[2.3] Top/Baron Vayne Guide
Top/Baron Vayne Guide
Vayne Build
Best Build Guide for Vayne

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Items
Long Sword in order to easier last hit minions.
Boots of Speed is taken if you are facing an enemy with a lot of catch potential (E.g. Fiora & Camille)
First Recall
Vampiric Scepter for sustain to stay longer in lane
Recurve Bow to build into
Blade of the Ruined King
Boots of Speed is a must have purchase before BOTRK if you didn't buy it at the start of the game. No boots = low movement speed which can get you killed
- Finally
Blade of the Ruined King as your first full item. It is an essential part of the build as it allows easier kiting, life steal for sustain alongside damage and attack speed for your
Silver Bolts
Crit Build
Blade of the Ruined King as your standard item
- [gluttoneous graves] because they are the only good offensive boots. If you need more speed you can go for
Boots of Swiftness or
Mercury's Treads if the enemy team has a lot of stuns
Phantom Dancer is a great build as it gives you a shield as well as crit and attack speed
Infinity Edge simply empowers your critical strikes, which you need for this critical build
Death's Dance is a good item that gives you lfe steal and also causes all damage towards you to act as a bleed, meaning you have a few extra seconds to life steal damage that would kill you
- Finally
Rapid Firecannon is a good purchase as a final offensive item. If you feel like you die a lot you can go for [guardian's angel] or
Frozen Mallet for extra health
This build is useful against enemies that do not have a lot of ways to jump on you, e.g. Mundo, Garen, etc.
Tank Build
Blade of the Ruined King as your standard item. Buy
Boots of Speed before or after you finish this item.
Frozen Mallet second in order to slow down enemies with each attack, which should allow you to kite them with ease.
- [gluttoneous graves] because they are the only good offensive boots. If you need more speed you can go for
Boots of Swiftness or
Mercury's Treads if the enemy team has a lot of stuns
Phantom Dancer is a great build as it gives you a shield as well as crit and attack speed
Infinity Edge simply empowers your critical strikes, which you need for this critical build
Dead Man's Plate gives you movement speed, health, armour and also allows you to chunk down enemies with your first hit. As an alternative you can go for [Guardian's angel] or
Black Cleaver for health and ad penetration against tanky targets.
This build gives you a little bit more health, and slows/movement speed which should allow you to kite away and catch enemies much faster. More useful if you feel like you get deleted too quickly, or if the enemy team has a lot of escapes.
Flex Items
- [stasis enchant] is a must have against champions like Fizz, Zed, Orianna, etc that can delete you with one ability.
Quicksilver Enchant is useful if the enemy team has CC, e.g. Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Jax, etc.
Teleport Enchant can be taken if you fall too far behind and need to spend all your time towards farming
Maw of Malmortius is good against heavy AP compositions
Bloodthirster is useful for 1v1 duels. If you get focused by a lot of enemy champions then
Death's Dance is better for survivability.
Mortal Reminder if the enemy team builds a crazy amount of armour or has e.g. a Soraka
Black Cleaver for the tank build if you need more ad, movement speed and health. Can be used instead of Dead man's plate.
Question: Why are there no AD Penetration items in these builds?
- Vayne's
Silver Bolts deals true damage, meaning that even if an enemy has 9999 armour, you will still deal a lot of damage. A lot of her damage comes from that ability, so it isn't really necessary to build
Mortal Reminder or
Black Cleaver unless facing e.g. Malphite. As Vayne, your goal is to stay alive and hit as many auto attacks as possible as she will be able to shred through tanks. Assassins, ad carries and supports do not tend to build a lot of armour anyways as they would sacrifice a lot of their damage for some defence, meaning that you will still be able to one shot them with a crit build.
Vayne Runes
Best Runes for Vayne

Spirit walker for extra early hp
Hunter genius to spam abilities more often

Regeneration + Sweet Tooth are taken against a very hard lane.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Vayne Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
He has no way to engage on you apart from
Decisive Strike
and flash. If he does that, just attack him until he is near and then use
to throw him back. Don't let him jump on you, or he will try to burst you.

Generally speaking same concept applies.
- If you win your lane, just dominate by pushing, poking and diving.
- If you lost your lane, play safe and focus on last hitting minions to come out strong in the mid/late phases of the game.
If you have any questions, send a message to SilverNova#5932