by WNI1467
[2.3] Varus Guide - VARUS MAGE GUIDE
I will change if the meta shift or new item coming. Thank you 😊
If you play wild rift you know lethality varus and mage varus. But still lethality is best because of mana management. From wave clear ability to doinh damage. Ya I know bla... bla...bla... Straight to the point
Here are the secret trick on becoming the godly VARUS MAGE
- Ability to oneshot enemy adc
- Decent amount of damage in early phase
- Wide CC in teamfight
- Out ranged & out scale enemy adc with his 1 ability
- Hard mana management in early state
- Can't join teamfight when skill is on cooldown
- Aimming is crucial to play Varus
- Very support depending
Varus Build
Best Build Guide for Varus
Core Items

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Rod of Ages is a must item for varus if you play him as a mage. It help you with mana requirement while dealing huge amount of damage in early phase
Hextech Gunblade provide you sustainability, heal and slow to the enemy
- If both of your core item is finished join teamfight. Stay behind your support initiate with your
Chain Of Corruption
- The key item for varus is
Nashor's Tooth . This item fastening your basic attack. It is so you can apply
Living Vengeance faster
Infinity Orb give you 200 max health and bonus magic damage when enemy is low
Varus Runes
Best Runes for Varus



Bone Plating

Sweet Tooth
- Use this rune set up if the enemy composition have a lot of assassin or high-mobility champion.
Electrocute help you to deal huge bonus damage to your opponent. This will allow you to oneshot enemy.
- For armor/magic penetration take
Brutal .Â
Bone Plating and
Sweet Tooth is very helpful for survivability from your enemy laner.


Gathering Storm

Adaptive Carapace

Sweet Tooth
- This rune is reliable on your basic attack and dealing the most damage possible. It is also very strong in teamfight.
Conqueror helps to increase Varus basic attack and skill damage to your opponent.
- Varus will be the priority target in teamfight because of his ult. Don't worry as
Adaptive Carapace is here to increase your defense and max health.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Living Vengeance

Piercing Arrow

Blighted Quiver

Hail Of Arrows

Chain Of Corruption
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Take barrier to shield yourself from incoming damage from enemy. Dont use it to early.
Heal is another optional spell. Take it if your support take ignite or exhaust. You will generate some health that will help you sustain in teamfight and laning phase.
Ignite is not a recommended spell as an adc. Varus has no mobility and his only escape tool is his flash. Take this if your good with positioning and have high skill set.
Learn how to maximize the champions potential





- This combo is before level 5 to harass enemy laner.
- Basic attack between skills will help you to deal most damage & apply Blight
- Make sure your support is near to provide CC and protection from enemy jungler gank
- This combo also can be use if you dont have your ult in late game






- Start your combo with
Chain Of Corruption to CC enemy. His ult is very good in teamfight & 1v1.
Blighted Quiver empower his
Piercing Arrow to deal insane amount of damage. Dont forget to cast this skill after ult.
- Varus 3rd skill
Hail Of Arrows slow and reduce enemy healing. Which is really good if enemy try to cast [heal]
Varus Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
- Miss fortune has no chance against you. You have every kit need to counter.Â
- Just don't get hit from her
Double Up or you lose your gold in lane. You dont want to MISSED FORTUNE.

New Section
Hey guys thank you so much for reading my guide. Im still new to this so I take criticism or praise. You can check out my other guide for more details about unique meta heroes. I will keep experimenting heroes in wild rift and see what i come up with
Look at the nice things other people said!
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