by 很帅的你大姐
[2.6a] Annie Guide - Have you seen my Tibber?
Have you seen my Tibber?
In this guide, you'll learn about Mid Annie. Annie is really good counter to assassins like Zed, Ahri, etc. Her abilities are beginner friendly and she is a very easy to play champion. And ofc, high rewarding champion when you master this cute little champion, Annie.
- Literally OneShot an enemy
- Not much Mana Hungry
- Great CSing
- If you can't oneshot enemies, they will oneshot you.
Annie Build
Best Build Guide for Annie
Starting Items

Core Items

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Annie Runes
Best Runes for Annie
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points




Molten Shield

Summon: Tibbers
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners

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