by PassionPH

[1.1.0] Passion's [Diamond] In-Depth AD Shyvana Guide

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 1.1.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

Passion's [Diamond] In-Depth AD Shyvana Guide

Hello everyone! I'm Passion and I currently am a Diamond 3 playing in the Philippines server. This guide will help you learn everything you need about Attack Damage Shyvana, one of the strongest scaling junglers and objective takers in the game.

Shyvana Build

Best Build Guide for Shyvana

Starting Items
Core Items
Blade of the Ruined King
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Frozen Mallet
Sterak's Gage
Offensive Items
Trinity Force
Death's Dance
Maw of Malmortius
Defensive Items
Guardian Angel
Spirit Visage
Randuin's Omen
Dead Man's Plate
Adaptive Helm
Boots Enchantment
Stasis Enchant
Locket Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
Gargoyle Enchant
Redeeming Enchant
Teleport Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting Item

Dagger is the best option since we start with her 3rd skill, she can proc it more with this item. Thus, faster clear on the first camp.

Core Items

Your Core item on Attack Damage Shyvana with only either be Blade of the Ruined King or Trinity Force if you get a big recall (you get early kills).

BotRK is the best since she auto-attacks a lot and its passive synergizes well with her 1st Skill, it also helps her stick with her target more effectively. 


Boots will depend on the enemy comp. If they have more physical damage, buy Tabi. 

If they have more magic damage or if they have heavy CC, buy Mercury's Threads. 

If you prefer Ability Haste which has high value on Shyvana, then buy Ionian Boots of Ludicity.

After BotRK or Tri-Force

Next Items, will either be Frozen Mallet or Sterak's Gage but it's still good to buy Both. 

Frozen Mallet helps her and your team stick to targets more which Shyvana desperately needs since she's pretty immobile without her 2nd skill. 

Sterak's Gage is good since it is likely that Shyvana dishes damage on teamfights, also it gives Tenacity so prioritize it more than Mallet if it's needed. 

Offensive Items

Again, buy Trinity Force if you get a big buy or an early lead otherwise buy BotRK. 

Death's Dance is good on her since it helps her last longer on teamfights, while Maw is only necessary if they have Heavy Magic Damage or if enemy AP champion is snowballing. You can also settle for Hexdrinker most of the time. 

Defensive Items

Guardian Angel is a good item on her since it's kinda broken on Wildrift since teamfights only usually happen around Dragons and Baron and GA will be up most of the time. Also, the maps pretty small so you can buy time for your teammates to respond before you respawn. 

Spirit Visage is good since you'll be getting Lifesteal from your build and your runes but only buy it if enemy comp has heavy or snowballing magic damage champions. 

Buy Randuin's Omen to counter Critical Hits which would be probably be on champions like (Jhin, Yasuo or Tryndamere). 

Thornmail provides Grievous Wounds and gives you more tankiness. 

Deadman's Plate is not a bad option if you like the movement speed. 

Build Adaptive Helm if they have DoTs (Damage over Time) like Singed poison, etc. 

Boots Enchantment

Most of the time you will know what is needed based on how the game progresses. But EVERY enchantment is viable. Use your own judgement. Also don't be afraid to swap enchantments when they're on cooldown and you can't use them on time. 

Shyvana Runes

Best Runes for Shyvana

Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
For the Main Rune, Conqueror is the only viable option because it helps her the most on skirmishes and teamfights, where she stays for long a lot. Next rune, Weakness is the only one that is not viable. But personally, Hunter Vampirism is the best since she auto-attacks a lot. Next rune, swap Conditioning, Spirit Walker and Hunter Titan depending on the enemy comp. Next rune, no better option than Mastermind, this doesn't only apply on her. It is broken on junglers and splitpushers, abuse it.
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Use this if enemy comp has loads of CC which Hunter Titan can help weaken with its Tenacity.
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Use this if enemy do not have loads of CC and their comp is pure AD or pure AP, since Conditioning's value comes down when enemy comp is pure (wasted Armor or Magic Resist).

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Fury Of The Dragonborn
Fury Of The Dragonborn - Passive
Twin Bite
Twin Bite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Flame Breath
Flame Breath
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dragon's Descent
Dragon's Descent
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Best summoner on AD Shyvana since it helps her survive and have pressure early game which is the hardest phase of the game for her. It makes her ganks more effective and her dueling stronger pre-5.
Same case for Exhaust, only Ignite comes more effective on certain Match-ups like Olaf and Lee-sin who have really strong dueling power and healing who has the potential to invade you early game.
If you have positioning issues and is not confident on not taking flash, it is totally fine since besides her ULT, Flash is only her other option for a dash. Also, Flash can extend her 3rd skill.
If you're jungling, no reason to not take Smite.

Shyvana Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo
Jarvan Iv
Jarvan Iv
Master Yi
Master Yi
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao
Lee Sin
Lee Sin

This match-up is really easy since it will only boil down on who has better Macro and ganks. Both will probably just farm pre-5. Also if possible, communicate with your team to get number advantage on scuttle crab. If you deny 2 scuttle crab from Evelyn, you'll have a huge lead. Also, you can invade her level 2 after your red buff with your team if they have lane prio. Don't ward on bushes against her, instead swap trinkets every now and then and ward inside her jungle, but always be careful and play around vision. 



Skill Order

Put 3 points on your 2nd skill first before fully maxing 3rd skill since it will help you on your early clears and dueling power early game. Take ULT when available and max 1st skill last. 

How her Skills work


Helps her kill Dragons easier which is insane when combined with Mastermind. Gives her skills upgrades when you kill specific Dragons. 

