[4.0] Thresh Guide - A guide for Thresh Baron/Solo Lane
A guide for Thresh Baron/Solo Lane
- Ranged Top
- High damage potential
- Flex pick, often assumed support rather than anywhere else
- Strong early laning phase
- Ranged-top Proof.
- If ahead, you can be a problem, If behind, you can be a nuisance to the enemy team.
- Very different playstyle.
- No Armor scaling per level. Only souls can scale your armor.
- Can tilt your teammate or Question you what kind of monstrosity are you gonna unleash.
- If behind, prepare for the worst reaction your teammates gonna show to you.
- Infinite scaling. You have to collect souls to be more tanky
- AP champions can be your problem. Build Magic Resist items against them.
Thresh Build
Best Build Guide for Thresh

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This build focuses on balancing your stats. You can be tanky at the same time as dealing damge thanks to these items (
Duskblade of Draktharr
Maw of Malmortius
if you're against AP- based team). The rest is Defensive so you have to be flexible in your build according to your matchup.
Thresh Runes
Best Runes for Thresh

For runes,
Grasp of the Undying
is the best choice. it will give
permanent increase HP, a slight heal and increased survivability. Other runes are
for heals when you kill a champion and will also help you survive when an enemy champion lands Ignite on you, only if you manage to kill them. Okay, back to the runes.
Bone Plating
for insta HP gain and good survivability in laning phase. It should be Demolish rune so you can get an easy lead and start snowballing on them bastards. So
Manaflow Band
is the second best since you have a Mana-compliant item
and can stay on longer fights.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

If you manage to hit your 1st on your opponent, go with the Ult, if he manages to get into one of the Ult's walls, go with a AA+3rd (away), then Exhaust and go in for the kill. If he/she's near the walls of your Ult, go with a 3rd+AA+Exhaust and go in for the kill.

If the enemy solo laner gets a little bit close, Use Ult+3rd+1st+Exhaust and go in for the kill.

When your Grasp is ready, Do AA+3rd(away) combo. This will get a 3rd and Grasp proc and get yourself not getting a damage against the enemy solo laner.
Thresh Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
in the current meta is pretty meh and can easily kill him in the early/mid game. Try to not auto attack once
uses his
Counter Strike
then go for the kill.

How did you get this?

About Thresh
is a champion that can be played on support. But he can be played everywhere! thanks to his weird kit. He's a Ranged tank and can scale infinitely. I will tell everything in this section.
is a scaling passive. You lose Armor stacking per level. But in exchange, you can scale with your armor and AP via collecting souls. It's a 50/50 chance in minions and small monsters (and killing your opponents too) , 100% in Cannon minions and monsters (Blue and Red buff camp included). And 2 souls in Epic monsters! So participating in Objectives like Dragon and Baron is crucial too to scale for your damage and tankiness.
Death Sentence
is a hook skill, Like
, he can pull an enemy if the skill lands on the enemy, you can re-cast it to pull yourself to the one you hooked.
Dark Passage
is a skill that places a lantern in the target you want to place with. It can pull your teammate who picks up the lantern and shields them (you included if you step on it). It also scales with souls you get so gathering souls is important. You can use this skill to safely get souls from far away without getting slapped by the enemy top laner for teaching you to use the lantern.
is a skill that can pull/push the enemy. it also has a passive that deals extra magic damage that scales on your souls. This skill is the first max out skill since you need the raw damage of the passive of it. It can (almost) one-shot the enemy ADC with full bar passive
Duskblade of Draktharr
Iceborn Gauntlet
The Box
is his ultimate that makes a pentagon-looking box and deals damage to the first enemy that touches once of the sides of it and slows them down. The others only deal slow.

Another note.
is important.

Thank you
Thank you for reading this guide for
solo/baron. Good luck grinding that sweet rank points and best of luck brothers and sisters.