[2.6a] Jax Guide - The Jungle ADC Xerox(JAX) machine
The Jungle ADC Xerox(JAX) machine
- Insane Mid-Late game Damage
- Great Base stats
- Can 1vs9 in the late game
- Can split push if the team is losing
- Strong against ADC's and AD basic attack reliant champs
- Can evaporate targets in the middle of a teamfight
- Weak in the early game
- Weak ganking potential
- Not good against AP heavy comps
- too boring to main :(
Jax Build
Best Build Guide for Jax

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
1)The only logical choice, don't go for boots or attack speed since you have
Relentless Assault
2)You do your first recall before Drake or Herald spawns, you get a successful gank or jungle fight. At around 3:30 minutes and you buy tier 2 items for
Blade of the Ruined King
3)So the
Blade of the Ruined King
Trinity Force
synergize with
Relentless Assault
and are the first two items you buy in every game. Do not go for situational items before those two, these items are to hyperfarm and counterjungle and clean up low HP enemies or the ones who overextend. Just rush this two items, no any other tier 2 items before those. Only acceptable buy is
Boots of Speed
Sterak's Gage
is a great overall item which goes with nearly all the bruisers, however with jax its like bread and butter. I think even better than
Guardian Angel
. It lets you go in a teamfight, assassinate a target and after that 1. Clean up disengaging enemies or 2. Get out of the losing fight.
4)You go for tier 2 boots after 2 core items,
Blade of the Ruined King
Trinity Force
have been completed. Go for
Mercury's Treads
if you need extra tenacity and magic defence or for
Gluttonous Greaves
for extra sustain in teamfight. If you need
Plated Steelcaps
on [Jax}, just git gud and use your [jax:3] effectively. Only acceptible enchantments are
Gargoyle Enchant
or [stasis enchant] for extra survivability if you get caught offguard.
Gargoyle Enchant
gives you surprising tankiness and wastes a lot of enemy teams abilities so that your team can clean up, taking its cooldown into consideration its just a great enchant for junglers and i think many people undervalue it. For outplay potential take [stasis enchant].
5) Ok so as you can see I don't like defense items on
as AD items scale well on him due to
Relentless Assault
. And you also have your
Grandmaster's Might
for defenses.
Maw of Malmortius
is the least favorite of all. Take it against
and other burst heavy mages.
Jax Runes
Best Runes for Jax

is a DPS type splitpusher champion, accordingly you need to itemize your runes. Always take
. As you will mainly be focusing on objectives.
Adaptive Carapace
gives you a little early game presence which you desperately need and a healthy jungle clear.

Take these runes if enemy has a lot of control,
Hunter Titan
will give you extra tenacity and sustain. Try to last hit enemies with [jax:2] to proc your
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto attack reset, clear camps and do max damage output. Push turrets this way as well. Using
Leap Strike
on jungle camps and minions is acceptable, however never waste your
Counter Strike
in such ways.

All in combo, for teamfights. Proc your
Grandmaster's Might
Counter Strike
, go in with your
Leap Strike
or [flash], try to fit in an auto attack. The second proc of your
Counter Strike
has a delay after you tap it so keep it in mind. After the successful execution of prior skills, finish off with Auto Attacks and use
as an auto attack reset. Keep in mind
is your main source of damage and a huge burst.

Ok so you proc your
Counter Strike
on the range where you could get poked with auto attacks, than tap second phase of
Counter Strike
and [flash] in quickly(you could use [jax:1], but it is less effective) to stun the enemy. Finish off with auto attacks and
. Be mindful on this combo, is your flash worth the kill? I cannot tell you that, at it is situational and due to your judgement.

Get creative, you really do not need to memorize any combos other than mastering auto attack resets and
Counter Strike
Jax Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
is a
Master Yi
on steroids, you should be able to 1vs1 him at any stage of the game. If he gets ahead do not coinflip dragons, heralds and baron as he can
Alpha Strike
+ [smite] to steal it.

How to Jax
Farm, take skirmishes, scale. Get creative and focus objectives.