by TSL667

[2.6a] The Ultimate Jarvan IV Guide !

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Patch 2.6a
December 23, 2021 09:09

The Ultimate Jarvan IV Guide !

Do you want to play a jungler and a bruiser that can be played in any situation ? Then Jarvan IV is made for you ! The Dementia prince will bright up your games with his spear and make your team win. This guide encompasses all of the aspect of this champion in depth.


  • Versatile builds, its build can be constructed based on your composition and that of your opponents !
  • It can be played in any matchup, always a good choice especially for the one trick.
  • Hard engage, poweful ganks and tons of burst damage.
  • Has simple combos that can be used in many different situations.
  • A decent jungler, duelist and teamfighter for all matches !
  • Has an amazing early game due to its passive.


  • If your ultimate is not used properly, it can hinder your allies. Be careful !
  • Doesn't scale very well in the late game
  • Enemies can get out of its ultimate easily. Be careful not to use it on opponents with a flash or a dodge.
  • Even if the champion looks easy to handle, you must always be near your allies to help them and knowing the macro is a must. Always have a plan on what to do and do the most beneficial choice.

Jarvan Iv Build

Best Build Guide for Jarvan Iv

Starting Items
Long Sword
first buy
Boots of Speed
core items
Black Cleaver
Trinity Force
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Sterak's Gage
Warmog's Armor
Bruiser build
Trinity Force
Sterak's Gage
Protobelt Enchant
Dead Man's Plate
Randuin's Omen
roaming build
Black Cleaver
Warmog's Armor
Teleport Enchant
Dead Man's Plate
Death's Dance
Zeke's Convergence
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Quicksilver Enchant
Gargoyle Enchant
Protobelt Enchant
Teleport Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

  • Starting Item :

At the beginning of the game, purchase a Long SwordLong Sword as it can be used to build both the Trinity ForceTrinity Force or the Black CleaverBlack Cleaver with it. It'll also bring you more attack damage in the early stage to clear a little bit faster your jungle camps.

  • First back :

On your first back (1100 gold or more), you are going to buy a PhagePhage and your Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed since they will help you doing faster ganks. If you have enough gold, you can even upgrade the Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed into the Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads if the ennemy team have some CCs yet if they only have AD champions take instead the Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps .

  • Core Items :

Check enemy composition, if they don't have any tanky champion go buy a Trinity ForceTrinity Force . It's passives are huge as your combo will deal 200% more damage when you use one of your ability so whenever you gank, you will deal a massive amount of damage !

Nonetheless, if they got tankier champions you may purchase a Black CleaverBlack Cleaver . This item is very helpful to do a lot of damage to tanks by reducing their armor.

As a bruiser you want to both dealing and surviving damage so the Sterak's GageSterak's Gage perfectly fit with the Trinity ForceTrinity Force and your passive Martial CadenceMartial Cadence , your first attack  on champions will deal 8% of its health + 200% of your physical damage + 50% overall so you will deal 300% damage on your first attack plus 8% of enemy's health as well as giving you a shield when you are under 35% of your hp !

You can also purchase the Warmog's ArmorWarmog's Armor instead of the Sterak's GageSterak's Gage if you want to roam more, with the 2.4B patch you can have it as your 2nd item ! You'll do less damage but constantly put pressure on from the start.

NB : Some player start with the Youmuu's Ghostblade for the early move speed and attack speed, it works only if the enemy team only have squishy champions. It deals flat armor reduction so you'll be a monster in the early game but the item doesn't scale well.

  • Boots :

You will choose the enchantments of your boots according to what you need in the game :

Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant againt hard CCs matchup ( AhriAhri , EvelynnEvelynn , GalioGalio ...)

Gargoyle EnchantGargoyle Enchant allow you to dive in teamfights, giving you massive amount of health.

Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant act like a flash, it's great if you don't have one at all or because of the cooldown.

Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant makes you omniscient on the map, always a good choice.

  • Situational items :

After completing your core, you have a lot of choice up to you.

ThornmailThornmail , Death's DanceDeath's Dance and Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder are used for anti-healing. ThornmailThornmail is a particulary effective defensive option when facing down opponents whose damage is dealt primarily through basic attacks, or against opponents that utilize healing from attacks to survive fights (such as life steal) plus with the 2.4 update, you'll deal 60% grievious wounds when you bump an enemy with your Demacian StandardDemacian Standard - Dragon StrikeDragon Strike combo. Death's DanceDeath's Dance is however used if you want physical vamp, it's best suitable against assassins and burst champions because it will delay the damage you're gonna take. Finally Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder let you destoy many tanky champions and especially sustain reliant, such as Dr. MundoDr. Mundo .

Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen is a really good item against ADC and Heavy Physicial Damage user like GravesGraves , YasuoYasuo or TryndamereTryndamere .

Spirit VisageSpirit Visage 's passive works well with any champion that have healing and it is used for Heavy Magic Resist.

Force of NatureForce of Nature is a solid item against champions who deal constant AP damage and let you outspeed them.

Adaptive HelmAdaptive Helm is choosed if you are facing a lot of AP champions (3 or more).

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel is always good for survivability as you can easily escape after being resurrected.

Dead Man's PlateDead Man's Plate fits well with Jarvan IvJarvan Iv because you'll be faster and slowing the ennemies with Golden AegisGolden Aegis will deal more damage.

Frozen HeartFrozen Heart is super good in team fights or against high attack speed champion like VayneVayne or JinxJinx .

Sunfire AegisSunfire Aegis let you speed up your clear time and deals permanent magic damage, great when you trap an opponent with your ultimate CataclysmCataclysm .

Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence will make your ultimate CataclysmCataclysm a secret weapon as it'll slows, burn an boost your allies attacks.

Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask helps well against AP champions while giving you health regeneration and more magic damage.

Jarvan Iv Runes

Best Runes for Jarvan Iv

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan

Main runeset :

  • ConquerorConqueror is always good for bonus Attack Damage when stacking AA and spells.
  • BrutalBrutal helps during the early game. Jarvan IvJarvan Iv is particulary great on this stage of the game.
  • Hunter TitanHunter Titan grants you extra health and tenacity against CCs when you kill enemies.
  • MastermindMastermind for the damage against epic monsters so you deals a lot to your objectives !
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace

Alternative runes :

  • TriumphTriumph is really good if you kill lot of ennemies and let you kill easily targets with low health, I generally use it more often the brutal.
  • Adaptive CarapaceAdaptive Carapace let you tank more while doing fights, use it if there isn't a lot of CCs in the opposite team.
  • PathfinderPathfinder is used when you want quicker roaming, only use it if the opposite jungler doesn't deal lot of damage. (I don't recommend using it in any way)

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Martial Cadence
Martial Cadence - Passive
Dragon Strike
Dragon Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Golden Aegis
Golden Aegis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Demacian Standard
Demacian Standard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

You are a jungler so smite is essential to take objectives, clear camps faster, heals you, slows or deals more damage to the opponent.
You can extend your E + Q combo with a flash or it is used for running out of the fights if you can't with your combo.
Ignite is good if the ennemy team have a lot of healing or have many tank and if you don't need your flash.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Demacian Standard
Dragon Strike
Auto Attack
Golden Aegis
Auto Attack

Basic combo that is used for ganking, engaging, pass obstacles or run away. Put Demacian StandardDemacian Standard behind the ennemy and get closer by pressing again Demacian StandardDemacian Standard to bump him and then do some damage.

Demacian Standard
Dragon Strike
Auto Attack

Extend the combo (hard to do) ! Great for killing under the turret.

Golden Aegis

Use this combo to disengage, to split a fight or to isolate one or a few target into your Cataclysm.

Golden Aegis to slow, then Cataclysm and flash out. You can also Demacian StandardDemacian Standard + Dragon StrikeDragon Strike to get out of your walls.

Demacian Standard
Dragon Strike
Auto Attack
Golden Aegis
Auto Attack

Engage and try to make your opponent flash away so you trap him with CataclysmCataclysm .

Jarvan Iv Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo
Master Yi
Master Yi
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao
Lee Sin
Lee Sin
Jarvan Iv
Jarvan Iv

ShyvanaShyvana doesn't scale well without dragons and she's weak in the early game so prioritize on the objectives. Check its build if she's going AP or AD and adapt your build. If she's going AD, take a Death's DanceDeath's Dance because she have vampirism. If she's going AP, take a Force of NatureForce of Nature .

Jarvan Iv

Early game

  • Pathing and Invading

Start with the Red Buff and take Demacian StandardDemacian Standard . It's passive will boost your attack speed and the one of your ally so you'll clear your camps faster. Always put a ward on the enemy Blue Buff, on yours or on the river. Take the dewarder at 2:00.

Jarvan IvJarvan Iv is a very invasive and strong champion in the early game so you might always invade the enemy jungler to take it's resources !

Here's a list of champion you need to invade early on :

- AmumuAmumu , RammusRammus and ShyvanaShyvana because they are bad duelist so you'll kill them easily.

- JaxJax , Master YiMaster Yi and  WukongWukong . Even if they are good duelist that's not the case at the start.

Don't only invade those champions but all those who are weak in the early game.

You don't want to invade strong dueler or fast jungle cleaner !

