[1.1.0] The unrivaled King of the Jungle (Lee Sin Guide)
The unrivaled King of the Jungle (Lee Sin Guide)
Lee Sin Build
Best Build Guide for Lee Sin

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
For ur enchants u almost always want protobelt for extra mobility and the auto attack reset or locket for the team wide shield. In lategame you can adapt to take stasis to counter burst. The only matchup where I would recommend quicksilver is vs Amumu. Keep in mind that u can always sell ur enchant and rebuy boots with teleport to get right back into the action, and poteantially even reach a baron fight just in time by TPing in.
Lee Sin Runes
Best Runes for Lee Sin

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Lee Sin Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Same as Evelynn (clear 1) in later stages of the game try to oneshot him with you max damage combo

Watch this video: https://youtu.be/u0b9ifUk7ZY
Just keep in mind that u don’t need to use wards to jump with s2.
Plus the classic s4 flash and s1 s4 Flash
Make sure to practice combos in the practice mode using 0cd and target dummys

General Tips/ Gameplan
*ALWAYS focus Dragon Lane (having drake prio and getting adc&sup ahead is soo important in current meta)
*If you are ahead try to invade, gank, take objectives and turrets to push ur lead. Don’t fall into the trap of permaclearing ur own jungle, it can cost you many games
*Make sure to back ASAP if u have a core item ready (Ghostblade,GA,Triforce)
*Try to get boots of speed on an early back (1st / 2nd ) if u have 500 gold left. It helps you gank more and get around the map faster to pace up the game, which is exactly what you try to archived on lee because you fall of in the lategame.