionian Boots of Lucidity – The cooldown reduction from this boots lets you spam your abilities more often. Upgrade with the
Protobelt Enchant for more mobility or the [stasis enchant] because you are susceptible to burst damage when playing with the mage build.
Infinity Orb – Increases her burst damage, especially against low HP targets.
Rabadon's Deathcap – Increase your AP by an absurd amount. This will make you able to kill enemies with just one combo.
Morellonomicon – This item is a must against high sustain enemies. It is a staple item because the physical and magical vamp of enemies becomes noticeable as the game transitions into the later stages of the game.
Void Staff – Counter the enemy’s magic resist with this item. If they haven’t done already, they will surely build magic resist against you and this item will make their investment a useless one.
Shyvana Runes
Best Runes for Shyvana

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Poke combo

All in combo
Shyvana Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
The initiation capabilities of Malphite is unparalleled. A single ultimate from him combined with Shyvana’s Dragon’s Descent and E, Flame Breath is an easy team wipe. His innate tankiness also allows Shyvana to focus on being a damage dealer instead of a space creator for her team.

Shyvana Early Game
Shyvana is a scaling jungler. She has to focus on farming jungle camps so she can acquire the items that she needs to carry the game in the late game. Furthermore, she has no ganking tool outside her ultimate which makes her a poor ganker.
Start with the Raptors for a safe clear or start in the red buff for a two buff clear if you fear that the enemy will invade your jungle, which is a common thing against Lee Sin and Olaf.
Clear all jungle camps and avoid a scuttler fight. The dragon side scuttler is important since you scale through drakes but if you are going to die on a scuttler fight, there’s no point to it.
Still, keep an eye on the map so you can counter gank since you fairly hard, you can protect your laners if they are ganked but do not overextend since you have poor mobility and have no crowd control. Never overstay in lanes because you need to power farm.
Once you reach level five, you have a short window where you can use your ultimate to gank and still have your Dragon form in time for the first drake take. Look for the nearest lane and initiate a gank. If you fail, you’ll most likely burn summoner spells and force a recall. Afterward, take the turret or use the remaining time in your ultimate form to get a camp or two before you recall.

Shyvana Late Game
Shyvana is an excellent objective taker and team fighter in her dragon form. Never take objectives and fights if your ultimate is unavailable.
If your team reaches objectives first, immediately activate your ultimate, Dragon’s Descent to take objectives quickly. In lower elo, you’ll most likely kill Drakes or Baron even before the enemy team realizes it. A nice trick you can do to help you pull off sneaky takes is to carry the Oracle Lens then activate it before you dive into the Drake pit from behind. If the enemy has wards in it, it will be deactivated, and given how fast you take dragons, the Drake will be dead or nearly dead once the Oracle Lens’s duration ends.
You can initiate team fights as long as your team is near you so you won’t get burst down by the enemy team. One of the best things about Dragon’s Descent is that it pulls enemies together into a single location so after you landed, you can immediately burst down multiple enemies with your E + Q combo.