by SilverNova
[2.2c] Ziggs Guide - Long Range Control Mage Ziggs
Long Range Control Mage Ziggs
Infuriate your enemies by playing this long range ziggs guide
Ziggs Build
Best Build Guide for Ziggs
Starting Items

first recall

full damage (aggressive)

vs tanks (defensive)

flexible items

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starter Items
Sapphire Crystal to safely farm up for the first recall items. You don't need a lot of damage in the beginning.
First Recall
- Either
Lost Chapter if you go full damage or
Catalyst of Aeons if enemy team has tanks or if you suffer in the early stages
Full Damage
Luden's Echo for mana and early damage. Always rush this item first if you plan on going damage
Ionian Boots of Lucidity into [Stasis Enchant] to dodge potential burst/abilities. Also allows you to roam more freely
Lich Bane for a good powerspike. Auto attack between abilities for maximum damage. Also grants mana which is a good aid for spamming abilities
Rabadon's Deathcap will give you a crazy amount of ability power with the items you previously bought. This item will turn you into a very powerful foe at this stage
Morellonomicon will grant you healing reduction which is a must have with the amount of healing in wild rift. It also grants you health and ap to make you a bit bulkier and give you more damage
Void Staff is a final item that can be replaced with an item from the flexible build if the enemy team doesn't have too many resistances. But otherwise it is a good nail in the coffin to finalize the build
VS Tanks
- Buy
Tear of the Goddess to start stacking but don't finish
Archangel's Staff until you buy
Rod of Ages
- When you have your tear, rush
Rod of Ages to get it stacking. That way you can upgrade your [tear of godess] into
Archangel's Staff afterwards and have them at max stacks at roughly the same time
Ionian Boots of Lucidity into [Stasis Enchant] or
Teleport Enchant to dodge potential burst/abilities or faster roams to other lanes and objectives
Liandry's Torment as by this stage the enemy team should have a decent amount of health and maybe even 2-3 finished tank items. It will allow you to shred through them like butter
Rabadon's Deathcap will solidfy your damage with the first two items you bought. At this stage you should be able to more or less one shot a tank if they don't have too many resistances
Void Staff or
Rylai's Crystal Scepter as a finail item. Void staff if they have a lot of magic resistance, or rylai's if they focused on armour and have a lot of health
Flexible Items
Infinity Orb is good if the enemy team starts building light magic resistance in the early and mid game. It still allows you to penetrate and last hit them without investing too much into penetration
Awakened Soulstealer is good if you snowball in the early stages and manage to pick up a decent amount of kills. Lets you get even crazier
Teleport Enchant is good if you decide to play safe during the game and need to follow up on enemy roams. E.g. Enemy aurelion sol pushes in mid and flies to top lane. You can push back and use teleport to follow him.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is only good in combination with
Liandry's Torment to shred through tanks without magic resistances
Shadows Enchant is good for catching enemies and giving your team vision which can be useful for long range snipes.
Ziggs Runes
Best Runes for Ziggs

Summon Aery


Hunter Titan

Manaflow Band
aery for consistant damage
brutal for penetration
hunter titan for tenacity
manaflow for mana and hp regen
This is a good set for consistant damage output
brutal for penetration
hunter titan for tenacity
manaflow for mana and hp regen
This is a good set for consistant damage output


Hunter Vampirism

Adaptive Carapace

Hunter Genius
electrocute for burst damage
hunter for healing
sprint walker for hp
hunter genius for ability haste
This is useful to fight assassin (fighting fire with fire)
hunter for healing
sprint walker for hp
hunter genius for ability haste
This is useful to fight assassin (fighting fire with fire)
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Short Fuse

Bouncing Bomb

Satchel Charge

Hexplosive Minefield

Mega Inferno Bomb
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Always take flash
Barrier is a good default spell against all mages and e.g. fizz who deals a lot of damage with one ability (R).
Barrier against high burst like Zed and Yasuo
Ziggs Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Aurelion can't do anything against you as long as you keep your distance. You have twice as long range as him, so just throw everything you have at him and don't walk up too close.

Pros/Cons & Tips
- Very long range with abilities
- Great at stalling games for comebacks
- Good at zoning with
Satchel Charge &
Hexplosive Minefield
- Excellent splitpusher with
Satchel Charge and
Short Fuse
- Amazing AoE global ultimate
- Low mobility
- Easy to fall behind with if you die
- Requires game knowledge around positioning
- Eats a lot of mana
- Skillshot oriented
- You can use
Satchel Charge in combination with his Q and E to throw them mid-air.
Satchel Charge can be used to jump over numerous walls
- Your [ziggs1] always bounces 3 times unless it hits something, so you can use it for super long range snipes.
- Take advantage of your
Short Fuse to damage turrets
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