Let's celebrate 2 months of wildriftguides.gg!

Hey you all, let's celebrate! wildriftguides.gg is not only two months old, but we also hit the 500 members mark on discord! All that is left to say is: Thank you. Honestly we would not have expected that thing to blow up like that. And without you guys it would not have been possible.
- Within two months: you have written 166 guides
- guides have been uniquely viewed 85 399 times
- guides have been liked 1013 times
- there are 37 250 active users that keep coming back to wildriftguides.gg
In order to celebrate that, we'll be hosting a giveaway, Since you all gave us so much it's now time to give back! To participate you just have to join our Discord Server and post a clip of your best play in #two-months-giveaway. Out of all submissions we will raffle:
- 1x **Discord Nitro (1 month)** + **Skin of your choice**
- 2x **skin of your choice**
Winners will be contacted on 2021-03-31 through Discord.
Aside from that, please give a warm welcome to our new mods: p11 and SilverNova. We could not be more thankful for having them here since day one. They have contributed so much to the platform and to the community, we are glad they are supporting us as part of the staff!
Without all of you, all of this would not be possible and we love to have you as a part of this amazing community. We hope you come along on our journey for many many more months to come. Thank you!