1st Skill

The only important thing to remember on this skill is that this skill procs hit-on-effects like her 3rd skill mark, BotRK, Frozen Mallet, etc. twice and becomes an AoE (Area of Effect) in a cone when she uses her ult so she deals really huge AoE damage when she lands all of her abilities. Mountain Drake gives the ability slow which is broken when paired with Frozen Mallet. Also, this skill is an auto-attack reset so make sure you use it effectively. 

2nd Skill

Remember that this ability will help you stick with your targets by auto-attacking (duration is extended the more you attack), or run. Cloud Drake drastically improves the movement speed so sometimes, depending on the enemy comp, Cloud Drake has high value. 

3rd Skill

This skill synergizes well with her 1st skill since your attacks become stronger when you see the marks on targets you hit with this skill. This skill is especially strong on taking on big camps like Blue and Red Buff since their HP is larger and objectives like Dragons and Baron. This ability mixed with BotRK really hurts and is her strongest source of damage. Remember to use this skill before using 1st skill to maximize the damage. Landing this ability is huge, if you miss, you will miss out on a lot of damage, that is where Ability Haste comes to use, you can use this skill more often even if you miss. Using this skill while in dragon form makes it leave a burning ground and makes it AoE which also synergizes to dragon form 1st skill. Infernal Drake will boost this ability to deal true damage on the burn, though this boost will only be very effective on AP Shyvana. 


Her most important ability since it boosts her skills, never waste it and get used to the range. Also remember that this skill is a good flanking tool since it knocks enemies back a little as she takes flight. Ocean Dragon upgrades this skill to give more Health when used, simple but useful. 


When to Red/Blue Smite

The concept is easy. Red Smite for stronger 1 v 1s and more skirmishing power, while Blue Smite gives more utility especially on ganks and picks. 

Red Smite is a good choice against Olaf, Lee Sin, Graves and the likes. 

While Blue Smite is a good choice against enemy comps that has long range so you can catch them easier, and enemy junglers that you can easily kill like Amumu. 


Early Game

Learn your match-up. Ward on river and reset to swap your ward to the red one. Your clear can be flexible. 

First one is, Raptors -> Red Buff -> Krugs -> Gank/Scuttle or Wolves -> Blue Buff -> Gromp -> Gank/Scuttle. This pathing will end you up in level 4, it's good if you want to play on a specific side of the map (could be Baron Lane or Dragon Lane) being present for possible ganks and making sure they dominate and win lane. This is unselfish and you will get to Level 5 late. Start 2nd skill if you do this pathing.

Second one is a full-clear, do this if there is no threat of the enemy invading, Red Buff -> Krugs -> Raptors -> Wolves -> Blue Buff -> Gromp -> Scuttle/Gank -> Reset or start in Blue and vice-versa. This will get you to level 5 the fastest and is the most efficient. 

Third one will be inefficient but will secure you a safe early game against strong invaders, Raptors -> Krugs -> Wolves -> Gromp -> Buffs/Scuttles. If you're gonna do this, you will be late to Level 5 and will be most unlikely to gank early game. However, with the right warding, you will secure a safe early game and maximize yourself for the Dragon fight. 

Invading will most like result to cross-map which will give you advantage on a certain side of the map. Do not do this if this will not be on your favor and do not know exactly how it works. However, if you do invade make sure to clear the whole side of the enemy jungle you invaded and if it's the first clear, leave a small raptor, small krug or small wolf so it doesn't respawn on its own. 

ALWAYS, check lane states and learn to read the map (you can watch videos on youtube), you can gank pre-5 especially if you have ignite or exhaust, otherwise focus on getting to Level 5 asap. Make sure you capitalize on your lead but don't throw, look for kills that is totally on your favor. 

If you have a bad start, do not force ganks that will not give you 100% kills, instead focus on clearing your camps and securing vision and just read the map and be reactive to enemy ganks instead so you don't miss out that much. 


Mid Game

Maximize your itemization and know when to give up and win Dragon fights. Avoid wasting your ult and save it before huge teamfights like Baron and Dragon fights since it renders you less effective when it's on cooldown. 

Taking Dragons will be huge especially Infernal, Ocean and Mountain. Cloud, not that much so it's ok to give up if necessary. Mastermind is huge on securing objectives, you can burst them from 2000 hp with your full skill and an auto-attack, also makes them more rewarding. In other words, Objectives is your win condition on Shyvana. 

Avoid throwing away leads if you snowball and avoid unnecessary deaths. Also, remember swapping wards/lens to make yourself more efficient. 

If you get a number advantage after a teamfight or an Ace, counter-jungle and take the available enemy camps or even the scuttle since it will be the safest time to do so and to capitalize the lead. 


Late Game

Just like Mid Game, objectives is your win condition. Win teamfights, avoid unnecessary deaths, get objectives especially Baron and the Elder Drake since it can only be taken once. Take note, Elder Drake will be stronger the more Drake you have taken before it so know if the game will be over if it's taken and you have to steal it no matter what. Don't waste your ULT, and make sure to capitalize on over-extending enemies. Itemize smartly and efficiently. 



So that concludes my guide, hope it helps! I am also planning to make an AP Shyvana guide next so make sure to check that as well if it comes out. Thanks for checking out my guide! And best of luck on your games! : D

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
Wow, this is a well written guide! Thanks.
3 years ago
that build is perfect against ad-heavy team compositions. you'll be able to dish huge amounts of damage, stay on top of your opponents, and deal decent damage.
3 years ago
sorry for the very late reply. i suggest you study how itemization works through videos on youtube because of one reason. what you build is situational. your build can't be the same every single game.
3 years ago
Very informative guide. I love how you explain the early ,mid and late phase of the game. Thank you for the contribution!
3 years ago
Glad to gelp!! : D
3 years ago
My discord is zi0n#5823, feel free to message me if you have questions!