You can take a dewarder if you plan to invade because Demacian StandardDemacian Standard provides visions !

Your basic pathing will be Red Buff > Raptor > Blue Buff > Scutler if you plan to gank mid or top side.

You can also do Red Buff > Krugs > Raptor > Scutler if you want to gank early on the bot or mid side. Do this pathing if you see the bot side freezing (staying on the turret) in the begining of the game or to anticipate a gank from the opponent jungler so you can counter gank him.

  • Red Smite or Blue Smite ?

You may use Blue Smite for stronger gank or if you know you'll lose a duel with the Red Smite.

In the other hand, the Red Smite is used for duel and helps you snowballing.

I nearly always take the blue one because I gank a lot.

  • Ganking

Jarvan IvJarvan Iv can already gank at level 2 if you have the possibility to do so, that way you can help your mid laner and let it snowball.

Switch to the red sweeper because you want not being seen. It's your job to deny enemy vision.

You may also put a ward near the objectives so you'll not be surprised when taking them.

You can gank from the river, it will be faster, but surely a ward is already placed so you can do another path.

Ganking is pretty easy since you only have to bump the ennemies with your combos (see above).

You might gank early on when :

  • Your laner(s) has CC.
  • Enemy champion(s) has no flash (or is on cooldown)
  • Enemy champion(s) will push the lane early
  • The matchup is 'snowbally', if one kill might decide the lane
  • We anticipate that the enemy jungler will gank that lane early, so we want to counter-gank

I also usually don't gank losing lanes since the opponent will be stronger than you.

  • Tips and tricks

You can have vision with the 3rd spell Demacian Standard.

The more ennemies in the melee the bigger your Golden Aegis get, use it wisely.

You can pass through all the obstacles on the map with your Demacian StandardDragon Strike  combo.

You aren't invisible during your rush and we can even cancel it so be aware !

Jarvan Iv can lock his opponents into his Cataclysm and then get out with is Demacian StandardDragon Strike combo.

Cataclysm blocks both opponents and allies, so be careful of there placement before locking them in the arena with you.

Also you can make the arena disappear early by reactivating your ultimate.

Jarvan Iv

mid / late game

  • Ganking

Always look at your lanes, you can choose not to help a feed ally that is so strong that he don't need your ganks.

The opposite jungler can counter gank you so keep vision on him, predict its movements, its position on the map and what its gonna do. You can counter gank him as well !

Your job is to help your strongest ally or kill the stronger opponent.

  • Objectives

If you see the enemy jungler far away from objectives, if he's dead or if you have the opportunity, call your teamate to take them.

You can also call your teammate to chase the other jungler, protect you or go to the other objectives !

  • Fighting

Jarvan IvJarvan Iv engage a lot, since he's a bruiser you don't have to worry a lot about your health yet fight only if it's needed or if you are ahead.

Jarvan Iv


OriannaOrianna You can synchronise your ults CataclysmCataclysm + Command: ShockwaveCommand: Shockwave to deal incredible damage !
DianaDiana Same thing, she can go in your CataclysmCataclysm and use her ult MoonfallMoonfall right after.
AsheAshe AsheAshe can easily follow you, dealings CCs and being safe at the same time.
Miss FortuneMiss Fortune CataclysmCataclysm + Bullet TimeBullet Time combo is a force of destruction !
GalioGalio He can Hero's EntranceHero's Entrance into your CataclysmCataclysm to destroy the opponents.
RakanRakan RakanRakan will helps you a lot in every way.
LeonaLeona Setting up eachother combos !
ZiggsZiggs He can use his ultimate Mega Inferno BombMega Inferno Bomb safely if you trap the ennemies.
Jarvan Iv

general tips

Thanks to PO3STELL3D's Rammus Guide for his general tips. Like he said, these tips applies to everyone !

  • Be nice. Spread positivity and try to inspire people to win games and do their best to win the game. 
  • Have patience, discipline and have fun.
  • Spend less time in learning micros (champion specific mechanics) and start learning macros (strategic priorities and game-changing decisions).
  • Learn from high level junglers through guides, replays, and pro players. You can watch half of the LoL guides from Youtube and they would still apply in Wild Rift.
  • Look for shutdowns. Shutdown gold is the best way to a comeback.
  • Read patch notes and check what currently is meta. If you want to climb, abuse meta champions, or broken off-meta picks/builds.
  • Be physically and mentally healthy. If you're on a lose-streak, it's probably best to put the game down for a moment. Tilting causes you to perform worse.
  • Find reliable duo partners that you can synergize with.
  • Practice. Practice. Practice. Don't try a new champion/build in ranked games.
Jarvan Iv


The last one is my friend's gameplay :)

Look at the nice things other people said!
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