Fizz Build
Best Build Guide for Fizz

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
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Lich Bane
is a staple item on Fizz, having the bonus damage on your
Urchin Strike
Rending Wave
can surprise a lot of squishy enemies and even force some 1v2s to go in your favor. It also works with the last hitting reset effect of
Rending Wave
Infinity Orb
is next for multiple reasons. The +200 HP helps you live slightly longer, the +5% Move Speed lets you roam slightly quicker, the +15 Magic Penetration sets you up for when opponents start buying Magic Resistance & most importantly the ษชษดแดแด ษชแดแดสสแด แด
แดแดษช๊ฑแด passive helps you finish off enemies with your combo.
[Stasis Enchant] always helps you with buying time for your [Fizz:3] cool down. Nothing more to it, you can play really greedy with this bad boy off cooldown.
Rabadon's Deathcap
since we already have some magic pen and the enemy carries generally wont build flat magic resist so getting raw damage is the best thing. If the opponent has healing switch this with the next item (
for the Anti-Healing / Magic Pen / HP are just stats that Fizz likes. Nothing more to it.
Guardian Angel
Hextech Revolver
will be your last item.
Guardian Angel
for another life if you finding yourself going 1 for 1 continuously, or
Hextech Revolver
for double vamp stats (
Urchin Strike
scales with 100% AD ๐ ) and even more overall damage if you aren't dying that much.
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Judging by the top 50 Fizz's I've noticed a lot of them will go
Rabadon's Deathcap
2nd when ahead. If you're that ahead and want to build
Rabadon's Deathcap
i recommend switching
Infinity Orb
to the 4th item slot.
Fizz Runes
Best Runes for Fizz

Triumph is really good here but Brutal is also an option, personal preference.
Regeneration is to help our early game since we get bullies by ranged characters.
Hunter - Genius is our friend in the last tree due to giving us more Ability Haste for

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Fizz Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Play around
Playful / Trickster
. Average fight looks like this:
Chum The Waters
Spirit Rush
Playful / Trickster
Rending Wave
Urchin Strike
Orb Of Deception
She is very animated and obvious in her abilities so she isn't too hard with some practice in the matchup.

In case you've come into this guide thinking "this guy is just talking random crap, why would you want Infinity Orb second, or something similar"
Here are 3 of the top Fizz players in SEA running quite similar to what I have presented today. The reason I believe they go
Rabadon's Deathcap
Infinity Orb
is because (from my understanding) they know where they can push for more total DPS so trading the survivability stats for more raw damage is worth it to them. Of course I would not recommend this if you're below Diamond and don't know what you're doing. You can also see the Double
Void Staff
from the middle picture, I believe this is because
Void Staff
gives 70AP and from what I believe is the cheapest way to get it, willing to assume he was versus 2 tanks as well.

In lane you'll most commonly be dealing damage with
Rending Wave
Auto attacks and
Urchin Strike
through the enemy champion while
Rending Wave
is up, then retreating with
Playful / Trickster
back to safety.
It's very important that you fit auto attacks in between your skills, when you're ahead it is not the most important thing but during the laning phase or while getting a pick its important that you have the highest damage output possible.
When trying to one-shot an opponent the quickest combo is
Chum The Waters
Rending Wave
Urchin Strike
Playful / Trickster
Chum The Waters
Playful / Trickster
Rending Wave
Urchin Strike
. Although to get the most damage out you would have to squeeze a few auto attacks in there
Level 1: You are able to quickly proc Electrocute with (Auto Attack >
Rending Wave
> Auto Attack)
Level 5: You should be looking to pick up a kill with
Chum The Waters
on your opponent or the enemy jungler. Remember if your wave is crashed on their tower you can drop tower aggro with
Playful / Trickster
Level 6-9: Farm farm farm, look for kills with
Chum The Waters
Level 9+: Focus enemy carries and look for picks before the team fight breaks out. Good teams will have people protecting the carries to try to work around them.
Also remember mid-lane first turret is the most important turret in the game. It opens up the opponents jungle entrances on the sides and gives them less safety when you roam. Try to get your jungler to help you claim their one first.

As with any guide, if you have any questions or would like to discuss some things you can reach out to me on Discord: Paz#0737 or on my discord here: https://discord.gg/xp99TDD75j
- Rush: Build / do ASAP, no matter the circumstances.
- Skirmish: Smaller fight, think of it as a team fight but no one commits all resources to it.
- Pressure: To create pressure is to do something that forces your opponents to react.
- HPT: High Priority Target, usually the opponents carry.
- Immobile: A character with no gap-closers.
- Gap-closers: Abilities like
Arcane Shift ,
Shuriken Flip , [Kaisa:4] . Abilties that can close the gap by dashing / increasing movement speed.
- Engage: The act of starting a fight, usually with an ability that provides CC.
- CC: Crowd Control, Abilities that displace an enemy or stop them using abilities.
Deadly Flourish ,
Apprehend ,
Decisive Strike ,
Unstoppable Force .
- AD Carry: An enemy that builds Attack Damage.
- AP Carry: An enemy that builds Ability Power.
- Combo: Your champions expected combo.
Pulverize >
Headbutt / ย
Silver Bolts > (AA) >
Tumble > (AA).
- Cancel: To cancel a champions ability means to stop it as it is channeling. For example
Bullet Time and
Curtain Call is a channeled ability and can be stopped by using CC during her cast, or by using CC during
Headbutt will stop him from travelling the full distance. Keep in mind not all channels can be cancelled, for example ย
Arcane Shift .
- Effective Health: Effective health is the durability of a champion, taking into account their health as well as their armor, magic resist, any regeneration they could have as well as any shields.
- X-Factor Play: A play that turns a losing fight into a winning fight.