[2.3] HOOK-LIKE-A-PRO Blitzcrank guide
HOOK-LIKE-A-PRO Blitzcrank guide
- Can end fights in a jiffy by hooking an enemy squishy.
- Extremly intimidating and has potential to stop early invades.
- Also has potential to invade at level one because of his hook.
- Can roam fast because of his second skill.
- Has a funny voice XD.
- His main form of engage has an extremely long cooldown and can be avoided by standing behind minions.
- Doesn't have bonus armor or damage reduction skills as opposed to other tanks.
- Easily punishable if he misses a hook.
- Mana in early game can run quick if you use a lot of hooks.
- Can get your team tilted if you pick him in high elo (I still love him though).
Blitzcrank Build
Best Build Guide for Blitzcrank

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
There is one thing and one thing only that
needs in orded to have a tankier passive, and that is Mana. It will also allow him to hook more often since he won't run out of it. As such, after finishing your first boot item, and I reccomand either
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads
depending on the situation, along with a
Protobelt Enchant
, take
Winter's Approach
as it will give you more mana, HP and ability haste. Remember that
's passive gives a bigger shield with more mana avaliable.
Two items that are always good are
Iceborn Gauntlet
because it has even more mana and will also cause each on of your
Power Fist
to also create a slowing zone, and
Abyssal Mask
will help boost your allies's magic damage.
When it comes to playing tank, itemization is very different and needs to be adjusted depending on the enemy and your own team. Do They have a lot of attack speed? Take
Frozen Heart
and slow them down! Do you have an adc that can really use a damage boost? take
Zeke's Convergence
. Does the enemy have a healer or a lot of life-steal champions? Take
. Is your adc constantly hugging you like a chick on a motorbike and your near him 24/7? Take
Protector's Vow
Everything depends on the situation, but keep in mind that
loves mana items.
Blitzcrank Runes
Best Runes for Blitzcrank

The runes for
are very basic and you shoudn't worry too much about them. Take
to have extra tankiness when you engage,
to help your team kill your hooked target faster,
to give your adc more defense during laning, and
Pack Hunter
to snowball faster from assists. Its pretty simple for this chunky boy.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Hook, punch, fart a silencing thunder. This is your very basic burst combo. make sure a teammate is near you to follow up on this engage, and try to hook a squishy as well.

Sometimes punching makes hooking why more easier as the enemy will just float in front of you. If you are fast enough, you can simply use overdrive to run into an enemy, punch them and then use your hook. This might also be helpful if they try to flash away, since youll have your hook ready to bring them back in.

Wanna hook someone with style? combine
Protobelt Enchant
Rocket Grab
while using
for a really cool combo that might leave the enemy tilted XD.
Blitzcrank Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
There is little she can do to save a hooked teammate, especially if you have [ignite].

c:// useful tips c://
1. Don't be afraid to be aggresive early game, since your hook can seperate an enemy from his team. You can also camp near an enemy jungle camp and use
Rocket Grab
to hook his red or blue buff away, causing him a huge delay in farming time.
2.During laning, if the enemy is standing behind a minion that your adc is about to last hit, time your
Rocket Grab
accordingly, as you might be able to hit him as soon as the minion is taken down.
3.If your team started baron/dragon before the enemy, you can use your hook to grab someone over the wall, forcing him to either flash or accept his fate.
to get to lane or roam faster.
5. Remember that
Power Fist
is still considered a basic attack, and it can also be used on turrets.
6. Don't hook enemy tanks, it won't do any good and might put your team in a dangerous position.
7. Keep a healthy diet of Oil and electricity :)