[2.3] Pantheon Guide - PANTHEON JUNGLE GUIDE
- High damage in early game
- Fast kills in early games
- Super cool ult
- Strong in early game
- Good at ganks
- Nice initiator in teamfights
- Weak in late game
- Weak at 1vs1 if you dont have a advantage
Pantheon Build
Best Build Guide for Pantheon

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
YOUMUU is the best starting item for Pantheon because it give you damage and speed(Pantheon need ad and speed very much)
TRINITY FORCE is the best 2nd item becasue it have a cool pasive(spellblade) give you hp, attack speed, speed and everything you need.
As starting item start with long sword(it give yoy ad), when you first time go back to base buy sheen and then buy everything you need for Youmuu.Like in the list(starting items list).
Pantheon Runes
Best Runes for Pantheon

Conquaer for more damage(best keystone for Pantheon)
Champion (give you very much damage,dont die or you will lose this effect) because Pantheon is a early game champion
Hunter Titan becasue you gank a lot and you make a lot of kills.
Mastermind for more damage to objectives and more gold.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Standard gank combo

Back gank combo

Ult combo
Pantheon Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Pantheon can kill every enemy adc easy. Use 3rd magic to defend from theu damage.

Pantheon S+ ins early gam
Pantheon power is early game, try to make as much kills as you can and try to dont die.
In mid game Pantheon is B tier
In late game pantheon is C tier
Jungle path: red buff, raptors, gank or blue and crab scutle or gank