[2.6a] Riven Guide - [Patch 3.0B] Jungle Riven In-Depth Guide
[Patch 3.0B] Jungle Riven In-Depth Guide
- Strong in Late game
- Can do 1v3
- Hard to Master
- Vulnerable to Hard CC comp
Riven Build
Best Build Guide for Riven

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
[Starting Items]
Long Sword
is a must for a starting item in order
to clear jungle camp easily. Also
Long Sword
will help [Riven:passive] to deal more damage in early stages.
[Core Build]
With the recent buff for
Black Cleaver
this is a must for
as it gives her more additional physical penetration time to time or as he hit enemy champions, with the item passive it improves the damage output of [Riven:passive].
Death's Dance
physical vamp and damage, also a damage reduction. With this item
can soak up more damage than expected.
Sterak's Gage
gives you a shield when your health is below 30% it is also good for
so she can earn more shield.
[Full Build]
This build is not quite familiar and sometimes no one uses this build. But I am here to explain why this build work a lot than expected.
After having
Sterak's Gage
you must consider to get additional ability haste so you can easily use combo and skills frequently, in order to do that
Trinity Force
is there to save you, this item is one of the item that gives huge amount of ability haste, and not just ability haste but also damage, movement speed and attack speed and not just that but it also gives you additional health stats. Having
Guardian Angel
for last slot gives you resurrection upon death and also suitable for
Guardian Angel
+ [Statis Enchant] combo.
The 2nd Full build is quite interesting because instead of having
Sterak's Gage
for 3rd item you will purchase
Trinity Force
and buy
Mortal Reminder
Well, basically the explanation is this. [Mortal Reminder is best use when you will encounter sustain champions such as [Sett] as frequently used champion and [Mundo] and many more!
With the percentage of physical penetration you can gain you can also reduce thier healing and shielding effects with its passive grievous wound.
Actually there are more builds you can experiment on
such as:
Full Sustain Riven
Don't Go Away Build ( A build that gives Riven high mobility and good sustain and damage)
if you want to check this builds out just comment below and I will update the build and build details. 😍
Riven Runes
Best Runes for Riven

This is the best Rune set up for
Stack damage + Passive = Huge damage output.
Physical penetration + passive = Extreme damags output
As we know
is vulnerable in CC effect even though she have shielding that is why we need to build her
Mercury's Treads
if enemy have too much CC composition and
Hunter Titan
as rune to get more tenacity.
As a jungler this rune is really required, because you are the one who are going to deal damage to major obj. such as Dragons, Baron, Rift heralds and if possible for split-pushing.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Well the combo for this character is not really hard. Well I will try to explain the skills first. The explanation will be brief and understandable so make sure read this.
Runic Blade
Each ability that
will cast will increase her next basic attack.
Skill 1
Broken Wings
This skill can be use 3 times, and each phase of the skill deals damage as AoE.
Skill 2
Ki Burst
Stuns enemy around her.
Skill 3
Riven will dash in a short area and attain shield.
Passive: Increase all ability AoE.
Active: When recasting the ability
will perform a shockwave that deals a huge amount of damage.
This is ONLY tip for Riven. After casting a skill make sure to give a auto attack.
Riven Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Early Game
Early game is the phase of the game where
needs to clear camp and gain access to lvl. 5 to get her ultimate skill
Blade Of The Exile
. In order to access that,
will need to take a full clear jungling rotation starting in Red Buff - Krugs - Raptors - Red Buff Scuttler - Wolf - Blue Buff and lastly Gromp, but if the Blue Buff Scuttler is still available and can be contested then you can also get that. After clearing this camp you can go gank or return home to purchase some equipments and return to farming until the dragon and herald will spawn.
In Early Game stages, don't engage to much as
needs to get her item to be more effective in late game. Don't ☠️ Die
In this stage to try to get more gold and vision in order to help your team for ℹ️ information

Mid Game to Late Game
In Mid Game this is the stage where you have 2 or 3 item. Also, you need to think what things you need to do here.
[Join Team Fights]
This is one of the few options you need to consider in mid game. Participating in skirmishes is an option you need to consider because you can give damage to enemy back lines in this stage (if you do well in early game).
[Split Pushing]
Well if you didn't do well in early game and you can see some open lanes (No enemy heroes and open for push) well, you can consider this option as you can provide and widen your vision and slowly winning the lanes and equalizing the game.
[Keep Farming and avoid Skirmishes]
this is the last option, funny yet true. If you cannot really do good and your team is a losing team, just keep safe and farm to get access to your equipment and when you can get your equipment ready then ask your team to turn the tides on!

To truly master a hero, it is not about learning the combos and meta item. But, learning how to manage yourself in a team.
is not hard to learn but it is difficult to master because of her vulnerability for hard CC composition, with this reason you cannot really play her well especially if your team composition do not have tank or imitators to soak damage for you.
is playable in an assassin way. Which means you will really go and initiate skirmishes, but you will going to finish it. That is why I am providing short but effective build you can use in your rank games.
this is really needed in order to win every rank games with
you need to watch where the enemies are and where will they headed in order to perform a gank, a split - push and to farm freely in early game.
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