[2.3] Kha'Zix Guide - OTP Kha'zix solo queue tips and trick
OTP Kha'zix solo queue tips and trick
- Kha'zix can oneshot any squishy if you are ahead or even
- Very strong in any stages of the game if you are able to duel with an isolated enemy
- Very high outplay potential
- Very healthy jungle clear if played right
- Very weak if behind
- Weak if enemy is grouped
- Extremely squishy
- Weak to invades if teammate aren't aware
Kha'Zix Build
Best Build Guide for Kha'Zix

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
With the first build,you could hunt isolated enemy and end them quickly,putting the game into a 4v5/3v5 for a short while,you could use this time to force teamfight or get objectives
If the enemies are too tanky to be oneshotted,going for the 2nd build is recommended,though, personally,i rarely use those since every match will have a squishy,if you're going the 2nd build,better use conq rune instead of electro
Kha'Zix Runes
Best Runes for Kha'Zix

This is by far the best rune for kha'zix(assassin) since the burst of damage is enough to kill an enemy,use your Void Spike,Taste their Fear,and Enchanted Basic Attack to trigger this rune
I personally like this one since it give 2 bonus ap/ad for each unique champion takedown,means you could stack it up till 10,not to mention it give vamp for extra sustainability since Kha'zix is very squishy
This one is extremely strong since kha'zix could go killing nonstop in 1 match
this is very good for a faster and healthier jungle pathing
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

(Only ult if necessary)
Use your Void Spike to start of the combo,then use Taste their Fear to either put them to extremely low health or just insta oneshot if you're fed enough,if they're not dead,finish them with your enchanted auto attack,at this point,they should be dead,if they're still not dead,you could hunt them with your leap/ult,or retreat since enemy are likely to come assist the isolated enemy

(Only ult if necessary)
Come from the bush to suprise them and use void spike so you won't waste time,then quickly leap and 1st skill mid-air for higher dps and finish with enchanted auto attack.only ult if you're in a tight spot since you're ult are a ticket out of a gank or when you are sure you could kill him with ult and run away

poke them with your Void Spike until they are low enough for you to pick them off one by one, don't mindlessly jump in a teamfight or a grouped enemy since Kha'zix relies on his isolation passive for the sweet 110% xtra dmg on your 1st skill.
Kha'Zix Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Xin zhao are not that hard to fight against,but still, don't underestimate him,each player are build different.the only way the fight him is kite him away from his team and bait out his skills,after that,just use the basic combo and ult,wait for the 1st skill to finish cooldown and strike again,after the 2nd charge,you should be able to take him down.i recommend to evolve your ult for the longer stealth

I would start the early game by checking the enemy composition,example,if they have a ganky jungler such as Lee Sin,i would go Red and ward blue to make sure there are no ganks on blue,but if the enemy decide to gank red,i would just fall back or fight if i have my leap/3rd skill,if nothing happens,i would just path my way to top scuttle and gank if possible

Start with blue,as Kha'zix are a mana hungry jungler,smite the blue and do gromp/big frog and path to the wolf and smite the big wolf, straight to the raptors,void assault all of them and you could go scuttle or continue red,i would take scuttle and go red,then the krug,and plan a gank for bot

To gank to baron lane,wait till the enemy are far away from the enemy's turret and come from behind,with this,you could pressure from behind and your solo laner would pressure from the front,almost guaranteeing a kill or a flash waste
If you are ganking the dragon lane instead,you need to wait till the enemy support waste his/her cc,and also wait for them to be far from their turret,and pressure from behind same as you would with the baron lane,put pressure to make them separated/isolated,with this,your isolated passive would deal massive damage

if fed/ahead:look for isolated enemy and gank them before the others could react,make sure to notice the missing enemy on the map since they could potentially waiting/coming to counter gank you
If behind:farm your jungles and try to make a counter gank,steal baron,dragon or enemy jungles if the enemy jungler are on the opposite lane,try not to die since it would set to back far behind,help teamfight by poking and picking off the low hp enemies

If fed/ahead:hunt the jungler,aware of the missing enemy before trying to assassinate them,if successful,try baron or force teamfight to wipe them off and wrap the game
If behind:not much to do other than trying to steal baron/elder and farm for your item, even if you're behind,you could still help teamfight by poking and unexpectedly picking off the low adcs/squishy,with this ,you change the game

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When this happen,you must never die in the early game,just keep farming,csing and taking objective,if all your teammates are feeding,you have no choice but to be greedy and take their minions so you could stay with the lead,plan out your gank and try not to fail,wait for the perfect timing and try to ambush the enemy jungler or whoever that have bounty,only ambush if she's alone,do not went for a 1v5,since if you die,they will gain a huge lead and crush your teammates

I am currently on my way to challenger,when i hit it,i would start posting contents in YouTube,so be sure to search for SkyJuice in your yt :D